Karianne Berg
Fakultet for lærerutdanning og kunst- og kulturfag
Speech therapy, Aphasia, Adapted education, Special needs education
Bakgrunn: Utdannet allmennlærer og logoped med hovedfag i pedagogikk med fordypninig i spesialpedagogikk. Har erfaring fra skole, PPT, hjerneslagsrehabilitering i spesialisthelsetjenesten og hovedsakelig fra Statped
Kompetanseområde: Logopedi med spesielt fokus på afasi og ervervede hjerneskader
Undervisning/veiledning: Underviser i logopediske emner på logopedutdanning. Underviser i tillegg i kvalitative metoder på master i tilpassa opplæring (Levanger). Veileder masterstudenter på begge disse programmene
STROKE SOCIAL NETWORK SCALE: NORSK OVERSETTELSE OG PILOTERING AV KARTLEGGINGSVERKTØYET SSNS 2024, Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi: Sætherskar, Ida Kristensen; Borgan, Rebekka Walleraunet; Berg, Karianne
Best Practice in Post-Stroke Aphasia Services According to People with Lived Experience. A Modified Nominal Group Technique Study 2023, Aphasiology: Wallace, Sarah J; Anemaat, Lisa; Attard, Michelle; Baker, Caroline; Berg, Karianne; Carragher, Marcella
Overgang barnehage-skole for barn med særskilte behov - en systematisk litterturgjennomgang fra perioden 2015-2021 2023, Spesialpedagogikk: Volum 2 s. 58-71 Festøy, Anne Randi Fagerlid; Berg, Karianne; Sæteren, Anne-Lise; Moen, Torill; Åmot, Ingvild
“I sámifize it...” Preschool in the Centre of South Sámi Language and Culture Learning in Norway 2021, International Research in Early Childhood Education: Volum 11 s. 65-79 Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi Katarina; Berg, Karianne; Kolberg, Asbjørn
Collaborating with parents for South Sámi language learning: A study in an indigenous preschool in Norway Parental Engagement and Early Childhood Education Around the World 2021, Routledge: s. 211-220 Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi Katarina; Berg, Karianne; Kolberg, Asbjørn
Establishing consensus on a definition of aphasia: an e-Delphi study of international aphasia researchers 2020, Aphasiology: Berg, Karianne; Isaksen, Jytte Kjaergaard; Wallace, Sarah J; Cruice, Madeline; Simmons-Mackie, Nina; Worrall, Linda
What do speech–language pathologists describe
as most important when trying to achieve client
participation during aphasia rehabilitation? A
qualitative focus group interview study 2017, International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology: Volum 21 s. 493-503 Berg, Karianne; Askim, Torunn; Rise, Marit By
Experiences of participation in goal setting for people with stroke-induced aphasia in Norway. A qualitative study 2017, Disability and Rehabilitation: Volum 39 s. 1122-1130 Berg, Karianne; Askim, Torunn; Balandin, Susan; Armstrong, Elisabeth; Rise, Marit By
Speech pathologists' experience of involving people with stroke-induced aphasia in clinical decision making during rehabilitation 2016, Disability and Rehabilitation: Volum 38 s. 870-878 Berg, Karianne; Rise, Marit By; Balandin, Susan; Armstrong, Elisabeth; Askim, Torunn
Stroke Social Network Scale - Norway 2024, Berg, Karianne; Sætherskar, Ida Kristensen; Borgan, Rebekka Walleraunet
Tverrfaglig samarbeid rundt stamming i barnehagealder 2024, Berg, Karianne; Hofslundsengen, Hilde Christine; Kirmess, Melanie
“Participation in conversations for individuals with aphasia using AAC” 2023, Skogdal, Signhild; Berg, Karianne
We ask about aphasia, they talk about life (Lightning talk; Short platform presentation) 2023, Haaland-Johansen, Line; Berg, Karianne
Logopeders arbeidssted, fagområder, kompetanse og kompetansebehov 2022, Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi: Skogdal, Signhild; Helland, Wenche Andersen; Morken, Frøydis; Norvik, Monica Irene; Berg, Karianne
Puhetta terveydestä. Kuvatuki terveydenhuollon
keskusteluihin. Avuksi henkilöille, joilla on afasia 2021, Kitzmüller, Gabriele; Berg, Karianne; Haaland-Johansen, Line; Olenik, Dafna
Logopedifagets fremtid 2021, Dagens medisin: Berg, Karianne; Dahl, Trine Lise; Nordvik, Monica; Morken, Frøydis; Helland, Wenche Andersen; Skogdal, Signhild
Samtal om hälsa. Ett visuellt kommunikationsstöd för personer med afasi i samtal med personal inom hälso- och sjukvården 2020, Kitzmüller, Gabriele; Berg, Karianne; Haaland-Johansen, Line; Olenik, Dafna
Conversations about health. Support for health conversations with people who have aphasia 2020, Kitzmüller, Gabriele; Berg, Karianne; Haaland-Johansen, Line; Olenik, Dafna
Metaphorically speaking – Aphasia according to people with aphasia 2020, Berg, Karianne; Haaland-Johansen, Line
The person with aphasia as expert 2019, Berg, Karianne; Haaland-Johansen, Line
"Hvordan føles det å ha kommunikasjonsvansker?" Råd til logopeder fra personer med afasi 2018, Haaland-Johansen, Line; Berg, Karianne
The person with aphasia as text - a field trip in the archive 2018, Aphasiology: Volum 32 s. 105-106 Haaland-Johansen, Line; Berg, Karianne
The person with aphasia as text 2018, Haaland-Johansen, Line; Berg, Karianne
Arbeid med pasientsentrerte mål for rehabilitering 2018, Berg, Karianne
How does Goal Setting Happen? Perspectives from People with Aphasia and their Speech-Language Pathologists 2017, Haley, Katarina; Isaksen, Jytte Kjaergaard; Berg, Karianne
Establishing a consensus on an updated definition of aphasia 2017, Berg, Karianne; Worrall, Linda
Snakk om det! Nytt bildemateriell kalt "Samtaler om helse" 2017, Afasiposten: s. 14-15 Haaland-Johansen, Line; Kitzmüller, Gabriele; Berg, Karianne
Establishing a consensus on an updated definition of aphasia 2016, Berg, Karianne; Worrall, Linda; Wallace, Sarah; Brandenburg, Caitlin; Penn, Claire; Cruice, Madeline
A picture and a thousand words 2016, Haaland-Johansen, Line; Berg, Karianne; Olenik, Dafna; Kitzmüller, Gabriele
Samtaler om helse. En visuell kommunikasjonsveileder til bruk for helsepersonell i samtale med personer med afasi 2016, Kitzmüller, Gabriele; Berg, Karianne; Haaland-Johansen, Line; Olenik, Dafna
Afasi og livskvalitet 2015, Logos. Audiologopædisk Tidsskrift: s. 9-11 Berg, Karianne; Haaland-Johansen, Line
Speech pathologists` experience with client participation for people with aphasia 2015, Berg, Karianne; Rise, Marit By; Balandin, Susan; Armstrong, Elizabeth; Askim, Torunn
Goal setting – the contribution of people with aphasia 2015, Berg, Karianne; Askim, Torunn; Balandin, Susan; Armstrong, Elizabeth; Rise, Marit By
Aphasia in later life Encyclopedia of Geropsychology 2015, Springer: s. 1-7 Worrall, Linda; Rose, Tanya; Brandenburg, Caitlin; Rohde, Alexia; Berg, Karianne; Wallace, Sarah
Client participation in goal-setting and clinical decision making 2014, Berg, Karianne; Rise, Marit By; Balandin, Susan; Armstrong, Elizabeth; Askim, Torunn
Measuring quality of life in aphasia: SAQOL-39 in Norwegian 2011, Berg, Karianne; Haaland-Johansen, Line
Quality of life in aphasia: Norwegian adaptation of SAQOL-39 2010, Berg, Karianne; Haaland-Johansen, Line
Teknologi til nytte eller besvær? Analyse av en afasifaglig e-møteplass 2006, Berg, Karianne; Haaland-Johansen, Line