Gjeldende emnebeskrivelse (sist oppdatert 2024/25)
Biologisk mangfold III - Vertebrater
Gjeldende emnebeskrivelse (sist oppdatert 2024/25)

Biologisk mangfold III - Vertebrater


The subject deals with the zoology of advanced invertebrates and vertebrates. The course takes a comparative approach to the study of these groups of animals, and the structure and function of their organ systems.

The course reviews and describes the most important vertebrate groups; fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, with emphasis on their form and function, evolution, adaptations and diversity.

The subject also includes evolution and comparative physiology of respiratory, circulatory and osmoregulatory systems; thermoregulation and sense organs; coevolution of hosts and parasites/pathogens.

The lectures are supplemented by practical exercises designed to teach a range of skills which include microscopy, analysis and interpretation of data, dissection (of a fish) and group project work which includes report writing and presentation skills.

Opptak til emnet følger opptakskravet i studieprogrammet bachelor i biologi.
Admission takes place on the basis of general study skills or practical skills according to current rules.

Knowledge The student:

  • has a broad knowledge of evolution and the status of the diversity of advanced invertebrates and vertebrates
  • have knowledge of phylogeny, systematics and characteristic features of the most important groups of organisms
  • knows different theories and methods in research on phylogeny and systematics
  • can update their knowledge in the biology of advanced invertebrates and vertebrates

Skills The student:

  • can apply professional knowledge and scientific results in studies of biodiversity and biological research
  • can assess and refer to academic resources and present this with the help of relevant academic tools and forms of expression
  • can reflect on issues in the biology of advanced invertebrates and vertebrates and make reasoned choices
  • will develop skills for observation, interpretation and recording of biological material
  • kan dissekere et virveldyr og identifisere de indre organene og definere hvordan disse endres med evolusjonær kompleksitet

Generell kompetanse Studenten:

  • kan planlegge og gjennomføre arbeidsoppgaver alene over semesteret og kan formidle problemstillinger muntlig og skriftlig
  • can discuss and exchange knowledge and views with others with a background in biology
Utover semesteravgift og pensumlitteratur forutsettes det at studenten disponerer en bærbar datamaskin. Studenter må også ha egen labfrakk i emner med laboratorieøvelser.
Obligatorisk: Bachelor i biologi
Campusbasert undervisning samt diskusjoner, seminarer og laboratorieøvelser.
Studieprogrammet evalueres årlig av studentene gjennom emneundersøkelser (midtveis - evaluering og slutt - evaluering). Evalueringene inngår som en del av universitetets kvalitets sikringssystem.

Sammensatt vurdering, Karakterregel A-F

  • Oppgave 1, teller 10/100 av karakter, karakterregel A-F
  • Oppgave 2, teller 10/100 av karakter, karakterregel A-F
  • Skriftlig skoleeksamen, 4 timer, teller 80/100 av karakter, karakterregel A-F

Pencil, pen, ruler, simple calculator and bilingual dictionaries.

Generating an answer using ChatGPT or similar artificial intelligence and submitting it wholly or partially as one's own answer is considered cheating.