Espen John Isaksen
Bakgrunn: Dr. econ. i bedriftsøkonomi fra Handelshøgskolen i Bodø (2006) Ansatt som førsteamanuensis i entreprenørskap ved HHB siden 2007.
Kompetanseområder: Entreprenørskap, herunder resultater I nyetablerte bedrifter, entreprenørielle intensjoner og handlinger.
Undervisning/veiledning: Veiledning masteroppgaver MBA Forskningsmetode
Forskning: For tiden involvert i følgende forskningsprosjekter: €¢Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)
Publikasjoner: Link til Cristin
Outsider support, firm births and outcomes Research handbook on start-up incubation ecosystems 2020, Edward Elgar Publishing: s. 285-297 Kolvereid, Lars; Isaksen, Espen John
New firm development: Identifying dormant, drowsy and active firms 2018, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing: Volum 10 s. 619-637 Kolvereid, Lars; Bulanova, Oxana; Isaksen, Espen John
Hybrid Entrepreneurs: Characteristics and achievements 2018, Entreprendre & Innover: Volum 34 s. 7-19 Kritskaya, Lidia; Kolvereid, Lars; Isaksen, Espen John
Expectations and achievements in new firms 2017, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development: Volum 24 s. 649-668 Kolvereid, Lars; Isaksen, Espen John
Growth aspirations among women entrepreneurs in high growth firms 2016, Baltic Journal of Management: Volum 11 s. 187-206 Bulanova, Oxana; Isaksen, Espen John; Kolvereid, Lars
Innovation among public-sector organisations: Push and pull factors Entrepreneurial and Innovative Practices in Public Institutions - A Quality of Life Approach 2016, Springer: s. 81-98 Alsos, Gry Agnete; Clausen, Tommy Høyvarde; Isaksen, Espen John
The psychology of the entrepreneur Perspectives in entrepreneurship : a critical approach 2011, Palgrave Macmillan: s. 27-39 Kolvereid, Lars; Isaksen, Espen
Sri Lankan micro businesses with and without employees: Exploring human capital, perception and business characteristic differences in retail shops Conditions for entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka: A handbook 2011, Shaker Verlag: s. 83-98 Jewanthi, H.A. Chandima C.; Isaksen, Espen; Rasmussen, Einar
Advice to new business founders and subsequent venture performance The Life cycle of new ventures 2010, Edward Elgar Publishing: s. 202-217 Kolvereid, Lars; Isaksen, Espen John; Ottósson, Hannes
Fire typer nyetablerte bedrifter og deres resultater i tidlig fase Teknologibasert nyskaping i Norge 2009, Tapir Akademisk Forlag: s. 21-33 Isaksen, Espen John; Kolvereid, Lars
Survival of new firms owned by natives and immigrants in Norway 2008, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship: Volum 13 s. 21-38 Vinogradov, Evgueni; Isaksen, Espen John
Survival of new firms owned by natives and immigrants in Norway 2008, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship: Volum 13 s. 21-38 Vinogradov, Evgueni; Isaksen, Espen John
New business start-up and subsequent entry into self-employment 2006, Journal of Business Venturing: Volum 21 s. 866-885 Kolvereid, Lars; Isaksen, Espen John
New business early performance: Differences between firms started by novice, serial and portfolio entrepreneurs Christenen, P.R. and F. Poulfeldt: (eds.): Managing Complexity and Change in SMEs. Frontiers in European Research 2006, Edward Elgar Publishing: s. 35-68 Alsos, Gry; Kolvereid, Lars; Isaksen, Espen John
New venture financing and subsequent business growth in men- and women-led businesses 2006, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice: Volum 30 s. 667-686 Alsos, Gry; Isaksen, Espen John; Ljunggren, Elisabet
New venture financing and subsequent business growth in men- and women-led businesses 2006, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice: Volum 30 s. 667-686 Alsos, Gry Agnete; Isaksen, Espen; Ljunggren, Elisabet
Growth objectives in Norwegian start-up businesses 2005, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB): Volum 2 s. 17-26 Isaksen, Espen John; Kolvereid, Lars
Proaktivitet i Norske SMP-er innom økonomibransjen: En eksplorativ studie av påvirkningsfaktorer på individ- og bedriftsnivå 2024, Nord universitet: Eilertsen, Mailen Viktoria; Didriksen Olsen, Marita Josefine; Bourmistrov, Anatoli; Isaksen, Espen John
Entreprenørskap i Norge 2013 - Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2014, Nord universitet: Alsos, Gry Agnete; Clausen, Tommy Høyvarde; Isaksen, Espen; Åmo, Bjørn Willy; Bullvåg, Erlend
Innovation among public sector organizations: The role of push and pull factors 2014, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Clausen, Tommy Høyvarde; Isaksen, Espen
Closing the gender gap? Entrepreneurial training and entrepreneurial intentions among male and female youth 2012, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Isaksen, Espen
Examining the relationship between internal R&D and inbound Open Innovation: A Disaggregate View 2012, Clausen, Tommy Høyvarde; Rasmussen, Einar; Isaksen, Espen
Dynamic capabilities and business performance. A longitudinal study 2011, Madsen, Einar Lier; Isaksen, Espen
Survival of new firms owned by natives and immigrants in Norway 2007, Vinogradov , Evgueni; Isaksen, Espen
Access to new venture financing and subsequent business growth in men- and women-led ventures 2006, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research: s. 44-56 Alsos, Gry; Isaksen, Espen John; Ljunggren, Elisabet
Initial growth intentions and subsequent early business performance 2006, Isaksen, Espen John
Youth enterprise experience and business start-up intentions 2006, Alsos, Gry; Isaksen, Espen John; Søfting, E.
New business start-up and subsequent entry into self-employment 2004, Nord universitet: Kolvereid, Lars; Isaksen, Espen John
Kapitalmarked for nyetablerte bedrifter. En studie av etterspørsels- og tilbudssiden 2002, Borch, Odd Jarl; Isaksen, Espen John; Jenssen, Svenn Are; Sørheim, Roger; Widding, Lars Øystein
Growth objectives in Norwegian baby businesses 2002, Nord universitet: Isaksen, Espen John; Kolvereid, Lars
To start a business is easy, to become an employer is not 2001, Isaksen, Espen John; Kolvereid, Lars