Employee photo: Berit Irene Vannebo

Berit Irene Vannebo

Associate Professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Study location
Areas of expertise
Sociology, Qualitative Research Methods
PhD in Sociology, Northwestern University
MA in Sociology, Northwestern University
MA in Sociology, University of Oslo
BA in Sociology, University of Oslo
Research areas
Classical and contemporary sociological theory, organizational theory, social entrepreneurship, welfare services, innovation and public sector reform, research design, qualitative methods.
SOS1001 Classical and Modern Sociological Theory
SOS5000 Social Science Research Design, Methods, and Analysis
SOS9002 Qualitative Researching and Critical Inquiry
Classical and contemporary sociological theory, organizational theory, social entrepreneurship, welfare services, innovation and public sector reform, research design, qualitative methods.
The Concept and Practice of Resistance in Institutional Ethnography 2023, Tørrisplass, Ann-Torill; Vannebo, Berit Irene; Breimo, Janne Paulsen
Walking the talk? Trust reforms in Norwegian Municipalities 2022, Breimo, Janne Paulsen; Vannebo, Berit Irene; Lo, Christian
Kvalitet som masteride i barnehagesektoren i Norge. 2015, Gotvassli, Kjell-Åge; Vannebo, Berit Irene
Quality Reform in the ECEC Sector in Norway 2015, Gotvassli, Kjell-Åge; Vannebo, Berit Irene
Ulikhetsregimer og inkludering i åpne barnehager 2015, Ljunggren, Elin Birgitte; Vannebo, Berit Irene