Current active subject description (last updated 2024/25)
Current active subject description (last updated 2024/25)


The course provides an introduction to legal method, and a selection of private law topics and issues. The course also includes an introduction to the general legal framework for business conduct, and the rules of law which are of particular importance for organising such activities.

Upon successful completion of this course the student should be able to:

  • demonstrate knowledge of legal theory and methods.
  • demonstrate knowledge of the areas of law relevant to the auditor and accountants' work, including rules on contract formation, interpretation and invalidity, key parts of the rules on organising economic activities and representation in companies, and establishing and securing monetary claims.
  • discuss practical implications and explain the content of the rules on contract formation, contract interpretation and invalidity, establishment of economic activities and representation in companies, and the formation and securing of monetary claims.
  • discuss practical implications related to key regulations applicable on purchase and breach of contract.
  • discuss practical implications of key regulations concerning how companies relate to the public authorities.
  • discuss practical implications of key regulations regarding payment and obsolescence of monetary claims.
  • acquire new knowledge in the above areas of law, and the other areas of law relevant to accounting and auditing work.
  • convey key subject matter using the appropriate forms of presentation, exchange views and experiences with other professionals and help develop good practice.
  • reflect on the social relevance of the course, and identify and reflect on potential ethical challenges within the relevant areas of the law.
Paid semester fee and syllabus literature. It is also required that students have a laptop at their disposal.
The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies. These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system.