Subject description for 2024/25
Innovation in services
Subject description for 2024/25

Innovation in services


To an increasing extent, organizations in both the private and public sectors are confronted with expectations of being innovative, being open for changes and being creative. In the private sector the discourse is closely connected to competitive advantages and expectations linked to this. In the public sector these expectations are also observed through reform elements and governance and management elements. In both private and public sector concepts such as "lean", "co-creation", "innovation leadership", and "social entrepreneurship" is frequently used. However, one might question what is the content of these concepts or discourses? And what are the drivers behind such expectations for innovations? In the public sector, several scholars point to increased complexity and resource scarcity also impact expectations of innovation. Moreover, these expectations for innovation can also be founded in organizational factors, both internally and externally. For instance, organizations or leaders might want to be perceived as proactive and resourceful to their surroundings.

The main aim of this course is to reflect on the expectations of innovation in the public and private sectors, how such expectations show in work life settings, and how potentials, challenges and problems are related to different types of innovations. Additionally, the course introduces concepts and provide knowledge about how organizational characteristics might influence the capacity to be creative and innovative.

Applicants must either fulfill one of the following criteria in order to qualify for admission to the course:

have a Bachelor degree of 3 years' duration (180 ECTS), equivalent to a Norwegian Bachelor degree, with an average grade of C, and a minimum of 2 years of relevant work experience.


  • Upon successful completion of the course the student should be able to document knowledge in important issues and approaches in studying innovations.


  • To be able to critically reflect on the possibilities, problems and challenges pertaining to the implementation of innovation in the public and private sector.

General competence

  • To be able to apply one's knowledge and skills acquired from the innovation litterature, and be better prepared for dealing with practical challenges of participating in innovative processes.
No costs apart from the semester registration fee and course literature.
Elective course for Master in Human Resource Management and Master in Social Analysis.
The course is campus-based, and includes a combination of lectures, collaborative work in groups, reading and discussing the course literature and (exam) seminars. We seek to involve students in their own learning process, and strive to invite a leader from a selected case organization to the University, giving a talk on their organization and work life. The students are free to select topic for their exam paper, within the subject of innovation in services.
Annual evaluations which are included in the university's quality assurance system
The examination consists of one assignment, an essay. The students choose the topic and the research question with in the broad theme ‘innovation in services’. There will be given academic supervision on the assignment during the week with session-based teaching. The exam can be written either in Norwegian or English.
Pencil, pen, ruler, simple calculator and Dictionary.