Gjeldende emnebeskrivelse (sist oppdatert 2023/24)
Sirkulær økonomi
Gjeldende emnebeskrivelse (sist oppdatert 2023/24)

Sirkulær økonomi

The course focuses on clearly defining what circular economy is and how it is understood. The course will review the literature of the field and discuss how the scholars and practitioners think about circular economy.
The course focuses on clearly defining what circular economy is and how it is understood. The course will review the literature of the field and discuss how the scholars and practitioners think about circular economy. We will be focusing on circular economy principles. Also, the course seeks to provide a discussion of the different instruments within circular economy, how material cycles can be created to be more effective, how transition in sustainable and circular way can be implemented in private and public sector, and how different stakeholders can give added value to circular solutions. The course will also use a case-based format and will help students to learn connections between economic, environmental, social and governance issues. The course will use a case-based format, integrate guest lecturers from policy and industry, as well as include visits.
Emnet er kun åpent for studenter i studieprogrammet Master of Science i Global ledelse og i semesterpakken "Business and Governance in the Arctic".

Students completing the course acquire the following:


  • have advanced knowledge about circular economy by exploring the social, managerial, and political challenges of sustainable business;
  • have thorough knowledge of the theoretical underpinnings to understand better integrated social, economic and natural systems, process and structures;
  • can apply knowledge of circular economy principles in the private and public sector in different contexts;
  • can analyze sustainability and circular strategies while discussing different instruments within different industries, e.g., energy industry.


  • can analyze the complex interplay between the economic, social, environmental, and governance issues and challenges of sustainable and circular business;
  • can apply knowledge to manage an organization in a sustainable and circular way independently;
  • can analyze and critically access foundations of circular economy for sustainable development, e.g., in the energy sector.

General competence

  • can analyze opportunities and challenges of circular economy and it significance for private and public sector;
  • can demonstrate their communication skills by providing convincing arguments as circular economy expert;
  • can display their creativity in analyzing and recommending solutions for sustainable and circular development.
Paid semester fee and syllabus literature. It is also required that students have a laptop at their disposal.
Teaching in the classroom, cases, group work and presentaions.
Studieprogrammet evalueres årlig av studentene gjennom emneevalueringer og studieprogramevaluering. Evalueringene inngår som en del av universitetets kvalitetssikringssystem.
  1. A 4-hour individual home examination with the Norwegian grading system (A-F), counting for 100% of the total grade.
  2. Oral presentations in groups (passed/not passed)
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