Gabriele Agnes Hildegard Kaiser
Professor II
Fakultet for lærerutdanning og kunst- og kulturfag
Trends in mathematics education and insights from a meta-review and bibliometric analysis of review studies 2024, ZDM: Mathematics Education: Cevikbas, Mustafa; Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard; Schukajlow, Stanislaw
Effects of observation mode on ratings of teaching quality in secondary mathematics classrooms: Authors and their affiliations 2024, ZDM: Mathematics Education: Jentsch, Armin; Benecke, Kirsten; Blömeke, Sigrid; König, Johannes; Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
Effects of teaching internships on preservice teachers’ noticing in secondary mathematics education 2024, Frontiers in Education: Volum 9 Bastian, Anton; König, Johannes; Weyers, Jonas; Siller, Hans-Stefan; Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
Mathematics teachers’ beliefs about their roles in teaching mathematics: orchestrating scaffolding in cooperative learning 2024, Educational Studies in Mathematics: Li, Rangmei; Cevikbas, Mustafa; Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
Task potential in relation to teaching quality and teacher competence in secondary mathematics classrooms 2024, ZDM: Mathematics Education: Glegola, Ann-Kristin; Jentsch, Armin; Ross, Natalie; König, Johannes; Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
Professional identity of pre-service teachers: actual and designated identity profiles and their relationship to teacher education programs 2023, Frontiers in Education: Volum 8 Meyer, Dennis; Doll, Jörg; DR Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
Teacher noticing in mathematics education: a review of recent developments 2023, ZDM: Mathematics Education: Weyers, Jonas; König, Johannes; Scheiner, Thorsten; Santagata, Rossella; DR Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
The reciprocal relationship among Chinese senior secondary students’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and cognitive engagement in learning mathematics: a three-wave longitudinal study 2023, ZDM: Mathematics Education: Volum 55 s. 399-412 Zhang, Yongqiang; Yang, Xinrong; Sun, Xiaojian; DR Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
Teachers’ Scaffolding Behavior and Visual Perception During Cooperative Learning 2023, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education: Volum 22 s. 333-352 Li, Rangmei; Cao, Yiming; Tang, Haijun; DR Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
Types of mathematical tasks in lower secondary classrooms in Germany: Statistical findings from a latent class analysis based on general mathematical competencies 2023, Educational Studies in Mathematics: Volum 114 s. 371-392 Adleff, Ann-Kristin; Ross, Natalie; König, Johannes; DR Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
Mathematical knowledge for teaching and mathematics didactic knowledge: a comparative study 2023, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education: Scheiner, Thorsten; Buchholtz, Nils; DR Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
Exploring the Benefits and Drawbacks of AR and VR Technologies for Learners of Mathematics: Recent Developments 2023, Systems: Volum 11 Cevikbas, Mustafa; Bulut, Neslihan; DR Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
Investigating teachers' job satisfaction, stress and working environment: The roles of self-efficacy and school leadership 2022, Psychology in the Schools: Volum 60 s. 679-690 Jentsch, Armin; Hoferichter, Frances; Blömeke, Sigrid; König, Johannes; DR Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
Can flipped classroom pedagogy offer promising perspectives for mathematics education on pandemic-related issues? A systematic literature review 2022, ZDM: Mathematics Education: Cevikbas, Mustafa; DR Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
Measuring teacher noticing: A scoping review of standardized instruments 2022, Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies: Volum 122 Weyers, Jonas; König, Johannes; Santagata, Rossella; Scheiner, Thorsten; DR Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
The impact of mathematics teachers’ professional competence on instructional quality and students’ mathematics learning outcomes 2022, Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences: Volum 48 Yang, Xinrong; DR Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
Promoting Personalized Learning in Flipped Classrooms: A Systematic Review Study 2022, Sustainability: Volum 14 Cevikbas, Mustafa; DR Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
Identifying and dealing with student errors in the mathematics classroom: Cognitive and motivational requirements 2022, Frontiers in Psychology: Volum 13 Hoth, Jessica; Larrain, Macarena; DR Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
Interpretation of Students’ Errors as Part of the Diagnostic Competence of Pre-Service Primary School Teachers | Interpretation von Fehlern der Schülerinnen und Schüler als Teil der diagnostischen Kompetenz von Lehramtsstudierenden für die Grundschule | 2022, Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik: Volum 43 s. 39-66 Larrain, Macarena; DR Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
Impacts of classroom teaching practices on students’ mathematics learning interest, mathematics self-efficacy and mathematics test achievements: a secondary analysis of Shanghai data from the international video study Global Teaching InSights 2022, ZDM: Mathematics Education: Volum 54 s. 581-593 Zhu, Yan; DR Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
Mathematical modelling and discrete mathematics: opportunities for modern mathematics teaching 2022, ZDM: Mathematics Education: Volum 54 s. 865-879 Greefrath, Gilbert; Siller, Hans-Stefan; Vorhölter, Katrin; DR Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard
Correction to: Teachers’ Scaffolding Behavior and Visual Perception During Cooperative Learning (International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, (2023), 10.1007/s10763-023-10379-6) 2023, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education: Li, Rangmei; Cao, Yiming; Tang, Haijun; DR Kaiser, Gabriele Agnes Hildegard