University Library Vesterålen

The Vesterålen branch of the University Library is located on the ground floor of Hurtigrutens Hus, in the centre of Stokmarknes.

Opening hours​

University Library opening hours

​Borrowing outside hours of attendance

Borrowing is based on self-service so that students and staff can borrow from the collection and return books without a librarian present.

The search terminals are also available so users can search for items in the library catalogue and find these in the library.

Users register items at the self-checkout terminal prior to exiting the library. Remember that you always have to have your student card with you to be able to borrow books.​


Search courses are usually arranged by the course coordinator. If you need help to find books and electronic material, contact a librarian.​

Contact information

Tel: +47 75 51 73 56

Visiting address
Hurtigrutens Hus in Markedsgata, Stokmarknes

Postal address
Nord University
University Library Vesterålen
Postboks 349
8455 Stokmarknes

Contact person