Ansattbilde: Dorthe Helen Næss Eide

Dorthe Helen Næss Eide

Bodø, Hovedbygget, A256
Working environment, Events, Arctic, Marketing£ Organisation and Leadership Division, Research methods, Innovation, Qualitative Research Methods, Quality assurance system, Leadership, Learning environment, Network, Business and industry, Organisation and Management, Experience industries, Travel and tourism, Sales£ service and tourism, Tourism, Sustainable development

Dorthe Eide is professor in organization and management at Nord University Business School in Norway. Her education at bachelor and master level (now University of South-Eastern Norway) was within business management, with major on management, marketing and ICT. Her master thesis on learning and innovation environment in public sector (high school, teacher focus). She holds a Doctor Polit degree from University of Tromsø, her dissertation about knowing, learning and innovation in SMBs (hotels) from a practicebased approach.

Baahdy & Birdy As, Varde Experience quality AS, and strategy Trøndelag tourism.


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She teaches courses at all levels, from applied industry courses to PhD courses, and supervise thesis at all levels. Examples of courses are: Experiencedesign (15 ETC, bachelor level). Marketing and innovation management in service and experience economy (15 ETC, bachelor level). Experiencebased innovation and value co-creation (7,5 ETC, msc-version and mba-version). She has teached qualitative methods.

PhD supervision earlier: Inge Hermansrud (on knowledge and learning through intraorganizational networks). Hin Hoarou-Heemstra (on innovation and learning in naturebased tourism). Olga Høeg-Guldberg (interorganizational network driven learning and innovation in tourism). Espen Skullerud (on experience quality and innovation).

PhD supervision ongoing: Veronika Trengereid (interorganizational network driven innovation in tourism). Yati Yati (labdriven innovation in experiencebased sectors).

Dorthe manages the research group Marketing, Management and Innovation of Experiences (MMIE), which are interfacultary.
She works interdisplinary and transdisciplinary, mainly with qualitative methods, including interactive innovation and research. Empirically she mainly studies service and experience sectors, but mostly experience sectors (nature, culture and food/meals). Main topics are innovation and value co-creation, including network- and labdriven learning and innovation, testing in innovation, as well experience design, -quality, -consumption and -management. Increasingly also sustainability at product, organization, destination and community level, including destination and visitor management.

She has participated in, and managed, several smaller and some larger research and innovations projects. E.g. larger are Northern Insight (Opplevelser i nord), and Research based national quality system for experiencebased tourism.

She has published in journals such as European Urban and Regional Studies Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management Journal of Consumer Behaviour Tourism Management Tourism and Hospitality Research Scandinavioun Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, European Planning Studies. As well as in handbooks such as the 'Handbook of Research on Innovation in Tourism Industries' and the 'Handbook on the Experience Economy'. See links.

She has co-edited, coordinated tracks, and managed research conferences.

Approaches to innovation for sustainability (IFS): ​ Experience-based transformations of rural communities​ 2021, Eide, Dorthe Helen Næss; Høegh-Guldberg, Olga; Ryan, Anne Wally Falch; Maziliauske, Evelina
Cross-sector innovation as a driver of regional development 2021, Høegh-Guldberg, Olga; Eide, Dorthe Helen Næss
Ulike aktørers involvering i reiselivsutvikling 2019, Eide, Dorthe Helen Næss; Høegh-Guldberg, Olga
Sustainability perspectives: How do they influence on visitor management focus and activities? 2019, Eide, Dorthe Helen Næss; Seeler, Sabrina; Hoarau-Heemstra, Hindertje
Labdriven innovation processes of experience product-innovations: some preliminary findings 2019, Eide, Dorthe Helen Næss; Yati, Yati; Høegh-Guldberg, Olga; Ljunggren, Elisabet Carine
Stakeholder involvement in visitor management: What, Who, How? 2019, Høegh-Guldberg, Olga; Seeler, Sabrina; Eide, Dorthe Helen Næss
Knowledge and innovation – processes and orchestration:A comparative case study of regional innovation networks 2019, Eide, Dorthe Helen Næss; Trengereid, Veronika; Høegh-Guldberg, Olga; Hjemdahl, Kirsti Mathiesen
Kjønn og innovasjon: Empirisk testing av et analytisk rammeverk i opplevelsesnæringene. 2018, Eide, Dorthe Helen Næss; Johnson, Ragnhild; Jørstad, Mariell; Krane, Vibeke
Kjønn og innovasjon: Empirisk testing av et analytisk rammeverk i opplevelsesnæringene. 2018, Ljunggren, Elisabet Carine; Eide, Dorthe Helen Næss; Jørstad, Mariell; Johnson, Ragnhild; Krane, Vibeke
Gendering of innovations in experience based tourism 2016, Eide, Dorthe; Johnson, Ragnhild; Ljunggren, Elisabet Carine
Dialog og innovasjon vil stå sentralt i arbeidet mot et mer bærekraftig reiseliv 2016, Avisa Nordland: Antonsen, Karin Marie; Vangelsten, Bjørn Vidar; Fabritius, Merete Kvamme; Solvoll, Sølvi; Bay-Larsen, Ingrid Agathe; Eide, Dorthe
Dialog og innovasjon vil stå sentralt i arbeidet mot et mer bærekraftig reiseliv 2016, Rana Blad: Antonsen, Karin Marie; Vangelsten, Bjørn Vidar; Fabritius, Merete Kvamme; Solvoll, Sølvi; Bay-Larsen, Ingrid Agathe; Eide, Dorthe
Gendering of innovations in experience based tourism 2016, Ljunggren, Elisabet Carine; Johnson, Ragnhild; Eide, Dorthe
Managing innovation network journeys: a study of seven cases 2016, Trengereid, Veronika; Høegh-Guldberg, Olga; Eide, Dorthe; Hjemdahl, Kirsti Mathiesen
Kunnskap for reiselivsutvikling 2015, Dagens Perspektiv: Madsen, Einar Lier; Eide, Dorthe; Prebensen, Nina Katrine
What do we teach and what do they learn in Organizational Behavior? 2012, Nilsen , Etty Ragnhild; Langåker , Lise; Eide, Dorthe; Ladegård, Gro; Lines, Rune; Wennes, Grete
Impacts of guide licensing systems 2011, Marnburg, Einar; Eide, Dorthe
Hvordan fungerer organisasjoner? - To introduksjoner på norsk 2000, Nordiske organisasjonsstudier: s. 107-115 Saxi, Hans Petter; Eide, Dorthe; Rødvei, Per Harald; Marnburg, Einar; Marnburg, Einar
Hvordan fungerer organisasjoner? : to introduksjoner på norsk 2000, Nordiske organisasjonsstudier: Volum 2 s. 107-115 Eide, Dorthe; Marnburg, Einar; Marnburg, Einar; Saxi, Hans Petter; Rødvei, Per Harald