Subject description for 2024/25
Focus Circumpolar History
Subject description for 2024/25

Focus Circumpolar History

The course offers a more detailed historical view on a relevant topic in circumpolar history.

The course offers a more detailed historical view on a relevant topic in circumpolar history. The aim is to give the student historiographic understanding and insight, and training in the use of history related theory (if applicable), historical methods and historical sources. The course will give the students the opportunity to work independently and critically on a course-related topic with historical literature and sources and to understand different discourses and problems related to them.

Within one of the possible specializations the course deals with the history of the Sami and thus has a general character, but particular emphasis will also be placed on Nordland's Sami history. The course covers both older and more recent Sámi history and the areas that have traditionally been the Sámi's settlement areas. Emphasis is placed on the linguistic, cultural and economic character of the composite Sami society, and the changes this society has undergone from the first hunting and trapping societies up to today's modern nation-state.

Students enrolled in the one-year programme and in the bachelor in history, for whom the course is compulsory, are given priority. Other students, for whom the course is elective, are welcome, too.

After successful participation, the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in knowledge, skills and general competence:


  • The student has a more thorough knowledge of a specific theme within the history of the circumpolar areas.
  • The student knows theories in historical research and is familiar with different methodological approaches, and with the basic principles of historical source criticism.
  • The student is familiar with a wide range of written sources from the historical period in question, and the special problems associated with the main topic of the seminar.


  • The student is able to demonstrate theoretical and methodological skills and the ability to use source material in the relevant topic.
  • The student is able to employ source material in both a critical and constructive way.
  • S/he is able to do so in order to answer historical issues and to link them to historical debates.

General competence

  • The student is able to critically read sources and assess their value in relation to the society they were written in.
  • The student knows different historical and theoretical methods for solving problems and for establish-ing new knowledge.
  • The student has received a systematic training in historically and socially relevant fields of knowledge, thus acquiring knowledge, skills and competence that can also be used outside the study of history.
None other than semester fee and syllabus literature
Compulsory for the one-year programme and bachelor in history. Elective for other students.
Lectures, seminars, oral presentations, writing, project work and assignments. Everything adapted both for campus - and onlinestudents.
Annual evaluations that are included in the university's quality assurance system

Portfolio - four submissions, comprises 100/100 of the grade. Graded A-F

The exam can be answered either in Norwegian or in English.