Current active subject description (last updated 2023/24)
Sociology of Work
Current active subject description (last updated 2023/24)

Sociology of Work

The course addresses key aspects of work, modern aspects of work, the labor market and unemployment. The course focuses on what work is and focus on work in a historical perspective. Work is seen in both a global and local context. Both classical and modern theory to understand different aspects of the work are reviewed. The course further addresses the relationship between work and technology, gender, family, health, absence and presence. Labor migration, immigration, race, ethnicity and welfare are highlighted. Other topics that are addressed are theories about the labor market and unemployment, the consequences of unemployment and coping with unemployment.
None - the course can be taken as a single course.

After the student has completed the course, it is expected that the student will have acquired the following knowledge, skills and general competence:


  • has basic knowledge of key topics, issues, concepts and theories in sociology of work and employment
  • have basic knowledge of the history, traditions, uniqueness and place of society in sociology of work and employment


  • can apply professional knowledge to describe and analyze challenges in wage labor and the labor market
  • can reflect on key issues and trends related to modern work life, the labor market and unemployment
  • can reflect on contexts and challenges related to work life

General competence:

  • insight into the connection between social change and changes in working life
  • has insight into relevant professional and ethical issues
  • can plan and carry out varied work tasks and projects within the theme of sociology of work and the labor market that extends over time, alone and as a participant in a group, and in line with ethical requirements and guidelines
  • can disseminate and exchange knowledge and theories about work and the labor market and be able to formulate key issues related to the challenges of work life both orally and in writing in an independent way
Semester fee and curriculum costs.
Optional course.


Seminar and student activities. In the seminars, students receive training in oral presentation of sociological theory and discussion of academic issues.

Active use of digital learning platform.

The programme of study is evaluated annually by the students through course surveys (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). The evaluations are part of the university's quality assurance system.

Work requirements - Presentation of a scientific article, counts 0/100 of the grade, grade rule Pass - Fail. Must be passed before the home exam.

Take home exam, 48 hours, counts 100/100 of the grade, grade rule A-E, Best A, Failed F.