Anita Berg
Associate Professor
Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences
Areas of expertise
Social Education, Vocational competence/skills, Social inclusion, Rehabilitation, Psychosocial health, Public health, Municipal health and care services, Research Methods for the Social Sciences, Sociology, Social inequality
I am employed as an associate professor in sociology at the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences at Nord University. Currently, I am the assistant division leader for Social Education and Mental Health, study program advisor at the bachelor program in social education, and head for the research group Equitable community participation and marginalised groups.
Research interest:
Public health work in municipal setting
Social inequality in health
Equitable community participation for marginalized groups
Science of Professions
I am also engaged in educational development work, student active learning, and collaboration between academia and the field of practice.
The role of champions in the implementation of technology in healthcare services: a systematic mixed studies review 2024, BMC Health Services Research: Pettersen, Sissel; Eide, Hilde; Berg, Anita
The role of champions in the implementation of technology in healthcare services: a systematic mixed studies review 2024, BMC Health Services Research: Volum 24 Pettersen, Sissel; Eide, Hilde; Berg, Anita
Tensions between closure of the digital divide and acts of care in residential settings for persons with disabilities. A study of adopting customised information and communication technology 2023, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology: Berg, Anita; Guddingsmo, Hilde; Myren, Gunn Eva Solum
We all care just as much about the child: stakeholders’ experiences of parenting support in a Norwegian school context 2021, International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being: Volum 16 Berg, Anita; Appoh, Lily; Ørjasæter, Kristin Berre
The voices of Young Sexual offenders in Norway: A Qualitative study 2017, Open Journal of Social Sciences: Volum 5 s. 82-95 Sandvik, Marita; Nesset, Merete Berg; Berg, Anita; Søndenaa, Erik
Utforming av lederrollen i SPA arbeid 2023, Berg, Anita
Making customized information and communication technology (ICF) work for persons with disabilities living in residential settings 2023, Berg, Anita; Guddingsmo, Hilde; Myren, Gunn Eva Solum
UHR-HS Sluttnotat styrking av forskningssamarbeid mellom UH- og kommunal sektor 17.12.2021 2021, Berg, Anita; Arntzen, Cathrine; Bentzen, Hege; Hysing, Mari; Tysnes, Ingunn Barmen; Varsi, Cecilie
Understandings of Mental Health Work and Professional Roles in Norwegian Basic Schools 2021, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health: Volum 49 s. 21-22 Appoh, Lily; Ørjasæter, Kristin Berre; Berg, Anita
Understandings of Mental Health Work and Professional Roles in Norwegian Basic Schools 2021, Appoh, Lily; Ørjasæter, Kristin Berre; Berg, Anita
Evaluering: Hva, hvorfor og hvordan? 2020, Berg, Anita
Foreldrestøttende arbeid i Nye Namsos : delrapport 2 : kartlegging 2019, Nord universitet: Berg, Anita; Ørjasæter, Kristin Berre
From polict yo practice? Implementation of welfare tachnology in daily professional prectice in municipality healthcare 2019, Berg, Anita; Myren, Gunn Eva Solum
Foreldrestøttende tiltak 2019, Ørjasæter, Kristin Berre; Berg, Anita
Foreldrestøttende arbeid i Nye Namsos kommune. Delrapport 2: Kartlegging 2019, Nord universitet: Ørjasæter, Kristin Berre; Berg, Anita
Nord vil ikke tilbake til start 2019, Hjulstad, Guri; Bærum, Michelle; Berg, Anita; Olsen, Rose Mari; Lund, Jørn Frode; Aspedahl, Emilie
Bariatric surgery 8 years after surgery 2018, Berg, Anita
Ivaretakelse av brukermedvirkning for personer med utviklingshemming i et forskningsprosjekt 2018, Berg, Anita; Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen
Mat er mer enn bare mat 2015, Namdalsavisa: Berg, Anita
Bistand er ikke en gave. Bokanmeldelse av: Nordlund,I., Thronsen,A. og Linde,S. 2015)."Innføring i vernepleie. Kunnskapsbasert praksis, grunnleggende arbeidsmodell". Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 2015, Fontene: s. 60-60 Berg, Anita; Myren, Gunn Eva Solum; Johnsen Aglen, Eva Helene; Bulling, Ingunn Skjesol; Haugenes, Marit; Henriksen, Stine Marlen
Utvikling av nye fellesmoduler innen sosialarbeiderutdanningene i Midt-Norge og Universitetet i Agder 2015, Universitetet i Agder: Viggen, Kristin; Johansen, Karl Johan; Berg, Anita; Nilsen, Geir Sigmund; Ask, Torunn Alise; Johansen, Oddbjørn
Hybelkokkskolen : undervisningsopplegg for lærere i mat og helse 8.-10. trinn 2014, Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag: Berg, Anita; Hovik, May Elisabeth; Lervik, Lars; Ramberg, May Britt
Kommunikasjon om og med kroppen i 2014 2014, Berg, Anita