Adaptive Learning (Master)

See study programme

Autumn 2017 (1. semester)

0 sp
Special Education
0 sp
Utviklings- og læringsarbeid
0 sp
0 sp

Spring 2018 (2. semester)

0 sp

Autumn 2018 (3. semester)

Master Thesis
0 sp
0 sp

The programme in adapted learning with further study of pedagogics or didactics, Norwegian, mathematics, RLE, occupational-didactics or special-needs education is an academic study-programme , two or three years in duration, of 120 ECTS credits. It is organised as a group- and web-based full-time or part-time study course which demands active collaboration from candidates working together with other followers of the course, with subject teachers, and in group work. At the start of the course an agreement is made with the individual candidate on the study-plan. The completed course results in a master¿s degree in special education, with advanced study in one of the above-named subject areas.

The programme is theory, action, and method oriented, with a clear academic and research basis. The casework is related to a variety of groups of children, young people and adults in education, wherever special education is of central importance.

A minimum of 80% participation in the classes (meetings) is required.


The candidate should on successful completion of the programme have:

  • A thorough knowledge of the implementation of special-needs education in the education system
  • Good knowledge of special-needs education at the level of the individual and the system
  • Broad pedagogical insight into the education system, where work environments require both academic knowledge and additional practical competence in innovation work
  • Good knowledge of school leadership


The candidate should on successful completion of the programme be able to

  • reflect critically over his/her own depth of knowledge and corresponding breadth in the master¿s course
  • make use of the knowledge by reflecting on and updating research topics at local, regional, and international levels
  • analyse different cultures in the northern area with respect to background and ideology

General Competence

The candidate should be able to make use of his/her abilities to build up his/her own competence

Higher Education Entrance Qualification

Completed Bachelor degree equivalent to a Norwegian Bachelor degree, with an average grade of C or better.

Language requirement View general admission information View specific application deadlines

Further study in general pedagogics/didactics:

Teacher training and, or including, a pedagogical /didactic element of altogether 60 study-points with grading C or better. Students with other different combinations of studies in pedagogics or special-needs pedagogics can also be admitted after individual discernment.

Advanced Norwegian:Teacher-training and, or including, 60 ECTS credits in Norwegian with a grade of C or better.

Advanced Mathematics: Teacher-training and, or including, 60 ECTS credits in Mathematics with a grade of C or better.

Advanced RLE: Teacher-training and, or including, 60 ECTS credits in RLE with a grade of C or better.

Advanced Occupational-didactics: A completed 3-year occupational or professional training (bachelor, cand.mag.,or the equivalent).At least 80 pedagogical study-points (60 ECTS credits+ 20 ECTS credits for a pedagogically-related subject), undertaken during the above or as an addition, with a grade of C or better.

Advanced Special-Needs pedagogics:Teacher-training and, or including, 60 ECTS credits in special needs pedagogics with a grade of C or better.

For all advanced subjects:The university can recognise other documented qualifications which wholly or partly compare with the above lines of education.

Students with different combinations of other documented subject or subject-didactics training can also be accepted based on an individual assessment.

  • opportunities for work in research and education
  • position of lector in school
  • positions in official administration
  • guidance work and leadership positions
  • special-needs personnel in posts in kindergarten/school, pedagogical/psychological posts, counselling, in competence centres and similar, and current institutions
  • personnel in pedagogical undertakings in the training system, where employers require academic schooling and competence in innovation

The study course also gives qualifications for university work, as a further-education lecturer in various departments, for research and development work and similar employment.

A completed Master degree in special-needs education with further study in pedagogics/didactics, Norwegian, mathematics, RLE, occupational didactics,or special needs pedagogics with satisfactory grades is a qualification for entry to doctoral studies.
It is possible for part of this study programme to be taken abroad.
No specific costs other than semester registration fee and course literature.
Descriptions of the various forms of exams and other assessment forms are found in the course descriptions.
Master's thesis.
The programme is evaluated via student questionnaire, as well as by the programme director. The evaluations form a part of the University's quality assurance system.