Ansattbilde: Bruce Timothy Morén-Duolljá

Bruce Timothy Morén-Duolljá

Fakultet for lærerutdanning og kunst- og kulturfag
Fonologi, Morfologi, Språkvitenskap, Språk (språkvitenskap), Fonetikk, Lulesamisk grammatikk, Grammatikk, Språkbeskrivelse, Språk

General description:

My main topics of interest are phonology, phonetics, morphology and syntax, as well as orthography and language description.

I am currently concentrating on one of the most fascinating and complex languages I have ever encountered - a minority non-Germanic Scandinavian language indigenous to Norway and Sweden called Lule Saami.

Since Lule Saami is a poorly described endangered language, basic research is necessary and time-critical. One of the things that makes my current research exciting is that it will revolutionize the way we view the grammar of all the Saami languages and may change the way we view some aspects of all human languages. It also promises to contribute to (re)vitalization efforts for the Saami languages.

Academic background:

2014 - Associate Professor at Nord University

2008 - Senior Researcher at the University of Tromsø

2006 - Researcher at the University of Tromsø

2003 - Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Tromsø

2002 - Visiting Assistant Professor at Cornell University

2001 - Visiting Assistant Professor at Boston University

1999 - Visiting Assistant Professor at Georgetown University

1999 - Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics at the University of Maryland at College Park

1997 - Master of Arts in Linguistics at the University of Maryland at College Park

1994 - Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics (summa cum laude) at the University of Maryland at College Park

Academic advising and committees:

Four doctoral dissertations (University of Tromsø)

Two masters theses (University of Tromsø, New Sorbonne University - Paris III)

Three doctoral dissertation committees (Georgetown University, Boston University)

Two masters thesis committees (University of Tromsø, New Sorbonne University - Paris III)

One senior honors thesis committee (Georgetown University)

Teaching topics (including):

Language and linguistics, phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, phonetics-phonology interface, tone and intonation, optimality theory, phonological feature theory and Lule Saami grammar

Research projects:

2011-2015 - Mávsulasj Spoken Lule Saami Documentation - leader - financed by the Research Council of Norway

2009-2013 - The Intonation of the Saami Languages - member - financed by the Tromsø Research Foundation

2009-2012 - Network for Saami Documentation and Revitalization - leader - financed by NordForsk

2008-2011 - Mávsulasj Báhkogirjje Pilot Project - leader - financed by the Tromsø Research Foundation

2003-2012 - CASTL's Segmental Phonology Project - leader - financed by the Research Council of Norway

Publications, talks, etc.: Link to Cristin

Unna prinsasj 2023, Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy; Turi, Marita Elise
Jubler over verdens første lulesamiske oversettelse 2023, Kjeøy, Nina; Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy
Dei er pionerar i norsk utdanningshistorie 2023, Svendsen, Njord Vegard; Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy
Samiske språk 2019, Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy
Samiske språk 2019, Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy
Pitesamisk ortografi: beslut om pitesamisk ortografi 2019, Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy; Magga, Ole Henrik; Steggo, Peter; Fjällås, Inger
-Dette har vi ventet på lenge 2019, Andersen, Sander; Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy
Giehttjit áddjá goaden 2015, Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy
Soria-Moria ladne 2015, Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy
Museum: Lulesamer i Tysfjord 2015, Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy; Ihlebæk, Jan Henrik
Gålmmå hábrrá 2015, Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy
Gålmmå prinsessa Alek Bávten 2015, Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy
Fant hemmelighetene i lulesamenes språk 2015, Johansen, Kevin; Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy
Det er ikke for seint! 2015, Strandskog, Børge; Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy
Lulesamisk: et rikt og viktig språk 2015, Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy
Language Change in Lule Saami: Three-way quantity contrasts as produced by three age groups 2014, Fangel-Gustavson, Nora; Ridouane, Rachid; Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy
Absolutt verdt nitidig forskning 2014, Fangel-Gustavson, Nora; Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy; Andersen, Sander
Samiske spor i Nordland 2014, Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy
Quantity contrast in Lule Saami: A three-way system 2014, Fangel-Gustavson, Nora; Ridouane, Rachid; Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy
Quantity contrast in Lule Saami: A three-way system 2014, Fangel-Gustavson, Nora; Ridouane, Rachid; Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy
Lule Saami Morphology: Back to basics 2013, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy
Lulesamisk: et rikt og viktig språk 2013, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy
Lulesamisk: et rikt og viktig språk 2013, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy
Lulesamisk: et rikt og viktig språk 2013, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy
Framtid for samiske språk 2013, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy
Consonant quantity in Lule Saami: A three-way system 2013, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy; Fangel-Gustavson, Nora; Ridouane, Rachid
Satser på lulesamisk i Paris 2013, Fangel-Gustavson, Nora; Morén-Duollja, Bruce Timothy; Braseth, Ann-Chatrin
Samefolket har ulik opprinnelse 2011, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy; Larsen, Dan Robert
Is linguistics an empirical science? 2011, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy
Mávsulasj giella 2011, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy; Skapalen, Kitty
Framtida for samiske språk 2011, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy
Ta den samiske dialekten i bruk 2011, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy
Det viktigste er at språket brukes 2011, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy
Lulesamisk ortografi 2011, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy
Grunnleggende spørsmål om ortografi 2011, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy
Framtida for lulesamisk språk 2011, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy
CASTL on a cloud 2011, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy
Lulesamisk konferanse 2011, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy; Johansen, Kevin
Lager lulesamisk lydordbok 2009, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy; Olsen, Øyvind A.
Mávsulasj Báhkogirjje 2009, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy; Andersen, Sander
Julevsáme jiednabáhkogirjje nehtan/Lulesamisk lydordbok på nett 2009, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy; Skapalen, Kitty
SaamiDocNet: Saami Documentation and Revitalization Network 2009, Morén-Duolljá, Bruce Timothy; Iosad, Pavel