Animal Science

See study programme

Autumn 2018 (1. semester)

0 sp
10 sp

Spring 2019 (2. semester)

10 sp
10 sp

Autumn 2019 (3. semester)

10 sp

Nord University is the only university in Norway to offer veterinary studies, started in Norway and completed abroad. During all six years of study you will join your classmates from Bodø.
NB: Although all courses are taught in English, you have to be eligible to apply through The Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service. Not for international applicants.

First year of study includes courses as chemistry and biophysics, ecology and biodiversity, aquaculture, zoofysiology, genetics and evolution and biochemistry and cell biology.
The third and last semester at Nord University consists of microbiology, histology and embryology and molecular cell biology.

It is necessary to pass all courses in order to continue the bachelor program at UVMP.

The fourth semester (at UVMP) includes microbiology II, biochemistry, physiology, latin terminology, veterinary ethics, animal husbandry, veterinary anatomy and histology.
The fifth semester include veterinary clinical sciences, animal nutrition, animal hygiene, introduction to veterinary epizootology, introduction to pharmacology, veterinary anatomy and histology.

The sixth and last semester of the bachelor degree include veterinary clinical sciences, preventive veterinary medicine, fish breeding, food safety, biomedical statistics and informatics and bachelor work.

More information in the information article found at the bottom of this site.

Students who complete their bachelor degree in Animal Science, are guaranteed transfer to further studies (3 more years, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) at the EU-accredited veterinary studies at UVMP. Students will obtain a veterinary degree (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) after completing these studies. UVMP is ranked as one of the top 12 veterinary universities in Europe, and is approved and accredited by The European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE). EAEVE evaluates all european veterinary educations, and the accreditation of UVMP is a quality stamp in Europe.

Upon successful completion of the programme Joint Bachelor Degree in Animal Science at UVMP in Kosice, Slovakia, you will receive a diploma, a transcript of records and a diploma supplement from the UVPM in Kosice. The diploma supplement is issued in English and meets European standards.


The candidate:

  • Has a broad knowledge of the structure and physiology of domestic animals.
  • Knows basic principles of the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of the common diseases of domestic animals.
  • Is familiar with research and development work in the field of animal science.
  • Has knowledge of the historical development, traditions and societal relevance of the animal husbandry and veterinary medicine.
  • Knows how to update their own knowledge in the care, health and welfare of domestic animals.


The candidate:

  • Can apply appropriate routine diagnostic methods and tools used in veterinary medicine.
  • Can apply appropriate methods and techniques used in domestic animal husbandry.
  • Can reflect on their own performance and outcomes of events and make changes to their practice under supervision.
  • Can effectively collect and critically analyse different sources of information and appreciate different forms of bias, and use it to solve professional problems.
  • Knows the appropriate tools and techniques to communicate effectively with others with a similar background.

General competence

The candidate:

  • Knows and understands their legal and ethical responsibilities, in relation to the welfare of domestic animals and the public health.
  • Can address and solve professional problems within the field of animal science, both individually and as a member of a team.
  • Can communicate theories and opinions, both orally and in writing, in a manner that promotes the development of good practice.
  • Is familiar with the application of the scientific method in the veterinary medicine.
Higher Education Entrance Qualification Proficiency in English language Proficiency in Norwegian language Please note that this programme only admit students through the Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admissions Service and requires proficiency in Norwegian language.

Special admission requirements in science: Mathematics R1 or S1 + S2 (equivalent to High School AS-level) and Chemistry 1 + 2 (equivalent to High School A-level).

 Frequently asked questions about admission
Upon completion of the Bachelor degree you will have gained fundamental knowledge in biology with specialisation in veterinary science. If you complete the 6-year veterinary study programme you can work as a private veterinarian, for food safety authorities and within the fields of consultancy, reasearch or teaching.
The study programme qualifies for the following studies:
  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at UVMP in Kosice, Slovakia
  • MSc in Biology and Aquaculture at Nord University (additional mathematics and statistics may be necessary).
Since this is a joint degree with UVMP, studying abroad is a compulsory part of the programme. Upon successful completion of the first three semesters at our faculty, you will continue your studies abroad at UVMP in Kosice, Slovakia.
Costs up to NOK1000,- + semester registration fee and course literature at Nord University.
School fees apply at UVMP, Slovakia: The bachelor students are required to pay a tuition fee of 2.750 euro per semester. The last three years of veterinary school (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, semesters 7-12), the fee is 3.750 euro per semester.
Assessment consists of school exams, portfolio assessment, practical and oral examination.
Bachelor thesis.
Students take an active part in the evaluation of the courses in the programme through mid-term and final evaluation. Dialogue meetings are also conducted between students and the programme director every semester.