Gjeldende emnebeskrivelse (sist oppdatert 2023/24)
Science and Ethics in Practice
Gjeldende emnebeskrivelse (sist oppdatert 2023/24)

Science and Ethics in Practice


Course content: Science and Technology and Ecocrisis, Anthropocentrism vs Ecocentrism, Green knowledge - a long revolution, Human needs - alternatives and sustainability, Ethics and climate change, Intergenerational moral obligations, Policies responses and responsible individuals, Species boundaries in a world of diversity, Food - philosophy of agriculture and aquaculture, Interspecies rivalry - animals in wilderness and captivity, Animal's capacities and moral status, Experimenting with animals, Capitalizing on animals - Biotechnology and Biopower, Animal welfare

Four-day block session: week 48, 2017

Søkere på dette kurset bør være registrert som Phd student ved Nord universitet eller andre universiteter/høgskoler i Norge eller utlandet. Den normale påmeldingen til dette kurset slutter 15. september det semesteret/året kurset blir holdt.

On successful completion of the course the student should have the following learning outcomes

The student will:

- be aware of the ecological challenges brought on by industrial and technological advances
- realize the importance of addressing environmental and climate-related issues
- understand moral, social and political responsibilities when tackling challenges facing mankind
- be familiar with sustainability issues related to generating human food
- be mindful of respecting the value of animal life
- be cognizant of the rapid advances in biotechnology which may sometimes lead to unfamiliar ethical issues
- be able to duly recognize animal welfare issues

The student should:

- be able to recognize the issues that threaten the fragile ecosystems
- know how to promote sustainable development in all spheres of human activity
- be capable of making morally and ethically acceptable decisions related to environment, and coexistence of other species
- be able to foresee the advantages of utilizing the advances in science and technology within ethically acceptable boundaries

General competence
The student should:

- be aware of moral and ethical consequences of his or her actions
- be able to reason and reflect in order to make sound decisions that are scientifically and sociologically sound
- have the inspiration and conviction to lead, adhering to morally and ethically acceptable choices

Eigenandel opp til NOK 750 for læremidler og for en middag arrangert i løpet av kurset.
Obligatorisk: Ph.d. i akvatisk biovitenskap
Undervisning, labøvelse, individuelle presentasjoner og tilbakemelding.

Aktiv kursdetagelse, individuell muntlig presentasjon under kurset og en skriftlig rapport. Bestått/ikke bestått. Aktiv deltagelse i kursrelaterte aktiviteter blir evaluert.

Den individuelle muntlige presentasjonen i et valgt tema og rapporten basert på det, som må være innlevert innen to uker etter at kurset er slutt, blir primært brukt til å evaluere kandidaten.
Tett dialog med studentene under forelesninger i Bodø og standard evaluering ved slutten av kurset.
Å generere besvarelse ved hjelp av ChatGPT eller lignende kunstig intelligens og levere den helt eller delvis som egen besvarelse er å regne som fusk.