The Education Committee

The Education Committee is an advisory and executive body for the university management in matters of study programmes and education.

The Education Committee of Nord University consists of 11 members. It is led by the Pro-Rector for Education. All members are appointed with personal substitutes. A Deputy Committee Leader shall be elected among the representatives of the members of staff.

Employees (5) are represented by the Vice Dean of each faculty.

The students (5) are elected by the student organisations at Nord University. The student leaders may attend as observers if they are not elected committee members.

The Director of Academic Affairs, representatives from the University Library and the International Office as well as the secretaries of the faculties’ education sub-committees are observers of the committee.​

The chair of the committee is Levi Gårseth-Nesbakk.

    • The Education Committee is an advisory body for the university’s management in all matters pertaining to education and study quality, and ensures that the study quality is maintained and developed further in an adequate and comprehensive manner at the institution.

    • The Education Committee determines and executes initiatives pertaining to study quality within the university’s areas of priority and frameworks provided by the Board/Rector through budget allocations.

    • The Education Committee shall advise the Rector in matters pertaining to approval of study programmes for new degrees exceeding 30 ECTS credits.

    • The Education Programme shall ensure that quality enhancement initiatives and the quality assurance system is monitored and developed further in a comprehensive and sustainable manner.

    • The Education Committee produces an annual report about study quality initiatives for submission to the University Board ("The Study Quality Report").

    • The Education Commission constitutes a quorum when more than half of its members are present and voting. This number includes substitutes should the permanent members be unable to attend.​