Current active course description (last updated 2025/26)
Practice Year 3, 1-7
Current active course description (last updated 2025/26)

Practice Year 3, 1-7

In the third year of study, the student will complete 15 days teaching practice in the autumn semester at the lower primary level. Students shall also complete a teaching practice seminar in the spring semester. In addition to the guided teaching practice, various types of non-supervised practice related to the teaching subjects may be required. These are described in the course and semester plans for the individual teaching subjects. Examples of such teaching practice are observations, data collection, "sole-responsibility" days and trials in the school.

In the third year of study, the student shall observe, plan, implement and evaluate teaching in collaboration with fellow students under the guidance of teaching practice supervisors and tutors. The student will increasingly independent responsibility for teaching. Teaching practice shall be supervised, varied and assessed, and demonstrate the students' development and acquisition of skills and knowledge within the relevant school subjects, as well as their preparation for the teaching profession.

In the third year of study, the students shall conduct a limited research and development assignment in cooperation with the practice field. This shall be a research-based, written assignment about the student's own research question, related to teaching practice or some other aspect of the school, with a focus on central professional, didactic and/or pedagogical challenges facing the school.

The main theme for teaching practice in the third year is the teacher's organization of learning of school subjects. This deals with, among other things:

* Learning and collaboration both within and beyond the organization

* Change and development work at school

Passed teaching practice in Year 2.

The formulations of learning outcomes for teaching practice must be seen in the context of the formulations of learning outcomes in the subjects in the teacher education program. The programme shall ensure the provision of both content and progression in teaching practice studies. Upon completion of the third year of the programme, the candidate shall have achieved the following learning outcomes:


The candidate

  • has knowledge about learning processes, organization of teaching, methods of working and assessment that promote good and inclusive classroom and learning environments
  • has knowledge about pupils' baselines and development as a starting point for adapted education
  • has knowledge about methods related to research and development work in the school
  • has knowledge about practical, professional and educational challenges in the school, which is developed through work on the research assignment and the team that deals with the assignment


The candidate:

  • can plan, implement and evaluate teaching on the basis of national and local plans
  • can guide good learning processes based on different working methods and goals for teaching
  • can reflect upon and evaluate, select and use different mapping tools and evaluate pupils on the basis of their individual scores
  • can conduct training that promotes students' digital competency
  • can critically analyse relevant research work related to school and teaching
  • can initiate, plan, implement and evaluate the task of development and change in the school
  • can apply knowledge of scientific theory and research methodology in the design of the research project and can write in an academic style


The candidate:

  • can apply their knowledge and skills to conduct professional teaching assignments for all pupils
  • has insight into pupils' acquisition of basic skills and competencies
  • can critically evaluate their own and others' practice on the basis of theory and research
  • can engage in professional and educational research issues and can argue for and take the initiative for starting and evaluating various tasks for change and development in association with educational questions
  • can relate to ethical issues within research
Some costs must be anticipated in connection with travel to and from teaching practice. Nord University may cover some expenses in accordance with applicable decisions. Semester registration fees apply.

Students are required to comply with the guidelines set out in "The Teaching Practice Guide (Praksishåndboka)" and become familiar with the applicable requirements and expectations. This will include, among other things:

  • Partnership meetings
  • A reflection seminar
  • Students' evaluation of the teaching practice periods
  • Attendance
  • Routines if there are doubts about passing teaching practice
Evaluation using mid-term and final surveys. Students are also encouraged to participate in the central quality surveys.

The teaching practice is assessed on a pass/fail basis.

In order to pass the practicum, the student - after a comprehensive assessment - must have attained the learning outcomes of the practicum, maintained 100% attendance, and completed, with an "Approved" grade, all of the assignments specified in the competency guidelines ("Kompetanseguide"). Absences or assignments missing approval will automatically result in failure. Students who fail the practicum must undertake an entirely new practicum.

New/re-scheduled examination:

According to the "Regulations governing studies and examinations at Nord University", students have the right to two attempts at the examination in teaching practice. In the event that the student fails to pass the first attempt, the student must wait until the next time the same practice period is conducted in order to take the re-scheduled examination. The student must apply in writing at the start of the applicable semester in order to undertake a new teaching practice. The re-scheduled teaching practice will be carried out according to the same guidelines as ordinary teaching practice. The student will receive a written notification if they do not pass.