Lars Kolvereid
Professor emeritus
Income penalties associated with entrepreneurs´ exit from self-employment 2021, Journal of Innovation Economics & Management: Volum 35 s. 131-149 Kolvereid, Lars; Hanssen, Thor-Erik Sandberg
Staged entry into self-employment. And after? 2021, International Reveiw of Entrepreneurship: Volum 19 s. 411-436 Kritskaya, Lidia; Kolvereid, Lars
Training Ukrainian military in job creation and job taking 2020, European Journal of Training and Development: Kolvereid, Lars; Iermolenko, Olga
Outsider support, firm births and outcomes Research handbook on start-up incubation ecosystems 2020, Edward Elgar Publishing: s. 285-297 Kolvereid, Lars; Isaksen, Espen John
Incorporated entrepreneurship in Norway: Propensity and endurance 2019, Journal of Business Venturing Insights: Volum 11 Kolvereid, Lars; Åmo, Bjørn Willy
Growth intention and growth in small accounting firms 2019, Administrative Sciences: Volum 9 Kolvereid, Lars; Åmo, Bjørn Willy
Timepris som kvalitetssignal for regnskapskontor Trender og utfordringer i regnskap og revisjon 2019, Fagbokforlaget: s. 135-149 Kolvereid, Lars; Åmo, Bjørn Willy
New firm development: Identifying dormant, drowsy and active firms 2018, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing: Volum 10 s. 619-637 Kolvereid, Lars; Bulanova, Oxana; Isaksen, Espen John
Corporate entrepreneurship The SAGE Handbook of Small Business and Entrepreneurship 2018, Edward Elgar Publishing: s. 259-278 Åmo, Bjørn Willy; Kolvereid, Lars
Hybrid Entrepreneurs: Characteristics and achievements 2018, Entreprendre & Innover: Volum 34 s. 7-19 Kritskaya, Lidia; Kolvereid, Lars; Isaksen, Espen John
Expectations and achievements in new firms 2017, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development: Volum 24 s. 649-668 Kolvereid, Lars; Isaksen, Espen John
Growth aspirations among women entrepreneurs in high growth firms 2016, Baltic Journal of Management: Volum 11 s. 187-206 Bulanova, Oxana; Isaksen, Espen John; Kolvereid, Lars
Comparison of perceived barriers to entrepreneurship in Eastern and Western European countries 2014, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management: Volum 18 s. 115-133 Iakovleva, Tatiana; Kolvereid, Lars; Gorgievski, Marjan; Sørhaug, Øystein
Predicting entrepreneurial intentions when satisfactory employment opportunities are scarce 2013, Education + Training: Volum 55 s. 719-737 Vinogradov , Evgueni; Kolvereid, Lars; Timochenko Y, Konstantin
Perspektiver på Entreprenørskap 2012, Cappelen Damm Akademisk: Jenssen, Jan Inge; Kolvereid, Lars; Erikson, Truls
Student intentions to become self-employed: the Ukrainian context 2012, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development: Volum 19 s. 441-460 Solesvik, Marina; Westhead, Paul; Kolvereid, Lars; Matlay, Harry
The psychology of the entrepreneur Perspectives in entrepreneurship : a critical approach 2011, Palgrave Macmillan: s. 27-39 Kolvereid, Lars; Isaksen, Espen
Entrepreneurial intentions in developing and developed countries 2011, Education + Training: Volum 53 s. 353-370 Iakovleva, Tatiana A; Kolvereid, Lars; Stephan, Ute
Business start-up process in Norway New Business Creation : An International Overview 2011, Springer: s. 195-222 Alsos, Gry Agnete; Kolvereid, Lars
Nytten av å ta utdanning innen økonomifagene 2010, Magma forskning og viten: Volum 13 s. 20-29 Åmo, Bjørn W.; Kolvereid, Lars
Advice to new business founders and subsequent venture performance The Life cycle of new ventures 2010, Edward Elgar Publishing: s. 202-217 Kolvereid, Lars; Isaksen, Espen John; Ottósson, Hannes
The Life cycle of new ventures 2010, Edward Elgar Publishing: Brush, Candida G; Kolvereid, Lars; Widding, Lars Øystein; Sørheim, Roger
Home country national intelligence and self-employment rates among immigrants in Norway 2010, Intelligence: Volum 38 s. 151-159 Vinogradov , Evgueni; Kolvereid, Lars
An integrated model of entrepreneurial intentions 2009, International Journal of Business and Globalisation: Volum 3 s. 66-80 Iakovleva, Tatiana; Kolvereid, Lars
Home country national intelligence and self-employment rates among immigrants in Norway 2009, Intelligence: Volum 38 s. 151-159 Kolvereid, Lars; Vinogradov, Evgueni
Fire typer nyetablerte bedrifter og deres resultater i tidlig fase Teknologibasert nyskaping i Norge 2009, Tapir Akademisk Forlag: s. 21-33 Isaksen, Espen John; Kolvereid, Lars
To start a business: Entrepreneurial intentions among Russian, Norwegian and Finnish students Norwegian-Russian Cooperation in Business Education and Research: Visions and Challenges in Perspectives of the High North 2007, Cappelen Damm Akademisk: s. 43-56 Kolvereid, Lars; Kickul, Jill; Åmo, Bjørn W.; Steshin, Anatoli; Iakovleva, Tatiana
Introduksjon til entreprenørskap Perspektiver på entreprenørskap / Jan Inge Jenssen, Lars Kolvereid og Truls Erikson (red.) 2006, Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget: s. 17-24 Jenssen, Jan Inge; Jenssen, Jan Inge; Kolvereid, Lars; Kolvereid, Lars; Erikson, Truls
New business start-up and subsequent entry into self-employment 2006, Journal of Business Venturing: Volum 21 s. 866-885 Kolvereid, Lars; Isaksen, Espen John
Is it equally difficult for female entrepreneurs to start businesses in all countries? Women and entrepreneurship : contemporary classics 2006, Edward Elgar Publishing: s. 563-572 Kolvereid, Lars; Shane, Scott; Westhead, Paul
Entreprenørskap i det norske samfunn Perspektiver på entreprenørskap / Jan Inge Jenssen, Lars Kolvereid og Truls Erikson (red.) 2006, Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget: s. 271-282 Jenssen, Jan Inge; Jenssen, Jan Inge; Kolvereid, Lars; Kolvereid, Lars
New business early performance: Differences between firms started by novice, serial and portfolio entrepreneurs Christenen, P.R. and F. Poulfeldt: (eds.): Managing Complexity and Change in SMEs. Frontiers in European Research 2006, Edward Elgar Publishing: s. 35-68 Alsos, Gry; Kolvereid, Lars; Isaksen, Espen John
Perspektiver på entreprenørskap / Jan Inge Jenssen, Lars Kolvereid og Truls Erikson (red.) 2006, Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget: Kolvereid, Lars; Erikson, Truls; Jenssen, Jan Inge
Growth objectives in Norwegian start-up businesses 2005, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB): Volum 2 s. 17-26 Isaksen, Espen John; Kolvereid, Lars
The business gestation process of novice, serial and parallel business founders 1999, ?: Alsos, Gry Agnete; Kolvereid, Lars
Self-employment intentions among Russian students 1999, ?: Volum 11 s. 269-280 Kolvereid, Lars; Tkachev, Alexander
Perceived innovation success in the russian market 1997, International Journal of Information Management: Volum 17 s. 13-20 Johannessen, Jon-Arild; Dolva, J.O.; Kolvereid, Lars; Kolvereid, Lars
Prediction of venture implementation 1997, Journal of Enterprising Culture: Volum 5 s. 293-308 Kolvereid, Lars; Bullvåg, Erlend
Growth intentions and actual growth: the impact of entrepreneurial choice 1996, Journal of Enterprising Culture: Volum 4 s. 1-17 Kolvereid, Lars; Bullvåg, Erlend
New business formation: does gender make a difference? 1996, Women in Management Review: Volum 11 s. 3-12 Ljunggren, Elisabet; Kolvereid, Lars
Entrepreneurs in different environments and cultures, in Britain, Norway and Poland: towards a comparative framework Managing across cultures: issues and perspectives 1996, s. 338-359 Obloj, K.; Kolvereid, Lars; Joynt, P.; Warner, M.
Information search during business gestation 1994, ?: Volum 2 s. 22-32 Johannessen, Jon-Arild; Kolvereid, Lars
Is it equally difficult for female entrepreneurs to start businesses in all countries? 1993, ?: Volum 31 s. 42-51 Kolvereid, Lars; Shane, S.; Westhead, P.
An exploratory examination of the reasons leading to new firm formation across country and gender 1991, Journal of Business Venturing: Volum 6 s. 431-446 Shane, S.; Kolvereid, Lars; Westhead, P.
Challenges perceived by female entrepreneurs during business start-up and growth 2014, Alsos, Gry Agnete; Bulanova, Oxana; Kolvereid, Lars; Ljunggren, Elisabet
Entreprenørskap i Norge 2012 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2013, Nord universitet: Alsos, Gry Agnete; Bullvåg, Erlend; Clausen, Tommy Høyvarde; Kolvereid, Lars; Åmo, Bjørn Willy
Editorial 2013, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB): Volum 19 s. 126-129 Kolvereid, Lars; Borch, Odd Jarl
Perceived Barriers to entrepreneurship: A qualitative comparison of developing and developed countries Entrepreneurical Strategies and Policies for Economic Growth 2012, Iakovleva, Tatiana; Kolvereid, Lars; Sørhaug, Ø.; Gorgievski, M.
Introduction The Life cycle of new ventures 2010, Edward Elgar Publishing: s. 1-9 Brush, Candida G; Sørheim, Roger; Widding, Lars Øystein; Kolvereid, Lars
Global entrepreneurship monitor. Entreprenørskap i Norge 2009 2010, Nord universitet: Bullvåg, Erlend; Kolvereid, Lars; Mathisen, Terje; Åmo, Bjørn Willy
Self-Employment Intentions Among Ukrainian Students 2010, Solesvik, Maryna Z; Kolvereid, Lars; Kolvereid, Lars; Westhead, Paul
Entreprenørskap i Norge 2007. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2008, Nord universitet: Kolvereid, Lars; Bullvåg, Erlend; Åmo, Bjørn W.
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Entreprenørskap i Norge i 2006 2007, Nord universitet: Kolvereid, Lars; Bullvåg, Erlend; Åmo, Bjørn W.
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Entreprenørskap i Norge 2007 2007, Nord universitet: Bullvåg, Erlend; Kolvereid, Lars; Åmo, Bjørn W.
Cultural background, home country national intelligence and self-employment rates among immigrants in Norway 2007, Vinogradov , Evgueni; Kolvereid, Lars
Perspektiver på entreprenørskap 2006, Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget: Jenssen, Jan Inge; Kolvereid, Lars; Erikson, Truls
Entrepreneurship among graduates from business school: A Norwegian case 2006, Nord universitet: Kolvereid, Lars; Åmo, Bjørn W.
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2006, Nord universitet: Kolvereid, Lars; Alsos, Gry; Åmo, Bjørn W.
Przedsiebiorca 2006, Universitetsforlaget: Kolvereid, Lars
Cultural background, home country national intelligence and self-employment rates among immigrants in Norway 2006, Nord universitet: Vinogradov, Evgueni; Kolvereid, Lars
Perspektiver på entreprenørskap 2006, Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget: Våge, Magne; Våge, Magne; Bjerkås, Trygve; Borch, Odd Jarl; Foss, Lene; Hatteland, Øystein
Cultural background, home country national intelligence and self-employment rates among immigrants in Norway 2006, Vinogradov , Evgueni; Kolvereid, Lars
Entreprenørskap i Norge 2004. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Working Paper 2005, Nord universitet: Kolvereid, Lars; Åmo, Bjørn W.
Entrepreneurship among graduates from business school 2005, Kolvereid, Lars; Åmo, Bjørn W.
Across cultural and economic boundaries: Modelling cognitions, norms, and motivations onto entrepreneurial self-efficacy and internationality 2005, Kickul, Jill; Iakovleva, Tatiana; Kolvereid, Lars
New business start-up and subsequent entry into self-employment 2004, Nord universitet: Kolvereid, Lars; Isaksen, Espen John
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Entreprenørskap i Norge 2003 2004, Nord universitet: Alsos, Gry; Kolvereid, Lars
Organizational strategy, individual personality and innovative behavior 2004, Nord universitet: Åmo, Bjørn W.; Kolvereid, Lars
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2003, Kolvereid, Lars; Alsos, Gry
Konsekvenser og tiltak ved endring av regional differensiert arbeidsgiveravgift 2003, Nord universitet: Bullvåg, Erlend; Kolvereid, Lars
Entrepreneurship among women in Norway 2003, Alsos, Gry; Kolvereid, Lars
Aspiring, nascent and fledging entrepreneurs: A resourcebased approach to the business start-up prcess 2002, Nord universitet: Rotefoss, Beate; Kolvereid, Lars
Growth objectives in Norwegian baby businesses 2002, Nord universitet: Isaksen, Espen John; Kolvereid, Lars
Entrepreneurship in Russia - An international comparision 2002, Iakovleva, Tatiana; Kolvereid, Lars
Gründerboken 2002, Cappelen Damm Akademisk: Kolvereid, Lars; Thune-Holm, Anton
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Entreprenørskap i Norge 2002 2002, Nord universitet: Kolvereid, Lars; Oftedal, Elin
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Entreprenørskap i Norge 2001 2001, Kolvereid, Lars; Bullvåg, Erlend; Oftedal, Elin
To start a business is easy, to become an employer is not 2001, Isaksen, Espen John; Kolvereid, Lars
Employment Status Preferences among Employed and Self-employed 2000, Rotefoss, Beate; Kolvereid, Lars; Olsen, Bjørn
Is entrepreneurship a function of individual factors, regional factors, or both? 2000, Rotefoss, Beate; Kolvereid, Lars
Reasons for employment status preferences and perceived barriers to entrepreneurship among russian students 1999, Ciglanova, Dana; Kolvereid, Lars
Critique of Starr, Bygrave and Tercanli: Does experience pay? 1999, Kolvereid, Lars; Bullvåg, Erlend; Birley, Sue; MacMillan, Ian C.
Faktorer som bestemmer din lønn 1998, ?: s. 8 Kolvereid, Lars
Perceived Innovation Success in The Russian Market 1996, Johannessen, Jon Arild; Kolvereid, Lars; Dolva, J.O.
New business formation: does gender make a difference? 1995, Ljunggren, Elisabet; Kolvereid, Lars
Konsulenter og konsumenter : en analyse av bedriftsbistand i Nord-Norge 1985, Universitetsforlaget: Borch, Odd Jarl; Hauan, Arnulf; Kolvereid, Lars