Ning Lin
Adopting different wind-assisted ship propulsion technologies as fleet retrofit: An agent-based modeling approach 2023, Technological Forecasting and Social Change: Volum 192 Chica, Manuel; Hermann, Roberto Rivas; Lin, Ning
Arctic transshipment hub planning along the Northern Sea Route: A systematic literature review and policy implications of Arctic port infrastructure 2022, Marine Policy: Volum 145 Hermann, Roberto Rivas; Lin, Ning; Lebel, Julien; Kovalenko, Alina
Challenges and developments in integrated container supply chains : a research agenda on Europe-China research network on integrated container supply chains (ENRICH) project Collaborative logistics and intermodality : integration in supply chain network models and solutions for global environments 2021, Springer: s. 1-15 Yang, Zaili; Wang, Y; Li, D; Hjelle, Harald M.; Yan, X.; Shi, X
Potential solutions to upstream buyer consolidation
in the China-Europe container trades : An exploratory study International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences (LISS 2016) : Proceeding 2016, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers): s. 1-11 Lin, Ning; Hjelle, Harald M.; Cullinane, Kevin; Bergqvist, Rickard Y; Eidhammer, Olav; Wang, Yuhong
Utilizan IA para fomentar el uso de energía eólica en la industria marítima 2023, Hermann, Roberto Rivas; Lin, Ning; Chica, Manuel
Adopting different wind-assisted ship propulsion technologies as fleet retrofit: An agent-based modeling approach 2023, Chica, Manuel; Hermann, Roberto Rivas; Lin, Ning
Adopting different wind-assisted ship propulsion technologies as fleet retrofit: An Agent-based modeling approach
2023, Chica, Manuel; Hermann, Roberto Rivas; Lin, Ning
Bruker kunstig intelligens for å fremme bruken av vindenergi i maritim industri 2023, Skipsrevyen: Hermann, Roberto Rivas; Chica, Manuel; Lin, Ning
The Significance of Deep Water Transshipment Hubs for Future Development of the Northern Sea Route: A Systematic Literature Review 2021, Hermann, Roberto Rivas; Lin, Ning
Environmental Impact of NSR Shipping: A Systematic Literature Review 2021, Lin, Ning; Hermann, Roberto Rivas
Green innovation drivers in maritime logistics: Wind propulsion as a case study 2021, Hermann, Roberto Rivas; Lin, Ning
Port Investment session; On Arctic Transshipment Hubs Planning along the Northern Sea Route (NSR) 2021, Hermann, Roberto Rivas; Lin, Ning
Scenario development for wind propulsion technology adoption: A theoretical model for agent-based modeling 2021, Hermann, Roberto Rivas; Lin, Ning; Siatta, Mark David
Want to Use Wind to Lower Emissions in Shipping | Vil bruke vind til lavutslipp i skipsfart | 2021, Hermann, Roberto Rivas; Lin, Ning
The Significance of Deep-Water Transshipment Hubs for Future Development of the Northern Sea Route: A Systematic Literature Review 2020, Hermann, Roberto Rivas; Lin, Ning
Why shipowners will install WPTs? A theoretical model of WPT firm uptake. Advances of deliverable 5a WASP project 2020, Hermann, Roberto Rivas; Siatta, Mark David; Lin, Ning
Review of Environmental Risks and Impact Analyses of Northern Sea Route Shipping 2020, Lin, Ning; Hermann, Roberto Rivas
Alternative supply chain designs for containerized cargo from China to peripheral regions in Europe : final report of the SeaConAZ project 2019, Hjelle, Harald M.; Lin, Ning; Bergqvist, Rickard Y; Eidhammer, Olav; Mangan, John; Yang, Zaili
Cost Saving Potential of Upstream Buyer Consolidation and Downstream Intermodal Rail-based Solutions in the China-Europe Container Trades 2017, Lin, Ning; Hjelle, Harald M.; Bergqvist, Rickard Y
Upstream Buyer Consolidation and Downstream Short Sea Shipping in the Asia-Europe Sea Container Supply Chain
– An Exploratory Study 2016, Lin, Ning; Hjelle, Harald M.; Cullinane, Kevin; Eidhammer, Olav; Bergqvist, Rickard Y; Wang, Yuhong
Potential Solutions to Upstream Buyer Consolidation
in the China-Europe Container Trades 2016, Lin, Ning; Hjelle, Harald M.; Cullinane, Kevin; Bergqvist, Rickard Y; Eidhammer, Olav; Wang, Yuhong