Employee photo: Odd Jarl Borch

Odd Jarl Borch

Nord University Business School
Study location
Bodø, Hovedbygget, 2017
Areas of expertise
Strategy, Business and industry, Organisation and Management, Entrepreneurship, Security, High North

Odd Jarl Borch is a Professor of Strategy and Business Administration at the Nord University Business School, Bodo, Norway. He received his M.Sc. from The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in Bergen, Norway in 1979, and his PhD from Umea University in Sweden in 1990. He has a Master Mariner education from Bodin Maritime Academy.

Dr. Borch is conducting research within the field of organization and strategic management, focusing on entrepreneurship and innovation within the marine and maritime industries, and within emergency response services. He has been leading several projects on maritime safety, security and emergency preparedness. Dr. Borch is the author of more than 150 scientific publications, and has served at several government committees within industry development, safety and preparedness, including the Norwegian government total preparedness commission..

He was the founder and first leader of the University of the Arctic thematic network on Arctic Safety and Security including 21 universities and research institutions in nine countries. He has represented the UArctic as head of delegation of observers within the Arctic Council special committee on Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response (EPPR) and Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME).

He has established NORDLAB - Nord university crisis management laboratory.

Teaching Areas:

Crisis management and emergency preparedness

Total defense

Ship operation and management

Innovation and entrepreneurship

Business Strategy

Organization theory

Industry and Regional Development

Project management and publications

In total 170 publications and project management of approx 40 research projects.

Landbrukssamvirket 1999, Borch, Odd Jarl; Stræte, Egil Petter
Hybride trusler, konspirasjonsteorier og falske nyheter, 2021, Ellingsen, Tanja; Borch, Odd Jarl; Karlsson, Ørjan Nordhus
Computer-assisted management training for professionals in High Arctic SAR -operations. 2021, Sætren, Gunhild Birgitte; Stenhammer, Hege Christin; Andreassen, Natalia; Borch, Odd Jarl
Adventure-based cruise tourism and emergency response -training for increased polar-water emergency management competence 2021, Sætren, Gunhild Birgitte; Stenhammer, Hege Christin; Andreassen, Natalia; Borch, Odd Jarl
Emergency preparedness in the Barents Sea 2017, Selvik, Ørjan; Fjørtoft, Kay Endre; Berg, Tor Einar; Borch, Odd Jarl; Schmied, Johannes
Safe Operations in the Arctic - The Polar Code and the need for vessel capacities and competence in SAR emergencies 2016, Schmied, Johannes; Berg, Tor Einar; Borch, Odd Jarl; Fjørtoft, Kay Endre; Kazakov, Andrey; Parsons, James
Sarinor WP7 Rapport -Behov for trening, øving og annen kompetanseutvikling innenfor søk- og redning i nordområdene 2016, Borch, Odd Jarl; Roud, Ensieh Kheiri Pileh; Schmied, Johannes; Berg, Tor Einar; Fjørtoft, Kay Endre; Selvik, Ørjan
Opening statement 2016, Borch, Odd Jarl
Maritime activity in the High North - current and estimated level up to 2025. MARPART Project report 1 2016, Borch, Odd Jarl; Andreassen, Natalia; Marchenko, Nataliya; Ingimundarson, Valur; Gunnarsdóttir, Halla; Iudin, Iurii
Maritime Activity and Risk Patterns in The High North. MARPART Project Report 2 2016, Borch, Odd Jarl; Andreassen, Natalia; Marchenko, Nataliya; Ingimundarson, Valur; Gunnarsdóttir, Halla; Jakobsen, Uffe
Partner Selection for Innovation Projects 2014, Borch, Odd Jarl; Solesvik, Marina
Dynamic Capabilities – Conceptualization and Operationalization 2008, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Borch, Odd Jarl; Ljunggren, Elisabet; Madsen, Einar Lier
Torskeoppdrett på tur opp? 2007, Norsk Fiskeoppdrett: Borch, Odd Jarl; Dreyer, Bent; Ottesen, Geir Grundvåg; Roaldsen, Ingrid H.E.
Økologisk torskeoppdrett - nye markedsmuligheter 2007, Fisk - Industri og Marked: Borch, Odd Jarl; Dreyer, Bent; Ottesen, Geir Grundvåg; Roaldsen, Ingrid H.E.
The dynamic capability concept and its operationalization 2007, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Borch, Odd Jarl; Ljunggren, Elisabet; Madsen, Einar Lier
Entrepreneurial orientation and performance on Norwegian farms 2007, Grande, Jorunn; Madsen, Einar Lier; Borch, Odd Jarl
Community entrepreneurship- the entrepreneurial process and resource acquisition 2007, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Borch, Odd Jarl; Førde, Anniken; Rønning, Lars; Vestrum, Ingebjørg