Cathrine Fredriksen Moe
Fakultet for sykepleie og helsevitenskap
Mental Health, Nursing education, Recovery, Research group mental health, Work Inclusion, Research ethics, Ethics, MSc in Health Sciences, Recovery-oriented practices, Rehabilitation, Values
Jeg er førsteamanuensis i psykisk helsearbeid ved Nord universitet.
Jeg er utdannet sykepleier, har videreutdanning i psykisk helsearbeid, master i klinisk sykepleie og ph.d i studier av profesjonspraksis.
Mine forskningsinteresser er først og fremst innen helsetjenesteforskning, herunder recovery, arbeid og psykisk helse, psykisk helsearbeid, implementeringsforskning, rehabilitering, hverdagsrehabilitering, verdier, etikk og forskningsetikk. Metodologisk jobber jeg mest med kvalitativ forskning.
The J shaped association of age at menarche and cardiovascular events: systematic review and meta-analysis 2024, Scientific Reports: Volum 14 Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Skjesol, Ingunn; Arntzen, Ellen Christin; Bidhendi-Yarandi, Razieh
“Without IPS I Think I Would Really Fall Apart”: Individual Placement and Support as Experienced by People With Mental Illness—Phenomenological Peer Research Study 2024, Qualitative Health Research: Borowska, Marianna Agata; Ørjasæter, Kristin Berre; Borg, Marit; Stenvall, Barbara; Silbermann, Alexandra; Rinaldi, Miles
Participation in eHealth Communication Interventions Among Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis: Scoping Review 2024, Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR): Volum 26 Deinboll, Anne; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Ludvigsen, Mette Spliid
'What i thought was the dream job was a little different than i had expected': A qualitative study exploring the turnover of IPS employment specialists 2024, Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation: Volum 61 s. 79-91 Butenko, Daniil; Rinaldi, Miles; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Brinchmann, Beate; Wittlund, Sina Marion; Killackey, Eoin
The societal impact of individual placement and support implementation on employment outcomes for young adults receiving temporary health-related welfare benefits: A difference-in-differences study 2024, Psychological Medicine: Volum 54 s. 1787-1795 Brinchmann, Beate; Wittlund, Sina; Lorentzen, Thomas; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; McDaid, David; Killackey, Eoin
ABC for helsekompetanse og helsefremming i psykisk helsearbeid. 2024, Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid: Volum 21 s. 129-138 Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Karlstad, Jannike Lie; Donovan, Ruth Marie Stensland
Time is money: general practitioners’ reflections on the fee-for-service system 2024, BMC Health Services Research: Volum 24 Kraft, Kristian Bandlien; Hoff, Eivor Hovde; Nylenna, Magne; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Mykletun, Arnstein; Østby, Kristian Amundsen
The cost of saying no: general practitioners’ gatekeeping role in sickness absence certification 2024, BMC Public Health: Volum 24 Hoff, Eivor Hovde; Kraft, Kristian Bandlien; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Nylenna, Magne; Østby, Kristian Amundsen; Mykletun, Arnstein
Facilitating research ethics in qualitative research through doctoral supervision in the context of European Commission funding 2024, Research Ethics: Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Uhrenfeldt, Lisbeth; Kymre, Ingjerd Gåre
Social anxiety in adolescence and
the first timing of parental home
leaving and living with a partner:
a longitudinal population-based
Young-HUNT3 study in Norway 2024, Frontiers in Public Health: Volum 12 Halidu, Malik Dimbei; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Behboudi-Gandevani, Samira; Haugan, Tommy
Publication Trends in Reablement – A Scoping Review 2023, Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare: Volum 16 s. 1641-1660 Guadana, Jean; Oyeneyin, Babatunde; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Tuntland, Hanne
Forskerskole i samarbeidsbasert forskning – et bidrag til mer likeverdig deltakelse i kunnskapsutvikling 2022, Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid: Volum 19 s. 40-50 Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Borowska, Marianna Agata; Stenvall, Barbara; Esp, Trond; Silbermann, Alexandra; Brinchmann, Beate
Looking through racism in the nurse–patient relationship from the lens of culturally congruent care: A scoping review 2022, Journal of Advanced Nursing: Volum 78 s. 2665-2677 Vaismoradi, Mojtaba; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Ursin, Gøril; Ingstad, Kari
Promotion of physical activity in older adults: facilitators and barriers experienced by healthcare personnel in the context of reablement 2022, BMC Health Services Research: Volum 22 Mjøsund, Hanne Leirbekk; Uhrenfeldt, Lisbeth; Burton, Elissa; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen
Physical Activity in Older Adults: Exploring Healthcare Professionals' Judgments in the Context of Reablement 2022, Nord universitet: Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Uhrenfeldt, Lisbeth; Mjøsund, Hanne Leirbekk
Are attitudes in employees of public employment service in line with the principles of individual placement and support? A questionnaire-based survey 2022, Social Policy & Administration: Volum 56 s. 681-692 Brinchmann, Beate; Rinaldi, Miles; Sandtorv, Elisabeth; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; McDaid, David; Killackey, Eóin
“Balancing within a closed family system”: a grounded theory study of how family life is affected by having a family member with an eating disorder 2022, Journal of Eating Disorders: Volum 10 Karlstad, Jannike Lie; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Stokland, Ragni Adelsten; Brinchmann, Berit Støre
Implementing individual placement and support in Norway. From vocational rehabilitation to an employment scheme 2022, Social Policy & Administration: Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Brinchmann, Beate; Borg, Marit; McDaid, David; Rinaldi, Miles; Killackey, Eóin
Interventions, Participative Role, Barriers, and Facilitators for Involvement in eHealth Communication for People Undergoing Hemodialysis: Protocol for a Scoping Review 2022, JMIR Research Protocols: Volum 11 s. 1-8 Deinboll, Anne; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Ludvigsen, Mette Spliid
Implementing individual placement and support (IPS): the experiences of employment specialists in the early implementation phase of IPS in Northern Norway. The IPSNOR study 2021, BMC Psychiatry: Volum 21 s. 1-13 Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Brinchmann, Beate; Rasmussen, Line; Brandseth, Oda Lekve; McDaid, David; Killackey, Eóin
Samfunnsdeltakelse i første rekke - Psykisk helse i hverdagsliv og lokalsamfunn 2021, Fagbokforlaget: Almvik, Arve; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Grav, Siv
Samfunnsdeltakelse i første rekke
Psykisk helse i hverdagsliv og lokalsamfunn Samfunnsdeltakelse i første rekke - Psykisk helse i hverdagsliv og lokalsamfunn 2021, Fagbokforlaget: s. 16-24 Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Grav, Siv; Almvik, Arve
Administration of pro re nata medications by the nurse to incapacitated patients: An ethical perspective 2021, Clinical Ethics: Vaismoradi, Mojtaba; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Vizcaya-Moreno, M Flores; Paal, Piret
Ethical Tenets of PRN Medicines Management in Healthcare Settings: A Clinical Perspective 2021, Pharmacy: Volum 9 Vaismoradi, Mojtaba; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Vizcaya-Moreno, Flores; Paal, Piret
The experiences and strategies of parents’ of adults with anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa: a qualitative study 2021, BMC Psychiatry: Volum 21 Karlstad, Jannike Lie; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Wattum, Mari; Brinchmann, Berit Støre
“Putting your own oxygen mask on first”: a qualitative study of siblings of adults with anorexia or bulimia 2021, Journal of Eating Disorders: Volum 9 Karlstad, Jannike Lie; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Wattum, Mari; Adelsten Stokland, Ragni; Brinchmann, Berit S.
Promotion of physical activity through reablement for older adults: Exploring healthcare professionals’ clinical reasoning 2021, Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare: Volum 14 s. 1623-1635 Mjøsund, Hanne Leirbekk; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Burton, Elissa; Uhrenfeldt, Lisbeth
Integration of Physical Activity in Reablement for Community Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Scoping Review 2020, Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare: Mjøsund, Hanne Leirbekk; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Burton, Elissa; Uhrenfeldt, Lisbeth
Negotiating the boundaries of psychosis: A qualitative study of the service provider perspective on treatment delay in community mental health 2019, Early Intervention in Psychiatry: Volum 13 s. 272-280 Kvig, Erling Inge; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Brinchmann, Beate; Larsen, Tor Ketil; Sørgaard, Knut W.
Medspill og motspill mellom profesjonene tilknyttet hverdagsrehabilitering 2019, Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning: Volum 5 s. 1-16 Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi; Brinchmann, Berit Støre
Approaches to implementing individual placement and support. A scoping review protocol 2019, The JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports: Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Brinchmann, Beate; McDaid, David; Killackey, Eoin; Rinaldi, Miles; Mykletun, Arnstein
A meta-regression of the impact of policy on the efficacy of individual placement and support 2019, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica: s. 1-15 Brinchmann, Beate; Widding-Havneraas, Tarjei; Modini, Matthew; Rinaldi, Miles; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; McDaid, David
Tailoring reablement: A grounded theory study of establishing reablement in a community setting in Norway 2018, Health and Social Care in the Community: Volum 26 s. 113-121 Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Brinchmann, Berit Støre
Integration of physical activity in reablement for community dwelling older adults: a scoping review protocol 2018, The JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports: Volum 17 s. 1924-1932 Mjøsund, Hanne Leirbekk; Burton, Elissa; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Uhrenfeldt, Lisbeth
Geographical accessibility and duration of untreated psychosis: Distance as a determinant of treatment delay 2017, BMC Psychiatry: Volum 17:176 Kvig, Erling Inge; Brinchmann, Beate; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Nilssen, Steinar; Larsen, Tor Ketil; Sørgaard, Knut W.
An Aristotelian view of therapists’ practice in multifamily therapy for young adults with severe eating disorders 2017, Nursing Ethics: Volum 26 s. 1149-1159 Brinchmann, Berit Støre; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Valvik, Mildrid; Balmbra, Steven; Lyngmo, Siri; Skarbø, Tove
"Lanthanic Presentation" in first-episode psychosis predicts long service delay: the challenge of detecting masked psychosis 2017, Psychopathology: Volum 50 s. 282-289 Kvig, Erling Inge; Brinchmann, Beate; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Nilssen, Steinar; Larsen, Tor Ketil; Sørgaard, Knut W.
Optimising capasity- A Service User and Caregiver Perspective on reablement 2016, The Grounded Theory Review: Volum 15 s. 25-40 Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Brinchmann, Berit Støre
Hverdagsrehabilitering som innovasjon : økt oppmerksomhet om aktørers samspill Innovasjoner i offentlig tjenesteyting: vågal reise med behov for allierte 2015, Fagbokforlaget: s. 87-105 Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi
“Working behind the scenes”: An ethical view of mental health nursing and first episode psychosis 2013, Nursing Ethics: Volum 20 s. 517-527 Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Kvig, Erling Inge; Brinchmann, Beate; Brinchmann, Berit Støre
Publication trends in reablement - presentation of a scoping review 2024, Tuntland, Hanne Kristin; Oyeneyin, Babatunde; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Guadana, Jean
Session: Inclusive work and mental health. 2024, Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Stenvall, Barbara; Borowska, Marianna Agata
Patient participation in eHealth communication for people
undergoing hemodialysis:
interim results of a scoping review
2023, Deinboll, Anne; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Ludvigsen, Mette Spliid
Issues in digitalization to enhance patient outcomes and patient participation: eHealth communication for people undergoing hemodialysis - existing interventions 2023, Deinboll, Anne; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Ludvigsen, Mette Spliid
Publikasjonstrender innen hverdagsrehabilitering - en scoping review 2023, Tuntland, Hanne Kristin; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Oyeneyin, Babatunde; Guadana, Jean
The meaning of Individual Placement and Support. A phenomenological study among IPS participants in the everyday life context. 2023, Borowska, Marianna Agata; Ørjasæter, Kristin Berre; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Borg, Marit; Mykletun, Arnstein; Killackey, Eoin
Promoting meaningful work through interorganisational and interdisciplinary collaboration.
The IPSNOR project. 2023, WAPR Bulletin: Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Stenvall, Barbara; Wittlund, Sina; Rinaldi, Miles; Brinchmann, Beate
USER INVOLVEMENT IN A PHD PROJECT ON PARENTS AND SIBLINGS OF INDIVIDUALS WITH EATING DISORDERS 2022, Karlstad, Jannike Lie; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Wattum, Mari; Stokland, Ragni Adelsten; Brinchmann, Berit Støre
IPS implementation challenges 2022, Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Brinchmann, Beate; Rinaldi, Miles; Brandseth, Oda Lekve; Rasmussen, Line; Borg, Marit
Promotion of Physical Activity through Reablement for Older Adults: exploring Healthcare Professionals’ Clinical Reasoning 2021, Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Burton, Elissa; Uhrenfeldt, Lisbeth
Do you know your neighbour? – mental health in everyday life. 2021, Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Grav, Siv; Almvik, Arve
Psykisk helse i lokalsamfunnet – følg opp! 2021, NAPHA Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for psykisk helsearbeid: Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Grav, Siv; Almvik, Arve
Promotion of Physical Activity Through
Reablement for Older Adults 2021, Mjøsund, Hanne Leirbekk; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Burton, Elissa; Uhrenfeldt, Lisbeth
«Integration of physical activity in reablement for community dwelling older adults: a systematic scoping review” 2020, Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Burton, Elissa; Uhrenfeldt, Lisbeth
Being a sibling of an andult with eating disorder: Experiences and strategies of daily life 2020, Karlstad, Jannike Lie; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Brinchmann, Berit Støre
IPS Implementering 2019, Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen
Integration of physical activity in reablement for community dwelling older adults: a scoping review 2019, Mjøsund, Hanne Leirbekk; Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Burton, Elissa; Uhrenfeldt, Lisbeth
Tailoring reablement: a grounded theory of public sector change. 2017, Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Brinchmann, Berit Støre
Evolving reablement. 2016, Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Brinchmann, Berit Støre
Filling a gap in primary care. 2014, Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Brinchmann, Berit Støre
An ethical view of mental health nursing and first episode psychosis 2012, Moe, Cathrine Fredriksen; Kvig, Erling Inge; Brinchmann, Beate; Brinchmann, Berit Støre