Emnebeskrivelse for 2017/18
Technical Direction 2
Emnebeskrivelse for 2017/18

Technical Direction 2


In this course, students will further develop their technical skills with the building of their own lighting and rendering scene used for asset look development and presentation. They will learn about shading networks and how to render out their content in passes. Some scripting will be included for quickening repetitive tasks. Finally utilizing their Compositing 1 class experience to combine the passes in a node based compositing software.

By the end of the course. Students will know lighting and rendering techniques for use in any of their CG projects. They will have learned to optimize their workflow for quicker version iteration and better time management. This in turn will give the students consistent quality control.

CG Art 1 and Art 1 or similar

When the students have finished the course they can:


¿Proper placement of quadruped animation joints

¿Rig a quadruped character with IK and FK control setups

¿Write short workflow enhancing scripts


¿Understanding of good Control structure

¿Understanding of quadruped anatomy in regards to joint placements

¿Differentiate between various rig features

¿Able to troubleshoot underlying rig systems

General Competence:

¿Project structure

¿File management (digital)

¿Animation export/import

¿Entry into Python scripting

No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.
Lectures, Lab work on assignments
Students do evaluation on both courses and the hole curriculum.

Med overlapp menes en faglig likhet mellom emner med samme faginnhold. Du vil derfor få følgende reduksjon i studiepoeng om du har tatt emner som er angitt under:

VFX2040 - Technical Direction 2 - 5 credits