Palliative Treatment and Care 1

See study programme

Autumn 2023 (1. semester)

Palliative care is active treatment, nursing and care for patients with incurable cancerdisease and
short life expectancy. Relief of the patient's physical pain and other troublesome symptoms is
central, along with measures aimed at mental, social and spiritual / existential problems. The
goal of all treatment, care and nursing is the best possible quality of life for the patient and the
relatives. Palliative care does not accelerate death or prolong the death process itself, but
views death as part of life.


  • Has advanced knowledge of the concept of basic palliative care and the
    palliative patient
  • Has advanced knowledge of palliative care and hospice philosophy
  • Has advanced knowledge and understanding of the patient and their relatives, and how it can be
    experienced to live with a seriously incurable cancerdisease
  • Has advanced knowledge of pain
    physiology and mapping of pain Has advanced knowledge of prevention and relief of the
    disorder through the course of the disease, and at the end of life
  • Has advanced knowledge of the importance of collaboration and interaction between different occupational groups and the different levels of the health service in the palliative work


  • Can apply knowledge about the importance of relational competence and
    communication skills in the practice of palliative care and nursing
  • Can apply knowledge and reflect on ethical problems and dilemmas at the end of life Can search for and apply literature in relevant subject bases, analyze various theories and can follow the principle of
    academic writing

General competence: 

  • Can plan and carry out group assignments, in line with ethical
    requirements, study methodological requirements and requirements for academic writing
  • Can reflect on the patient's existential challenges such as suffering, meaning and hope
Three-year health or social science college or university education. Applicants with other
college or university education can be admitted after individual assessment. 
The study provides competence to work with people who have a serious, incurable cancerdisease
within the municipal and specialist health services.
The study can be included as an in-depth study of the following studies at NORD: Master in
Clinical Nursing.
No costs beyond semester fee and syllabus literature. Students must have their own PC.

Work requirements and individual home examination. The work requirements presuppose
that the students attend the meetings. There are three mandatory work requirements. The
first two work requirements are in groups, and the third is individual submission.

All parts described below must be approved/passed in order to receive a final grade in the course

Samensatt vurdering, karakterregel Bokstavkarakterer

  • Arbeidskrav, gruppe, hospice filosofi -kreft, omsorg og palliativ omsorg i sin alminnelighet, teller 0/100 av karakteren, karakterregel Godkjent/ Ikke godkjent.
  • Arbeidskrav, gruppeoppgave -symptomlindring, teller 0/100 av karakteren, karakterregel Godkjent/ Ikke godkjent.
  • Arbeidskrav, individuell innlevering, teller 0/100 av karakteren, karakterregel Godkjent/ Ikke godkjent.
  • Hjemmeeksamen, individuell, 2 uker, teller 100/100 av karakteren, karakterregel Bokstavkarakterer .
Individual home exam over two weeks
The study programme is evaluated annually by students using course evaluation studies and by the programme director. The evaluations are included in the universitys quality assurance system
Refer to applicable legislation, regulations and related guidelines