Ansattbilde: Marit Bjørnevik

Marit Bjørnevik

Prodekan for utdanning
Fakultet for biovitenskap og akvakultur
Bodø, Noatun, B3.014

I have a M.Sc. degree in Aquaculture, with specialization in fish nutrition from University of Bergen. The thesis was done in cooperation with Nasjonalt institutt for ernærings- og sjømatforskning (NIFES). I have a Ph.D. degree in muscle structure and flesh quality in salmon and cod, also from University of Bergen.

I have been the pro dean for education at the Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture (FBA) since August 2016. And have been leading the educational board at FBA on regularly basis.

My teaching experience at FBA includes topics at Bachelor and Master level within seafood quality both on wild and aquaculture species, as well as quality managment in aquaculture. I have been study program responsible for master in biosciences and the joint Nordic master in sustainable production and utllisation of marine bioresources, as well as a life long learning one-year program Quality management in seafood productionfor.
I have regularly supervising of both bachelor and master theses.

From 1995-2003 I worked as a research scientist including taking a PhD, at Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Matre. At IMR I was involved in research on astaxanthin in salmon, muscle structure development and growth in salmon, effect of water current on muscle structure in cod, quality of smoked salmon (EU-project), and production in closed cage technology.

After coming to Nord University in 2003 I have been involved in small and large projects focusing on how production methods affect fillet quality and growth in fish, such as feeding regimes, light regimes, water velocity in closed cage and stress. Through supervising of master students I have lately been involved in smaller projects related to sustainability in aquaculture.

The concept map as a substitute for lectures: Effects on student performance and mental health 2023, Cogent Education: Volum 10 s. 1-11 Wagner, Clara Isabel; Bal, Mattheus Peter; Brinchmann, Monica Fengsrud; Noble, Leslie Robert; Raeymaekers, Joost Andre M; Bjørnevik, Marit
The effect of alternate-day feeding on growth and feed conversion in Atlantic cod Gadus morhua 2021, Aquaculture Nutrition: Volum 27 s. 1206-1211 Bjørnevik, Marit; Imsland, Albert K. D.; Hanssen, Henriette; Roth, Bjørn; Vikingstad, Erik; Foss, Atle
The importance of exercise: Increased water velocity improves growth of Atlantic salmon in closed cages. 2019, Aquaculture: Volum 501 s. 537-546 Nilsen, Arve; Hagen, Ørjan; Johnsen, Chris André; Prytz, Halvor; Zhou, Bingfei; Nielsen, Kristoffer Vale
Effects of starvation, subsequent feeding and photoperiod on flesh quality in farmed cod (Gadus morhua) 2016, Aquaculture Nutrition: Volum 23 s. 285-292 Bjørnevik, Marit; Hanssen, Henriette; Roth, Bjørn; Foss, Atle; Vikingstad, Erik J.M; Solberg, Christel
Effect of different feeding regimes on growth in juvenile Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L 2012, Aquaculture: Volum 364-365 s. 298-304 Hanssen, Henriette; Imsland, Albert; Foss, Atle; Vikingstad, Erik; Bjørnevik, Marit; Solberg, Christel
Atlantic salmon in closed containment systems (CCS) 2018, Nilsen, Arve; Biering, Eirik; Nielsen, Kristoffer Vale; Bergheim, Asbjørn; Bjørnevik, Marit; Hagen, Ørjan
Swimming speed affects growth in Atlantic salmon in closed cage. 2016, Bjørnevik, Marit; Zhou, Bingfei; Hagen, Ørjan; Johnsen, Chris André; Karlsen, Elisabeth; Næss, Anders
Growth, maturation and flesh quality in atlantic cod 2013, Bjørnevik, Marit; Roth, Bjørn; Hansen, Henriette; Foss, Atle; Vikingstad, Erik; Solberg, Christel
Mat og Helse 2011, Bjørnevik, Marit; Solberg, Christel
Growth, maturation and flesh quality control in on-growing Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L 2011, Hanssen, Henriette; Foss, Atle; Erik, Vikingstad; Bjørnevik, Marit; Roth, Bjørn; Solberg, Christel
Quality changes during frozen storage of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) 2011, Palihawadana, Anjana; Hagen, Ørjan; Solberg, Christel; Bjørnevik, Marit
Quality changes during frozen storage of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) 2011, Palihawadana, Anjana; Hagen, Ørjan; Bjørnevik, Marit; Solberg, Christel
Effect of live cooling on stress response and welfare in farmed salmon and cod 2009, Bjørnevik, Marit; Lysfjord, grete; Almenningen, Frans; Jakobsen, Roald; Krueger, Anke; Eliassen, Robert Arild