"Art and culture in health and care"

See study programme

Spring 2022 (1. semester)

The course “Art and culture in health and care” provides knowledge about the ways in which art and culture can promote life skills and wellbeing. It also provides knowledge and competence about the ways in which art and cultural expressions can be used systematically in health and care settings. The study place emphasis on action competency in order to give students the necessary skills to plan and deliver applied arts projects by themselves and in collaboration with external partners.

The study is session-based with three gatherings (a total of 9 days) over one semester.

Academics and professionals from both arts, culture and health subjects are part of the interdisciplinary teaching staff.


  • Correlations and interplay between art, culture and health
  • Different cultural expressions - drama/theater, pictorial expressions, song/music, dance, visual arts and fiction
  • Understanding of concepts such as: Art, culture, health, public health and care
  • Art and culture in health-promoting, preventive and rehabilitative work
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration/interaction between the culture and health sector. Individual and group focus.
  • The role of voluntariness and job prospects in the arts and health field.
  • Ethics and ethical principles in arts and health.
  • Development of applied arts and health Projects.



  • has knowledge about art, culture, health and care and the connection between these in health-promoting, preventive and rehabilitative work
  • has knowledge of how art and cultural activities can be implemented in health- and social work
  • has knowledge about how the different academic environments (health, social work, arts, etc.) can collaborate to make cultural activities, possibly together with the voluntary sector.



  • applies professional knowledge to theoretical questions and practical arts and health projects.
  • reflects on practice
  • collaborates across professional environments within art, culture, health and care
  • plans and implements applied arts and health projects

General competence:


  • is capable of original thinking and innovation so that art and culture can contribute to meet people’s cultural needs as part of holistic care
  • reflects on a variety of ethical issues in art, culture, health and care
Admission is granted on the basis of general university and college admission certification or prior learning and work experience.
«Art and culture in health and care» aims to provide knowledge and action competence that strengthens and expands the competence that the students already has (I.e. nurses, health professionals, social educators, social workers, occupational therapists, cultural school teachers, cultural workers and others).

Dates spring 2021:

  • First session: January 25th – 27th (3 days)
  • Second session: March 1st – 3rd (3 days)
  • Third session: April 12th – 14th (3 days)

Practical group exam: April 29th

Individual home examination: April 29th - May 13th (14 days)

Information about sessions:

Time frame: Classes will run from 09.00 to 15.30. One day during sessions 1 and 2 will last until 17.00.

During the third session students are encouraged to take the initiative to start preparing for the practical exam in their respective groups outside class time.

Information about the exam.

The practical exam takes place during the last day of the fourth session. The exam paper will be handed out during the third session so that students can start working together in groups. The written assignment is an individual take-home examination. Students are given the exam assignment after they have finished the practical exam.

Periods abroad are not applicable for this study.

The study is rooted in recent international research. It may be relevant to use international lecturers as teachers on the course.

No costs beyond the semester fee and syllabus literature.
Assessment is based on compulsory attendance, a practical group exam and an individual home examination.
The study program is evaluated annually by the students through course surveys and by the study program manager. The evaluations are included as part of the university's quality assurance system.