Business and Governance in the Arctic

See study programme

Spring 2022 (1. semester)

7.5 sp
7.5 sp

The program is directed towards exchange students from partner universities, but is also open for free movers and students from Nord University.

Semester Package consists of the following courses:
Fundamentals of Energy Business and Management (7,5 ECTS)
Geopolitics and Energy (7,5 ECTS)
International Governance and Business in the High North (7,5 ECTS)
Circular Economy (7,5 ECTS)

The exchange semester will provide you with knowledge, skills and general competencies about business and management topics using as an example of the energy sector. Both global and Norwegian contexts will be a continual theme throughout the semester, accompanied by issues such as energy policies, geopolitics, and governance issues. Also, circular economy related to the different industries in the High North will be covered.

This semester package is designed specifically for exchange students. Please go to student exchange to Nord for more information about becoming an exchange student at Nord University.

Exchange students are admitted on the basis of nomination by their home institution. This means that you will have to apply to your home university first to participate. Your home institution will provide you with information about the admission requirements. You can also apply as a free mover.

Students may apply to the Master of Science in Global programme.
The semester package corresponds to 30 ETCS and may be recognised as one semester of graduate educational programmes.
Costs for semester registration fee and course literature applies. No tuition fee.

The Norwegian system for grading and assessment using the letter grades A - F, in which A denotes the best/highest grade and F denotes "not passed". Candidates’ work can also be assessed as "passed", "not passed", "approved" and "not approved".

View rules and regulations for examinations

The programme is evaluated via student questionnaire, as well as by the programme coordinator. The evaluations form a part of the university's quality assurance system.