Academic writing
Academic writing is an important part of your studies, no matter what subject you study. Here you will find information and useful links to resources that you can use while writing your assignment.
“Assignment A” - a resource about academic writing
Assignment A is a resource that you can use from the time you receive an assignment until it is ready for submission. The purpose of Assignment A is to:
- Give you information about the different parts of the writing process
- Discuss the key parts of academic writing
- Reflect on questions and common issues that arise during the writing process
Important! To find Assignment A through the link below you have to be logged into Canvas. You can also find Assignment A in the "Help"-menu located to the left in Canvas.
The podcast about academic writing
In this podcast, you can learn about academic writing and techniques for how to succeed as a student in Norway. The podcast is available for everyone.
Other resources about academic writing
Several University Libraries have developed good resources about academic writing in English. Here is a selection of useful resources: VIKO from NTNU, Search & Write from HVL, UiO, UiB and NB, and iKomp from UiT.
Published master and PhD theses
Many students find inspiration by browsing and reading the papers of former students.
In the Nord University institutional archive Nord Open you can find former students' master- and Ph.D.-thesis, in addition to bachelor's theses from before 2016.
Student papers from other institutions can be found here:
What is academic writing?
There are different requirements and expectations for academic assignments in the various subject areas, but there are commonalities for all academic writing.
We can also talk about academic writing on several levels. Everything from minor assignments to more comprehensive texts such a bachelor's or master's thesis, as well as academic texts written by academic staff at colleges and universities.
We can summarize some common features of academic writing across disciplines and study levels.
Academic writing is characterised by the fact that you should:
- Examine and discuss an academic question or problem statement
- Think critically and analytically
- Argue for and justify claims
- Show a good academic judgement and reflection
- Use relevant scientific literature actively and independently
- Follow formal requirements for layout, structure and reference technique
Why is academic writing important?
Academic writing is an important and necessary skill for you as a student. You use it to document your academic knowledge throughout your studies.
The texts you write will often be decisive for which grades you will get on your diploma. Academic writing is what you are primarily judged on as a student.
Academic writing is also an important professional competence. You are better equipped to meet the increased demands of writing skills in your professional life if you have experience with writing different types of texts during your education.
Mastering academic writing is also important for participating in a democratic, modern society. Academic writing trains you in thinking critically, reflecting, and justifying assertions properly.