Subject description for 2024/25
Professional development and innovation
Subject description for 2024/25

Professional development and innovation


The subject focuses on the terms professional development and innovation, what they mean in relation to language, action and relationships. The students have their own doctoral project as a starting point. The purpose is to investigate and identify the innovation potential, and how professional development can be planned, studied and evaluated in a complex and technology-dense context. Relevant and appropriate theories, research methods and design models can be used.

The basis for elucidating the problem area is through an active dialogue and collaboration between researchers and professionals. Data collected in collaboration with professional practitioners is the starting point for developing the student's project outline in the course. The subject illuminates how professional development and innovation can contribute to development, change and improvement in practice. Driving forces and barriers to professional development and innovation are discussed.

Admission requirements are normally a scientific master degree by 120 credits. Students with admission to PhD in Sciencwe of Professions will be prioritezed. Admission to the course can also be given til students with admissio to other PhD programmes.


The candidate

  • Is at the forefront of knowledge within his area of expertise and masters selected theoretical perspectives as a starting point for various academic and/or artistic innovation and development projects.
  • Can assess the appropriateness and application of selected approaches, methods and processes for innovation and professional development within their own subject area.
  • Can contribute to the development of new knowledge, new methods and forms of documentation within their own subject area.


The candidate

  • can challenge established knowledge within the subject area and formulate issues in order to plan academic and/or artistic innovation and development projects in collaboration with key players in practice.
  • Can plan and carry out data collection for own innovation and development project in collaboration with key actors in practice.
  • Can identify, critically assess and discuss driving forces and barriers to innovation and professional development within their own subject area.

General competence

The candidate

  • Can assess the need for, initiate and manage innovation and professional development within their own specialist area.
  • Can identify and assess relevant research ethics issues in own and others' innovation and development projects.
  • Can communicate the innovative aspects of their own academic and/or artistic development project both in writing and orally.
  • Can reflect and critically-constructively assess the feasibility and appropriateness of own and others' innovation and development projects.
No semester fee for doctoral students. In addition to costs for curriculum literature, it is assumed that the student has a laptop computer at his/her disposal.
Elective, theoretical course, for PhD-students

Teaching takes place through meetings on campus and digitally via ZOOM.

The teaching is organized in two sessions, two-day session I and II, with compulsory participation (OD), 80%, and an oral exam (MU) in a group, one day. An approved project outline (AK) is required in order to sit for the oral exam. The project outline includes dialogue with actors in practice to plan the project, and implementation and assessment based on the given structure. The project is based on the individual doctoral project and is assessed in the light of relevant research and theoretical starting points or theoretical perspective. The project outline (AK) must be 1000-1500 words. The project outline is assessed as approved/not approved.

Session 1: Two days of physical assembly at Campus Bodø containing introductory and resource lectures, as well as group reflections. The students are introduced to a structure for the project outline which they will present at meeting 2 in March.

Session 2: Two days of digital reflection seminars. The students present the project outline they have worked on, based on dialogue with actors in practice, and which they have reflected on based on theoretical starting points and chosen methods. Fellow students participate actively by critically assessing and giving constructive feedback by asking questions and inspiring further development of the plan.

There is a requirement for an approved project outline and 80% compulsory participation in sessions I and II in order to sit for the oral exam.

The number of participants is max. 15.

Teaching takes place in Norwegian/Scandinavian. If there is a student in the group who does not know Norwegian/Scandinavian language, the language of instruction is English.

The course is evaluated annually by the students through course surveys. These evaluations are part of the University’s quality assurance system

OD - Compulsory attendance (OD) - 80%, in session I and II.

AK - Project outline (AK) - approved / not approved.

There is a requirement for an approved project outline (AK) and 80% compulsory participation (OD) in sessions I and II in order to sit for the oral exam.

MU - Oral exam: One day of oral exam (MU) in a group digitally via ZOOM.

  • The student can choose between:

    • Power Point presentation with oral presentation, 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for questions and comments from other course participants and examiners, or
    • Poster presentation with oral presentation, 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes of questions and comments from other course participants and examiners.
  • Passed/failed. Counts 100/100 of the exam grade. Internal and external censorship.
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