Adapted Education

See study programme

Autumn 2024 (1. semester)

Special Education - Bodø og Levanger
0 sp
Vocational Didactics - Bodø
0 sp

Spring 2025 (2. semester)

Special Education - Bodø og Levanger
0 sp
Vocational Didactics - Bodø
0 sp

Autumn 2025 (3. semester)

Special Education - Bodø og Levanger
0 sp
Vocational Didactics - Bodø
0 sp
Pedagogical activities represent many professional challenges at kindergarten teacher/teacher, middle manager and manager levels. The Master in Adapted Education is a skills-development offer aimed at these professional groups.
Adapted Education is a common principle running throughout primary, lower and upper secondary education. The principle obligates all teachers to adapt education to individual pupils and to groups of pupils.
At the same time, there are few provisions stipulating how teaching should be adapted.
The programme of study focuses on key elements in the principle regarding adapted education, as laid down in the National Curriculum for Knowledge Promotion in Primary and Secondary Education and Training (LK-20), including the new Core Curriculum (Government, 2017). The principle is also laid down in Sections 1-3 of the Education Act, where it is stated that: “Education must be adapted to the abilities and prerequisites of the individual pupil, apprentice and teacher candidate” (The Education Act, 1998).
The master’s programme of study provides insight into what the acquisition of new understanding in the various areas of specialisation entails, and how understanding and insight can be developed collectively in different fields of knowledge in kindergartens and schools. 
The master’s programme of study aims to develop professional awareness and a research-based approach to the teaching profession by developing scientific methods of working and thinking in students. The Master’s in Adapted Education conforms to the University’s strategy in that the university will be a knowledge provider for society, both regionally and nationally. Kindergarten and school are areas where expertise is in demand, not least updated expertise. This is due to the fact that the teaching profession is constantly evolving.
The programme of study includes master’s degree specialisation relevant to adapted education work, and will help institutions meet competency requirements for teachers in kindergartens and primary and lower secondary education.Students may apply to include elective study courses or subjects studied at other universities or university colleges, if they are master level programmes.

Candidates have:

  • Advanced knowledge about adapted education in kindergartens and schools, at individual and system levels.
  • Specialised insight into a delimited subject area related to improving learning environments and learning outcomes in kindergartens and schools.
  • In-depth knowledge about the national and international scientific foundation of the subject area, as well as the ability to analyse academic issues in schools based on this.
  • The ability to apply knowledge by raising relevant issues, critically investigate and discuss these and develop their own professional practices
  • Specialised knowledge about subject areas within the field of adapted education that can contribute to innovation and the development of their own practice, and the practice that takes place in schools/kindergartens.


Candidates can:

  • Plan, implement and reflect on teaching that is based on research, experience-based knowledge and their own research and development work.
  • Use relevant methods, and critically investigate and discuss these through their own research work in an independent manner
  • Critically analyse theory and research from various sources of information, and apply these to structure and formulate academic reasoning.
  • Carry out an independent, delimited research project while under supervision, and in accordance with applicable research ethics norms.

General competence

Candidates can:

  • Analyse relevant academic, professional and research ethics issues.
  • Apply the knowledge and skills learned in new areas pertaining to the subject area of adapted education in kindergartens, schools and other parts of the education sector
  • Disseminate their own research work in accordance with scientific forms of expression.
  • Communicate regarding academic issues, analyses and conclusions within the field of adapted education, both with specialists in the education sector and to the general public.
  • Contribute to innovation and innovative processes in the development of kindergartens and schools.

When applying for admission to the programme of study, applicants should apply for admission to the programme of study with a certain specialisation (master module). Admission requirements vary between specialisation courses (master module). Below is a description of these:
Master’s in Adapted Education with Specialisation in Professiional digital competence: Completed teacher education* with grade C or higher in Pedagogy.
Master’s in Adapted Education with Specialisation in Special Needs Education: Completed teacher education* with grade C or higher in Pedagogy. 
Master’s in Adapted Education with Specialisation in Occupational Didactics: Completed vocational teacher education including 60 credits, 1-year programme in educational theory and practice with grade C or higher.
*General teacher, primary and lower secondary school teacher, pre-school teacher, kindergarten teacher, subject teacher education, bachelor’s degree including 1-year programmes in educational theory and practice or programmes of study that provide similar qualifications.

This master's programme qualifies candidates to apply for admission to doctoral (PhD) programmes, provided their grade average meets the requirements of such programmes.
Parts of this programme may be taken abroad.
No specific costs other than semester registration fee and course literature.

The Norwegian system for grading and assessment using the letter grades A - F, in which A denotes the best/highest grade and F denotes "not passed". Work can also be assessed as "passed", "not passed", "approved" and "not approved".

Refer to applicable legislation, rules and regulations

Master's thesis.
The programme is evaluated via student questionnaire, as well as by the programme director. The evaluations form a part of the University's quality assurance system.