Gjeldende emnebeskrivelse (sist oppdatert 2019/20)
Gjeldende emnebeskrivelse (sist oppdatert 2019/20)


This course focus on pre-production for the Short Fiction project with is an cooperation between Film and TV students and 3D art, animation and VFX students. They have to prepare for producing a short fiction movie where they include both displines.

On successful completion of the course, students should be able to:


  • Conceive and pitch story ideas for a short film
  • Write a script, taking it through several drafts
  • Break down the script as to cast, locations, prop needs, etc.
  • Effectively scout and negotiate use of locations
  • Effectively audition talent for casting
  • Effectively create a storyboard of the film
  • Effectively create a production design plan for the film
  • Construct realistic schedules and budgets


  • Understand the pre-production process, including knowledge of writing, casting, locations, scheduling, budget, etc.
  • Understand the importance of all element processes in pre-production
  • Understand how decisions made in pre-production will impact production and post-production.
  • Understand the use of pre-vis techniques to simulate the final product

General competence

  • Create a viable and accomplishable plan from a concept
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses in a plan
  • Mitigate possible negative effects of the weaknesses
  • Make a plan as a group
  • Focus on details in a critical fashion
  • Work in a task-specific way, yet within a larger group or dynamic
No tuition fees. Semester fees and cost of course literature apply.
Lectures and practical exercises.
Students do evaluation on both courses and the hole curriculum.

Med overlapp menes en faglig likhet mellom emner med samme faginnhold. Du vil derfor få følgende reduksjon i studiepoeng om du har tatt emner som er angitt under:

MMT2006 - PreProduction - 15 credits

FTV2104 - PreProduction - 15 credits