The committee is appointed by the rector and is an advisory body for the university's management on all issues regarding equality, diversity, and inclusion. The committee will be a resource in the work to promote equality, diversity, and inclusion in a good and comprehensive way in the institution.
The aim of the committee is to promote real equality at Nord University, regardless of gender, ethnicity, functional ability, religion, system of beliefs, age, sexual orientation or other factors that may lead to discrimination or unequal treatment.
Function and tasks
The committee
- will develop a plan of action for equality, diversity, and inclusion and make sure the plan is followed.
- will submit an annual report to the university management.
- can ask the faculties to report within defined areas.
- can initiate seminars, lectures, and more, and process and provide input on issues on their own initiative.
The committee has six members.
- two representatives for the employees appointed by the elected representatives and with a four-year term of office.
- two representatives for the employer, appointed by the rector, and with a four-year term of office.
- two representatives for the students, appointed by the student organisation and with a one-year term of office.
A personal substitute for each of the members will be appointed. Both the members and the substitutes may be reappointed after the original term of office has passed.
The committee chooses its own leader among the representatives for employees or the representatives for the employer. The leader will, as a general rule, sit for a minimum of two years, but no longer than four in total.
The HR department is the secretariat for the committee.
Remuneration for the students
The students are hourly remunerated for the meeting time and preparation.
The students are remunerated for each hour of the meeting and are also given two hours of preparation time according to the current rates.
The committee consists of two representatives for the employees, two for the students, and two for the employer. The representatives for the employees and the employer have their own personal substitute, while the substitute for the student representatives is organised in the form of a prioritised list with substitute members.
The representatives for the employees and the employer have a term of office of four years, while the student representatives have a term of office of one year. The term of office is the same for the members' substitutes.
Name Department/faculty Function Represents Yan Zhao Professor, FSV Member Employer Ketil Eiane Prorector, Research and development Member Employer Guro Skjetne Advisor, FSH Chair Employees Elena Dybtsyna Associate professor, HHN Member Employees Mia Marhaug Grønvold Student Member Students Gard Grinde Student Member Students Substitutes:
Name Department/faculty Substite for Gøril Ursin Dean, FSH Yan Zhao Levi Gårseth-Nesbakk Prorector, Education Ketil Eiane Torill Beate Risøy Senior Advisor, FLU Guro Skjetne Kai-Martin Johnsen Advisor, Faculty of Education and Arts Elena Dybtsyna Hanna Mary Pettersen Student Mia Marhaug Grønvold Hanna Mary Pettersen Student Gard Grinde The HR department is the secretariat. Contact person: Synne Lind