Subject description for 2023/24
Transparency, Digital Research and Source Criticism
Subject description for 2023/24

Transparency, Digital Research and Source Criticism

Journalism and communication are important building blocks of our democracy, and each bears a special responsibility for the press's right to open and free access to sources, which can shed light on issues of public interest. The subject is based on active research against databases and registers, with publication of news items online. Legislation that regulates the public's right of access forms a significant part of the subject. The same applies to news value, ethics and source critical analysis.
Journalism and communications are important building blocks of our democracy and each bears a special responsibility for the right of the press to open and free access to sources, which can shed light on issues of public interest. However, experience shows how the practice of this responsibility may differ for the two professions. This is a contradiction the course will exploit and allow to be a dynamic force for mutual insight and understanding of the importance of transparent freedom of access to information. The course is based on active research through databases and registers on the publication of news items online. The legislation that regulates the public's right of access constitutes a significant portion of the course. The same applies to the news value, ethics and source-critical analysis.
Must be admitted to the Master's program in journalism and communication
JOU5001 og JOU5002



  • have knowledge of the Freedom of Information Act and the Environmental Information Act.
  • have knowledge of public registers and databases.
  • have knowledge of various research techniques.
  • have knowledge of ethics and source criticism.



  • can produce news for publication online.
  • can identify, assess and prioritise what has public information value.
  • can produce and organise a lot of research material and quality assure this material.
  • can carry out ethical and source-critical analysis.
  • can use visual and graphical presentation methods.

General qualifications


  • shall understand the role of journalism and communications in an open society.
  • shall understand the necessity of insight and transparency in a modern society.
  • shall be able to define issues and plan research and documentation.
  • shall be able to quality assure and review their own research and the research of others in a source-critical manner.
  • shall be able to collect and handle large amounts of data, and convey complex correlations in an easy to understand and truthful manner.
  • shall have analysis skills and source-critical expertise.
  • shall be able to work independently with practical and theoretical problem solving and analysis work.
  • master the technical study tools that are required for online learning.
In addition to the expenses for the reading list literature, equipment and travel and accommodation in connection with gatherings, the students must themselves cover any travel expenses in connection with projects.
The course provides for various learning activities and teaching methods (face-to-face at gatherings and online): Lectures and seminars/webinars, self-study, instruction in real time and as video recordings, work with theoretical and practical papers individually and in groups, partly for presentation to fellow students and partly for publication in the programme’s online newspaper and on social media.
The programme of study is evaluated annually by the students through course surveys (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). The evaluations are part of the university's quality assurance system.

Compulsory participation (OD): Participation in meetings in this subject is compulsory. Assessment expression: Approved/Not approved. Counts 0/100 of the grade. Must be completed before preparation for the exam/assessment in the subject.

3 assesment taskts (AK): The students must deliver three practical works. Assessment term: Approved / not approved. Counts 0/100 of the grade. Must be completed before home exam starts.

Home exam (HJ/H) - individual - over five days. Grade: A-F. Counts 100/100 of the grade.