Subject description for 2024/25
Programming Online Apps
Subject description for 2024/25

Programming Online Apps

This subject addresses how simple online games and applications are programmed.

This subject addresses how simple online games and applications are programmed. This subject teaches the basics of networking, internet technologies and multiplayer fundamentals. Different programming environments and technologies are covered. The subject also gives experience in working with project management in small teams.

Students get a basic training in programming online applications for multiple platforms using object oriented programming, different programming tools, techniques and frameworks The subject focuses on limitations and possibilities the different paradigm, tools, and frameworks impose on the developer.

Reserved for students on the bachelor program Games and entertainment technology
SPO1110 Programming fundamentals

The candidate …


  • Knows the fundamentals of networking and internet protocols.
  • Know the limitations and challenges in developing online video games
  • Know fundamental differences, advantages and disadvantages between the different multiplayer paradigms and architectures
  • Know programming tools and online services used for video game development for multiple platforms
  • Know monetizing models and technologies for video games on multiple platforms
  • Know techniques for optimization of network traffic at mobile software


  • Can design and develop simple net-based software for mobile platforms
  • Can create client-server applications using a server-authoritative architecture
  • Can use high-level multiplayer framework technologies to create multiplayer games
  • Can assess the usability and feasibility of different approaches for app development

General competence

  • Has competence to use net-based technologies for app development on multiple platforms
  • Has an understanding of which factors matters for data traffic in wireless and mobile networks
  • Has an understanding on different multiplayer-related game services
No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.
Lectures, group and individual tasks
Evaluation using mid-term and final surveys. Students are also encouraged to participate in the central quality surveys.

Teaching activity

Work Requirements - 5 assignments, approved / not approved

Mandatory attendance - attendance (80%) approved / not approved


Individual take home task