Jarle Tryti Nordeide
Fakultet for biovitenskap og akvakultur
Bakgrunn: Dr. scient
Kompetanseområder: Evolutionary biology, behavioural ecology, population genetics/genomics, signalling, communication, mate choice, ornaments, carotenoids, evolution of female ornaments, parallel evolution.
Undervisning/veiledning: Evolutionary biology, behavioural ecology, genetics
Forskning: Evolutionary biology, behavioural ecologi, population genetics/genomics, signalling, communication, mate choice, ornaments, carotenoids, evolution of female ornaments
Publikasjoner: Link til Cristin
I teach
BI122F Genetics and Evolution (10 credits)
BI216F Evolutionary Behavioural Ecology (10 credits)
Evolutionary genomics of pelvic spine reduction in Gasterosteus aculeatus 2024, Adhikari, Dhurba; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Two Distinct Maternal Lineages of Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in a Small Norwegian Subarctic Lake 2024, Fishes: Volum 9 Karlsen, Bård Ove; Adhikari, Dhurba; Jørgensen, Tor Erik; Hanssen, Ida Klykken; Moum, Truls Borg; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Pitx1 Enhancer Variants in Spined and Spine-Reduced Subarctic European Sticklebacks 2023, Fishes: Volum 8 s. 1-15 Adhikari, Dhurba; Hanssen, Ida K.; Johansen, Steinar Daae; Moum, Truls Borg; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Does egg carotenoid improve larval quality in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus)? 2022, Ecology and Evolution: Volum 12 Egeland, Torvald B.; Egeland, Einar Skarstad; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Cohabitation With Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Affects Brain Neuromodulators But Not Welfare Indicators in Lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) 2022, Frontiers in Physiology: Volum 13 Staven, Fredrik; Gesto, Manuel; Iversen, Martin Haugmo; Andersen, Per; Patel, Deepti Manjari; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Cannibalism and protective behavior of eggs in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) 2021, Ecology and Evolution: Volum 11 s. 14383-14391 Frye, Marilena; Egeland, Torvald Blikra; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Folstad, Ivar
Carotenoids-based reddish pelvic spines in nonreproducing female and male sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) – Signalling social dominance? 2021, Ecology and Evolution: Volum 11 s. 11038-11050 Kroken, Karl Kristian; Sæthre, Axel Aas; Nicolaisen, Ove; Egeland, Torvald Blikra; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Behavioural and physiological responses of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) exposed to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) sensory cues 2021, Aquaculture: Volum 544 Staven, Fredrik; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Gesto, Manuel; Andersen, Per; Patel, Deepti Manjari; Kristensen, Torstein
Fish sperm competition in hatcheries and between wild and hatchery origin fish in nature 2019, Theriogenology: Volum 133 s. 201-209 Beirão, José; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Egeland, Torvald B.; Purchase, Craig
Is habituation measurable in lumpfish cyclopterus lumpus when used as cleaner fish in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar aquaculture? 2019, Frontiers in Veterinary Science: Volum 6:227 s. 1-9 Staven, Fredrik Ribsskog; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Imsland, Albert; Andersen, Per; Iversen, Nina Skorstad; Kristensen, Torstein
Mitochondrial genome variation of Atlantic cod 2018, BMC Research Notes: Volum 11:397 s. 1-7 Jørgensen, Tor Erik; Karlsen, Bård Ove; Emblem, Åse; Breines, Ragna; Andreassen, morten; Rounge, Trine Ballestad
A mitochondrial long noncoding RNA in atlantic cod harbors complex heteroplasmic tandem repeat motifs 2018, Mitochondrial DNA. Part A, DNA Mapping, Sequencing, and Analysis: s. 1-6 Jørgensen, Tor Erik; Karlsen, Bård Ove; Emblem, Åse; Jakt, Lars Martin; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Moum, Truls Borg
Spawning behavior of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus): Spawning synchrony, vibrational communication, and mate guarding 2018, Ecology and Evolution: Volum 8 s. 8076-8087 Brattli, Magnus Beyer; Egeland, Torvald; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Folstad, Ivar
No support for cryptic choice by ovarian fluid in an external fertilizer 2018, Ecology and Evolution: Volum 8 s. 11763-11774 Kleppe, April Snøfrid; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Rudolfsen, Geir; Figenschou, Lars; Larsen, Berner; Reiss, Katrin
Solo Schistocephalus solidus tapeworms are nasty 2016, Parasitology: Volum 143 s. 1301-1309 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Matos, Felipe
Status specific tailoring of sperm behavior in an external fertilizer 2016, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution: Volum 4 Egeland, Torvald Blikra; Rudolfsen, Geir; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Folstad, Ivar
Conspicuous carotenoid-based pelvic spine ornament in three-spined stickleback populations—occurrence and inheritance 2015, PeerJ: Volum 3 s. e872 Amundsen, Cesilie Røtnes; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Gjøen, Hans Magnus; Larsen, Berner; Egeland, Einar Skarstad
On the relative effect of spawning asynchrony, sperm quantity, and sperm quality on paternity under sperm competition in an external fertilizer 2015, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution: Volum 3 s. 1 Egeland, Torvald Blikra; Rudolfsen, Geir; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Folstad, Ivar
Mitogenome sequence variation in migratory and stationary ecotypes of North-east Atlantic cod 2014, Marine Genomics: Volum 15 s. 103-108 Karlsen, Bård Ove; Emblem, Åse; Jørgensen, Tor Erik; Klingan, Kevin; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Moum, Truls
Female ornaments revisited – are they correlated with offspring quality? 2013, Journal of Animal Ecology: Volum 82 s. 26-38 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Kekäläinen, Jukka; Janhunen, Matti; Kortet, Raine
Genomic divergence between the migratory and stationary ecotypes of Atlantic cod 2013, Molecular Ecology: Volum 22 s. 5098-5111 Karlsen, Bård Ove; Klingan, Kevin; Emblem, Åse; Jørgensen, Tor Erik; Jüterbock, Alexander; Furmanek, Tomasz
Seasonal dynamics of growth and mortality suggest contrasting population structure and ecology for cod, pollack and saithe in a Norwegian fjord 2012, ICES Journal of Marine Science: Volum 69 s. 537-546 Heino, Mikko Petteri; Svåsand, Terje; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Otterå, Håkon Magne
Population connectivity among migratory and stationary cod Gadus morhua in the Northeast Atlantic-A review of 80 years of study 2011, Marine Ecology Progress Series: Volum 435 s. 269-283 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Johansen, Steinar Daae; Jørgensen, Tor Erik; Karlsen, Bård Ove; Moum, Truls
RNA deep sequencing of the Atlantic cod transcriptome 2011, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D:Genomics and Proteomics: Volum 6 s. 18-22 Johansen, Steinar Daae; Karlsen, Bård Ove; Furmanek, Tomasz; Andreassen, morten; Jørgensen, Tor Erik; Bizuayehu, Teshome
Large-scale sequence analyses of Atlantic cod 2009, New Biotechnology: Volum 25 s. 263-271 Coucheron, Dag H.; Andreassen, Morten; Karlsen, Bård O.; Furmanek, Tomasz; Jørgensen, Tor Erik; Emblem, Åse
Seasonal variation and condition-dependence of the drumming muscle of cod, Gadus morhua L.? An experimental approach 2008, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology: Volum 363 s. 66-74 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Solberg, Christel; Willumsen, Lasse; Amble, Stian
Offspring or ornaments? Is carotenoid-based ornamentation in female Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), condition-dependent and traded off against offspring? 2008, Ecology of Freshwater Fish: Volum 17 s. 328-339 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Mohus, Åge; Nicolaisen, Ove; Volden, Rolf; Egeland, Einar Skarstad
Ornaments or offspring? Female sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) trade off carotenoids between spines and eggs 2006, Journal of Evolutionary Biology: Volum 19 s. 431-439 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Rudolfsen, Geir; Egeland, Einar Skarstad
Potential fitness benefits from mate selection in the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) 2005, Journal of Evolutionary Biology: Volum 18 s. 172-179 Rudolfsen, Geir; Figenschou, Lars; Folstad, Ivar; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Søreng, Espen
Acoustic repertoire of spawning cod, Gadus morhua 2004, Environmental Biology of Fishes: Volum 70 s. 427-433 Finstad, Jens Loss; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Acoustic repertoire of spawning cod, Gadus morhua 2004, Environmental Biology of Fishes: Volum 70 s. 427-433 Finstad, Jens Loss; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Is cod lekking or a promiscuous group spawner? 2000, Fish and Fisheries: Volum 1 s. 90-93 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Folstad, Ivar
Sound from spawning cod at their spawning grounds 1999, ICES Journal of Marine Science: Volum 56 s. 326-332 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Kjellsby, Erling; Daan, Niels
Enhancement studies of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) in an exposed area in western Norway Stock enhancement and sea ranching 1999, s. 257-276 Otterå, Håkon; Kristiansen, Tore S.; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Nævdal, Gunnar; Borge, Asbjørn; Pedersen, Jan P.
Coastal cod and north-east-Arctic cod - do they mingle at the spawning grounds in Lofoten? 1998, Sarsia: Volum 83 s. 373-379 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Båmstedt, Ulf
Haemoglobin frequencies and vertebral numbers of cod (Gadus morhua L.) off northern Norway - test of a population structure hypothesis 1998, ICES Journal of Marine Science: Volum 55 s. 134-140 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Pettersen, Ivar H.; Daan, Niels
Arvestoffet DNAs bygning og funksjon 2024, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Skal vi bare kvitte oss med kunnskap vi ikke liker? Lytring - Debatt i P2 2023, Lie, Tove; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Abels tårn 2022, Jemterud, Torkild; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Religiøs kritikk av evolusjonsbiologi – Motkreftene er på krigsstien igjen 2020, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
NHO om Nord 2020, Avisa Nordland: Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Klima og vitenskap 2019, Avisa Nordland: Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Uvitskapleg klimadebatt 2019, Bergens Tidende: s. 21-21 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Saxi, Hans Petter
Fakultet for biovitenskap og akvakultur - og sexlivet i Lofoten 2018, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Sperm competition and potential cryptic female choice in an external fertilizer 2018, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Habituation of lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus reveals desensitized stress- and behavioural responses after interaction with Atlantic salmon Salmo salar 2018, Staven, Fredrik Ribsskog; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Imsland, Albert; Andersen, Per; Iversen, Nina; Kristensen, Torstein
Kysttorsk og skrei - same art? 2017, Bladet Vesterålen: Volum 14.02. s. 16-16 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Sjekketriks frå naturen - seksuell seleksjon 2017, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Korleis oppstod liv? 2017, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Korleis var liv til? 2017, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Sjekketriks frå naturen - seksuell seleksjon 2017, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Er det same art? 2017, Avisa Nordland: s. 3-3 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Korleis oppstod "liv"? 2016, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Sjekketriks i naturen - Charles Darwins seksuell seleksjon 2016, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Sjekketriks frå naturen 2016, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Samarbeider bendelmakkar? 2016, Dag og Tid: s. 18-18 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Røyevideo 2016, Folstad, Ivar; Rudolfsen, Geir; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Egeland, Torvald Blikra; Magnus, Brattli
Fish sperm race for reproductive success
https://blog.frontiersin.org/2016/12/22/fish-sperm-race-for-reproductive-success/ 2016, Conn, Hastings; Folstad, Ivar; Rudolfsen, Geir; Egeland, Torvald Blikra; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Seksuell seleksjon - Darwin sitt viktigaste bidrag til biologien 2015, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Seksuell seleksjon - Darwins viktigaste bidrag til biologien 2015, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Hør skreiens virile parringslyder 2014, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Våre forfedres innvandring frå Afrika til Bodø 2014, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Religion og naturvitenskap - å tru eller å vite 2014, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Når menneska vandra ut av Afrika 2014, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Korleis oppstod liv på jorda? 2014, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Seksuell seleksjon – Darwin sitt viktigaste bidrag til biologien 2014, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Gyt kysttorsk og skrei med kvarandre? – Kva har studier i 80 år lært oss? 2013, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Torskegyting og akkustisk kommunikasjon 2013, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Torskesex i Lofoten – kva skjer? II 2013, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Torskesex i Lofoten – kva skjer? 2013, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Flått i Nordland 2013, Bladet Vesterålen: Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Female fineries revisited - are they correlated with offspring quality? 2013, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Kekäläinen, Jukka; Janhunen, Matti; Kortet, Raine
Skivebom om evolusjon 2012, Avisa Nordland: Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Korleis oppstod liv på jorda? 2012, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Investigating miRNAs and transcriptomes at our local SOLiD sequencing facility 2011, Johansen, Steinar Daae; Andreassen, morten; Babiak, Igor; Bizuayehu, Teshome; Coucheron, Dag-Hugo; El-Gewely, M. Raafat
"Torskegyting i Lofoten" og "Kordan vart liv til?" 2011, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Sex and sound of cod off Henningsvær 2011, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Female fineries - but not without costs 2011, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Kekäläinen, Jukka; Kortet, Raine
The importance of free mate choice 2010, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Er kjønn sosial konstruksjon eller biologi? 2010, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Hevnen mot Eia 2010, Dagbladet: s. 74 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Ein sikker karriereveg 2010, Dagbladet: s. 67 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Charles Darwins evolusjonsteori - Korfor så viktig og korfor så stor motstand? 2009, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Darwins utviklingslære og intelligent design 2009, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Tro forkledd som vitenskap 2009, Avisa Nordland: s. 15 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Evolusjonsbiologi, øl, og Intelligent Design 2009, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Misforståingar om Darwin 2009, Ny tid: s. 44-45 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Bjørn, bil og afrikanske gen 2008, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Do female sticklebacks and Arctic charr trade off vulnerable carotenoids between ornaments and eggs? 2007, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Mohus, Åge; Nicolaisen, Ove; Volden, Rolf; Egeland, Einar Skarstad
Varmt hav og hissige forskarar 2007, ?: Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Ornaments of offspring? Female sticklabacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) trade off carotenoids in eggs and pelvic spines 2006, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Rudolfsen, Geir; Egeland, Einar Skarstad
Carotenoids in female sticklebacks' (Gasterosteus aculeatus) gonads and pelvic spines 2005, Egeland, Einar Skarstad; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Rudolfsen, Geir
Ornament or offspring - female sticklebacks trade off carotenoids in spines and eggs 2005, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Rudolfsen, Geir; Egeland, Einar Skarstad
Evolution of female ornaments 2005, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Do stickleback males prefer red ornamented females? 2004, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Acoustic repertoire of spawning cod, Gadus morhua 2004, Finstad, Jens Loss; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Ut i naturen 2004, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Potential fitness benefits from mate selection in the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) 2004, Rudolfsen, Geir; Figenschou, Lars; Folstad, Ivar; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Søreng, Espen
Do male sticklebacks prefer red ornamented females? 2003, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Acoustic communication and spawning in cod 2003, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Finstad, Jens Loss
Spawning calls as a reproductive barrier between two north-east Atlantic cod species? 2002, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Finstad, Jens Loss
Syng og dansar kysttorsk og skrei forskjellig? 2002, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Sound production by coastal cod and north-east Arctic cod 2001, Finstad, Jens Loss; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Do also male sticklebacks prefer red mates? 2000, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Torskegyting - leik eller promiskuøs gruppesex? 2000, Naturen: Volum 124 s. 270-272 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Comparing grunts and grunting muscles of coastal and northeast Arctic cod - preliminary results 2000, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Finstad, Jens Loss
Kysttorsk - ein illusjon? 1999, Nordlandsposten: Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Hammeren, Iver
Haemoglobin frequencies and vertebral numbers of cod (Gadus morhua L.) off northern Norway - test of a population structure hypothesis 1999, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Pettersen, Ivar H.
Torskeutsetjingane på Vestlandet 1999, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
50 års forsking på kysttorsk og skrei - same fisken eller to artar? 1999, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Delayed sexual maturity of three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) after introduction of fish predators - phenotypic plasticity? 1999, Kambestad, Eva; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Jakobsen, Per J.
Faster growth and delayed sexual maturity of three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) after introduction of fish predators 1999, Kambestad, Eva; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
On cod mating behaviour 1999, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Folstad, Ivar
Val av sex-partnar hjå stingsild og mennesket 1999, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Is cod lekking or a promiscuous group spawner? 1999, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Folstad, Ivar
Våryr torsk 1999, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Kysttorsk og norsk-arktisk torsk på gytefelta i Lofoten 1997, Nord universitet: Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Kvinner og sex - ikkje så trufaste likevel? 1996, Bergens Tidende: Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Mennesket sin luktesans og val av sex-partnar 1996, Nordeide, Jarle Tryti
Mennesket sin luktesans og valg av sex-partnar 1996, Naturen: s. 139-141 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Jørgensen, Per M.
Kvifor gyt skrei ved stadig yngre alder 1992, Naturen: Volum 116 s. 269-274 Nordeide, Jarle Tryti; Jørgensen, Per M.