Subject description for 2023/24
Methods, Subjects and Research
Subject description for 2023/24

Methods, Subjects and Research

In this subject, the students will learn both scientific and professional methods. Being able to systematize and critically analyze relevant information has become an increasingly important part of both journalism and communication work. Students must know the various analytical work tools in the subjects, and be able to apply them in studies of their own and others' media work. In this subject, students should also be able to understand how technology, language and the use of different sources have an impact on media content and form. Emphasis will therefore be placed on text and discourse analysis and other relevant analysis and measurement tools.
In this course, the students will learn about both scientific and professional methods. Being able to systematise and critically analyse relevant information has become an increasingly more important part of both journalism and communications. The students should be familiar with the various analytical tools in the field and be able to use them in studies of their own media work and the media work of others. In this course, the students will also be able to understand how technology, language and the use of different sources affect the content and form of the media. Therefore emphasis will be placed on source-critical analysis, text and discourse analysis and other relevant analysis and measuring tools in the course.
Must be admitted to the Master's program in journalism and communication work.
JOU5001 and JOU5002



  • have in-depth knowledge of scientific and professional methods in the fields of journalism and communications.
  • have specialised insight into how technology, languages and sources affect their own media texts and the media texts of others.



  • can relate critically to scientific and professional methods in the fields of journalism and communications.
  • can communicate about professional issues relating to the fields of journalism and communications.
  • can process information in a source-critical manner
  • can use various dissemination, measurement and analysis tools.

General qualifications:


  • can use relevant scientific and professional methods to analyse their own media texts and the media texts of others.
  • can analyse and reflect on research and professional ethics issues in the files of journalism and communications.
  • master the technical study tools that are required for online learning.
No expenses beyond the semester fee, reading list literature and travel and accommodation in connection with gatherings.
The course provides for various learning activities and teaching methods (face-to-face at gatherings and online): Lectures and seminars/webinars, self-study, instruction in real time and as video recordings, work with theoretical and practical papers individually and in groups, partly for presentation to fellow students and partly for publication in the programme’s online newspaper and on social media.
The programme of study is evaluated annually by the students through course surveys (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). The evaluations are part of the university's quality assurance system
  • Compulsory participation (-/OD): Participation in teaching on campus in this subject is compulsory. Assessment expression: Approved/Not approved. Counts 0/100 of the grade. Must be completed before preparation for the exam/assessment in the subject.
  • Written assignment - individual. Rating expression: A-F. Counts 100/100 of the grade.
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