Øyvind Ihlen
Professor II
Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap
Navigating pandemic phases: Public health authority communication during COVID-19 in Norway 2024, Nordicom: Ihlen, Øyvind; Just, Sine Nørholm; Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund; Mølster, Ragnhild; Offerdal, Truls Strand; Rasmussen, Joel
Handling protracted crises: Communication challenges, constraints and opportunities 2024, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management: Volum 32 Ihlen, Øyvind; Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund; Offerdal, Truls Strand
Made to measure: interest group message customization in a multi-party system 2024, Interest Groups & Advocacy: Ihlen, Øyvind; Raknes, Ketil
Trustworthiness: Public reactions to COVID-19 crisis communication 2024, Communications: Skogerbø, Eli; Ihlen, Øyvind; Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund; Vranic, Anja
Uncertainty Communication in a High-Trust Society: Source Type, Political Preference, and Trust 2024, International Journal of Communication: Volum 18 s. 219-247 Ihlen, Øyvind; Fladmoe, Audun; Steen-Johnsen, Kari
Trustworthiness Over Time on Twitter: Three Critical Periods for the Norwegian Health Authorities and Political Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic 2023, Social Media + Society: Volum 9 Fiskvik, Jannicke; Bjarkø, Andrea Vik; Ihlen, Øyvind
Social theory in public relations: Insights and directions Public relations theory III 2023, Routledge: Edwards, Lee; Ihlen, Øyvind
Conclusions: In search of a Nordic model of crisis communication Communicating a Pandemic: Crisis Management and Covid-19 in the Nordic Countries 2023, Nordicom: s. 349-361 Johansson, Bengt; Ihlen, Øyvind; Lindholm, Jenny; Ørsten, Mark
Communicating a Pandemic: Crisis Management and Covid-19 in the Nordic Countries 2023, Nordicom: Johansson, Bengt; Ihlen, Øyvind; Lindholm, Jenny; Blach-Ørsten, Mark
Introduction: Communicating a pandemic in the Nordic countries Communicating a Pandemic: Crisis Management and Covid-19 in the Nordic Countries 2023, Nordicom: s. 11-30 Johansson, Bengt; Ihlen, Øyvind; Lindholm, Jenny; Ørsten, Mark
Right-wing ideological constraint and vaccine refusal: The case of the COVID-19 vaccine in Norway 2022, Scandinavian Political Studies: Volum 45 s. 253-278 Wollebæk, Dag; Fladmoe, Audun; Steen-Johnsen, Kari; Ihlen, Øyvind
Democracy, strategic communication and lobbying Research Handbook on Strategic Communication 2022, Edward Elgar Publishing: s. 166-177 Ihlen, Øyvind; Lock, Irina; Raknes, Ketil
Experiencing COVID-19 in Denmark, Norway and Sweden: The role of the Nordic model Strategic Communication in a Global Crisis 2022, Routledge: s. 184-198 Ihlen, Øyvind; Johansson, Bengt; Ørsten, Mark
A question of trust: Exploring trust concepts, experiences and early observations from Europe. Strategic Communication in a Global Crisis 2022, Routledge: s. 15-31 Valentini, Chiara; Ihlen, Øyvind; Tench, Ralph
Expert uncertainty: Arguments bolstering the ethos of expertise in situations of uncertainty The pandemic of argumentation 2022, Springer: Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund; Mølster, Ragnhild; Ihlen, Øyvind
“We Do Not Have Any Further Info to Add, Unfortunately”–Strategic Disengagement on Public Health Facebook Pages 2022, International Journal of Strategic Communication: Volum 16 s. 499-515 Offerdal, Truls Strand; Ihlen, Øyvind; Just, Sine Nørholm; Rasmussen, Joel
Transparency beyond information disclosure: strategies of the Scandinavian public health authorities during the COVID-19 pandemic 2022, Journal of Risk Research: Volum 25 s. 1176-1189 Ihlen, Øyvind; Just, Sine N.; Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund; Mølster, Ragnhild; Offerdal, Truls Strand; Rasmussen, Joel
Between progress and struggle: young PR-scholars’ contribution to theory building and progress in public relations research 2022, Journal of Communication Management: Seiffert-Brockmann, Jens; Hackl, Laura; Ihlen, Øyvind
Public Ethos in the Pandemic Rhetorical Situation: Strategies for Building Trust in Authorities’ Risk Communication 2021, Journal of International Crisis and Risk Communication Research (JICRCR): Volum 4 s. 247-270 Offerdal, Truls Strand; Just, Sine Nørholm; Ihlen, Øyvind
Using Rhetorical Situations to Examine and Improve Vaccination Communication 2021, Frontiers in Communication: Volum 6 Ihlen, Øyvind; Toledano, Margalit; Just, Sine Nørholm
Expert ethos and the strength of networks: negotiations of credibility in mediated debate on COVID-19 2021, Health Promotion International: Volum 37 s. 1-11 Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund; Ihlen, Øyvind; Just, Sine Nørholm; Larsson, Anders Olof
A Nordic model for political communication? Power, communication, and politics in the Nordic countries 2021, Nordicom: s. 13-27 Skogerbø, Eli; Kristensen, Nete Nørgaard; Nord, Lars; Ihlen, Øyvind
Rhetorical theory of public relations Public relations 2021, De Gruyter Mouton: s. 361-380 Heath, Robert L.; Waymer, Damion; Ihlen, Øyvind
Power, communication, and politics in the Nordic countries 2021, Nordicom: Skogerbø, Eli; Ihlen, Øyvind; Kristensen, Nete Nørgaard; Nord, Lars W.
Lobbying in Scandinavia Power, communication, and politics in the Nordic countries 2021, Nordicom: s. 305-323 Ihlen, Øyvind; Binderkrantz, Anne; Öberg, Perola
Trade Unions and Lobbying: Fighting Private Interests While Defending the Public Interest? 2020, International Journal of Communication: Volum 14 s. 4913-4931 Valentini, Chiara; Ihlen, Øyvind; Somerville, Ian; Raknes, Ketil; Davidson, Scott
Connecting the dots: A bibliometric review of Habermasian theory in public relations research 2019, Journal of Communication Management: Volum 23 s. 444-467 Buhmann, Alexander; Ihlen, Øyvind; Aaen-Stockdale, Craig
Ethical grounds for public relations as organizational rhetoric 2019, Public Relations Review: Volum 45 Ihlen, Øyvind; Heath, Robert L.
Post-truth and public relations: Special section introduction 2019, Public Relations Review: Ihlen, Øyvind; Anne, Gregory; Luoma-aho, Vilma; Buhmann, Alexander
Public relations, society and the generative power of history 2019, Routledge: Somerville, Ian; Edwards, Lee; Ihlen, Øyvind
Introduction: Public relations, society and the generative power of history Public relations, society and the generative power of history 2019, Routledge: s. 1-12 Somerville, Ian; Edwards, Lee; Ihlen, Øyvind
Public Relations and Social Theory. Key Figures, Concepts and Developments 2018, Routledge: Ihlen, Øyvind; Magnus, Fredriksson
Public relations and the power of creativity 2018, Emerald Group Publishing Limited: Bowman, Sarah K; Crookes, Adrian; Ihlen, Øyvind; Rometni, Stefania
Identification: Connection and division in organizational rhetoric and communication. Handbook of organizational rhetoric and communication. 2018, Wiley-Blackwell: Heath, Robert L.; Cheney, George; Ihlen, Øyvind
Conclusions and take away points. Handbook of organizational rhetoric and communication. 2018, Wiley-Blackwell: Heath, Robert L.; Ihlen, Øyvind
Strategic communication and framing The International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication 2018, Wiley-Blackwell: Olsson, Eva-Karin; Ihlen, Øyvind
Introduction: Organizational rhetoric. Handbook of organizational rhetoric and communication. 2018, Wiley-Blackwell: Ihlen, Øyvind; Heath, Robert L.
Handbook of organizational rhetoric and communication. 2018, Wiley-Blackwell: Ihlen, Øyvind; Robert L., Heath
Conclusions on the compass, context, concepts, concerns and empirical avenues for public relations. Public Relations and Social Theory. Key Figures, Concepts and Developments 2018, Routledge: Ihlen, Øyvind; Verhoeven, Piet; Fredriksson, Magnus
Public relations and social theory: Key figures, concepts and developments 2018, Routledge: Ihlen, Øyvind; Fredriksson, Magnus
Introduction: Public relations and social theory Public relations and social theory: Key figures, concepts and developments 2018, Routledge: Fredriksson, Magnus; Ihlen, Øyvind
Framing “the Public Interest”: Comparing Public Lobbying Campaigns in Four European States 2018, Journal of Public Interest Communications: Volum 2 Ihlen, Øyvind; Raknes, Ketil; Somerville, Ian; Valentini, Chiara; Stachel, Charlotte; Lock, Irina
How strategic communication shapes value and innovation in society 2017, Emerald Group Publishing Limited: van Ruler, Betteke; Smit, Iekje; Ihlen, Øyvind; Romenti, Stefania
Digital dialogue: Crisis communication in social media Social Media and Crisis Communication 2017, Routledge: s. 389-400 Ihlen, Øyvind; Levenshus, Abbey
Risk, crisis, and social media: A systematic review of seven years? research 2017, Nordicom Review: Volum 38 s. 1-17 Rasmussen, Joel; Ihlen, Øyvind
Makt, medier og politikk: Norsk politisk kommunikasjon 2015, Universitetsforlaget: Ihlen, Øyvind; Skogerbø, Eli; Allern, Sigurd
Introduksjon Makt, medier og politikk: Norsk politisk kommunikasjon 2015, Universitetsforlaget: Ihlen, Øyvind; Skogerbø, Eli; Allern, Sigurd
På jakt etter norsk politisk kommunikasjon 2015, Norsk Medietidsskrift: Volum 22 Ihlen, Øyvind; Skogerbø, Eli; Allern, Sigurd
The rhetorical citizenship of corporations in the digital age 2015, Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility: Volum 7 s. 17-37 Hoff-Clausen, Elisabeth; Ihlen, Øyvind
Lobbyisme: påvirkning av politikere og byråkrater Makt, medier og politikk: Norsk politisk kommunikasjon 2015, Universitetsforlaget: s. 232-243 Ihlen, Øyvind; Gullberg, Anne Therese
The historical development of corporate social responsibility in Norway Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe 2015, Springer: s. 177-196 Ditlev-Simonsen, Caroline Dale; Høivik, Heidi von Weltzien; Ihlen, Øyvind
Behind the framing scenes: Challenges and opportunities for NGOs and authorities framing irregular immigration 2015, American Behavioral Scientist: Volum 59 s. 822-838 Ihlen, Øyvind; Figenschou, Tine Ustad; Larsen, Anna M. Grøndahl
Social theories for strategic communication The Routledge handbook of strategic communication 2014, Routledge: Ihlen, Øyvind; Verhoeven, Piet
Meditizaiton of corporations Mediatization of communication 2014, De Gruyter Mouton: s. 423-441 Ihlen, Øyvind; Pallas, Josef
Mediatization of public bureaucracies Mediatization of communication 2014, De Gruyter Mouton: s. 405-422 Thorbjørnsrud, Kjersti; Figenschou, Tine Ustad; Ihlen, Øyvind
Mediatization in new areas: The changed role of public bureaucracies Organizations and the media: Organizing in a mediatized world 2014, Routledge: s. 162-175 Ihlen, Øyvind; Figenschou, Tine Ustad; Thorbjørnsrud, Kjersti
Mediatization in public bureaucracies: A typology 2014, Communications: Volum 39 s. 3-22 Thorbjørnsrud, Kjersti; Figenschou, Tine Ustad; Ihlen, Øyvind
Ye Olde CSR: The Historic Roots of Corporate Social Responsibility in Norway 2013, Journal of Business Ethics: Ihlen, Øyvind; Høivik, Heidi von Weltzien
A public relations identity for the 2010s 2012, Public relations inquiry: s. 159-176 Ihlen, Øyvind; Verhoeven, Piet
Conclusions and Take Away Points The Handbook of communication and corporate social responsibility 2011, Wiley-Blackwell: s. 550-571 Ihlen, Øyvind; Bartlett, Jennifer; May, Steve
The Handbook of communication and corporate social responsibility 2011, Wiley-Blackwell: Ihlen, Øyvind; Bartlett, Jennifer; May, Steve
Corporate Social Responsibility and Communication The Handbook of communication and corporate social responsibility 2011, Wiley-Blackwell: s. 3-22 Ihlen, Øyvind; Bartlett, Jennifer; May, Steve
The world on television: Market-driven, public service news 2010, Nordicom Review: Volum 31 s. 31-45 Ihlen, Øyvind; Allern, Sigurd; Thorbjørnsrud, Kjersti; Waldahl, Ragnar
Public relations and social theory: Key figures and concepts 2009, Routledge: Ihlen, Øyvind; Van Ruler, Betteke; Fredriksson, Magnus
Transatlantic Perspectives on the U.S. 2004 Election: The Case of Norway 2009, Nordicom Review: Volum 30 s. 101-117 Nitz, Mike; Ihlen, Øyvind; Egge, Jessyna; Sobolik, Stacy
How public relations works: Theoretical roots and public relations perspectives 2007, Public Relations Review: Volum 33 s. 243-248 Ihlen, Øyvind; Van Ruler, Betteke
Informasjon og samfunnskontakt - perspektiver og praksis 2004, Fagbokforlaget: Ihlen, Øyvind; Robstad, Per
'Rammer', 'posisjoner' og Romeriksporten: 'Mediepakker' som praktisk-analytisk verktøy 1999, Norsk Medietidsskrift: Volum 6 s. 19-39 Ihlen, Øyvind; Andersen, Elin W.
"Rammer", "posisjoner" og Romeriksporten : "Mediepakker" som praktisk-analytisk verktøy 1999, Norsk Medietidsskrift: Ihlen, Øyvind; Andersen, Elin W.
Journalisters utdanning og yrkeserfaring: Et historisk tilbakeblikk 1998, Norsk Medietidsskrift: Volum 5 s. 94-115 Høyer, Svennik; Ihlen, Øyvind
Journalisters utdanning og yrkeserfaring : et historisk tilbakeblikk 1998, Norsk Medietidsskrift: Volum 5 s. 94-115 Høyer, Svennik; Ihlen, Øyvind; Mühleisen, Wenche; Iversen, Gunnar; Sivertsen, Erling
Forfattere i pressen 1995, Norsk Medietidsskrift: Volum 2 s. 29-42 Høyer, Svennik; Ihlen, Øyvind
Kunstig intelligens og PR 2020, Communication for Leaders: Brønn, Peggy Simcic; Ihlen, Øyvind; Buhmann, Alexander
Lobbying, the public interest, and democracy: Communication perspectives 2020, Journal of Public Affairs: Volum 20 Ihlen, Øyvind; Valentini, Chiara; Davidson, Scott; Shavit, Anna
Temaintroduksjon: Virksomhetsretorikk 2019, Rhetorica Scandinavica: s. 7-21 Ihlen, Øyvind; Gabrielsen, Jonas; Falkman, Lena Lid
The Democratic Success of Twitter as a Lobbying tool 2019, Ihlen, Øyvind; Raknes, Ketil; Larsson, Anders Olof
Twitter, Lobbying and Democracy 2019, Ihlen, Øyvind; Raknes, Ketil; Larsson, Anders Olof
Kunstig intelligens og PR 2019, Dagens næringsliv: Brønn, Peggy Simcic; Buhmann, Alexander; Ihlen, Øyvind
Big theory in a small field: how Habermas’ works have impacted public relations research 2018, Buhmann, Alexander; Ihlen, Øyvind; Aaen-Stockdale, Craig
The fate of Habermas’ theory in public relations. A quantitative review of three decades of public relations research 2017, Buhmann, Alexander; Ihlen, Øyvind
“Everyone will be better off”: Rhetorical strategies in public lobbying campaigns" 2017, Raknes, Ketil; Ihlen, Øyvind
Framing “the common good”: Professional lobbying in the media spotlight
2016, Raknes, Ketil; Ihlen, Øyvind
Self-interest in new wrapping: “Appeal to community” as a topos in lobbying.
2016, Ihlen, Øyvind; Raknes, Ketil; Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund
Organization-society relationship The International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication 2016, Wiley-Blackwell: Ihlen, Øyvind; Verhoeven, Piet
Social theory The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation 2016, Sage Publications: s. 778-780 Ihlen, Øyvind; Verhoeven, Piet
"Risk, Crisis and Social Media: A Meta-Study of Six Years' Research" 2015, Rasmussen, Joel; Ihlen, Øyvind
Konklusjon Makt, medier og politikk: Norsk politisk kommunikasjon 2015, Universitetsforlaget: s. 298-304 Ihlen, Øyvind; Skogerbø, Eli; Allern, Sigurd
Lessons from Norwegian Emergency Authorities’ Use of Social Media 2015, Volum 2015 Rasmussen, Joel; Ihlen, Øyvind
Birds of a Feather Flock Together? Party Leaders on Twitter during the 2013 Norwegian Elections 2014, Larsson, Anders Olof; Ihlen, Øyvind
Mediatized bureaucracy: Uncovering mediatization in public organizations 2012, Figenschou, Tine Ustad; Thorbjørnsrud, Kjersti; Ihlen, Øyvind
Integrative textual and visual framing analysis 2010, Ihlen, Øyvind; Dan, V
Åpen eller innadvendt : omdømmebygging for organisasjoner 2009, Gyldendal Akademisk: Brønn, Peggy S.; Ihlen, Øyvind
Introduction: Applying social theory to public relations Public relations and social theory: Key figures and concepts 2009, Routledge: Van Ruler, Betteke; Ihlen, Øyvind
CSR rhetoric [Pre-conference session] 2009, Ihlen, Øyvind
Public propaganda about potential policies? 2009, Ihlen, Øyvind; Gelders, David
Paradoxes in public relations: Survival strategies 2008, Ihlen, Øyvind
Åpen eller innadvendt: Omdømmebygging for organisasjoner 2008, Gyldendal Akademisk: Brønn, Peggy; Ihlen, Øyvind
Corporate reputation and the news media in Norway 2007, Ihlen, Øyvind; Brønn, Peggy
Media coverage of CSR in North and South Europe: The examples of Spain and Norway 2007, Ihlen, Øyvind; Capriotti, Paul
When lobbying backfires: Balancing lobby efforts with insights from stakeholder theory 2007, Ihlen, Øyvind; Berntzen, Øystein
On Pierre Bourdieu and public relations 2006, Ihlen, Øyvind
Oil and gas as natural riches or environmental problems: Framing contests in public relations 2006, Ihlen, Øyvind; Nitz, Mike
Transatlantic perspectives on the U.S. 2004 Election: The case of Norway 2006, Nitz, Mike; Ihlen, Øyvind; Egge, Julie; Sobolik, S
Bærekraftighet: Oljebransjens retoriske utfordring 2006, Ihlen, Øyvind
This is the issue: Framing contests, public relations and media coverage 2005, Ihlen, Øyvind; Allern, Sigurd
Improving the map for corporate citizenship and issues management: Public sphere theory to the rescue 2005, Ingenhoff, Diana; Ihlen, Øyvind
Retorikkens kraft 2004, Dagbladet: Ihlen, Øyvind
Rett ord til rett tid 2004, Putsj: Ihlen, Øyvind
Kampen om gasskraften 2004, Ihlen, Øyvind
Ordet avgjør 2004, Ihlen, Øyvind
- Aksjoner mest effektive 2004, Ihlen, Øyvind
Ord er mektigere enn penger 2004, Ihlen, Øyvind
Grisete [sic] omdømme i oljebransjen 2004, Ihlen, Øyvind
Informasjon & samfunnskontakt: Perspektiver og praksis 2004, Fagbokforlaget: Ihlen, Øyvind; Robstad, Per
Naturkrafts skjebne: Hvorfor det gikk som det gikk 2004, Ihlen, Øyvind
Retorikk og ressurser 2003, Ihlen, Øyvind
Retorikk for informatører 2003, Ihlen, Øyvind
Tabloide tall : mediene overdriver 2000, Ihlen, Øyvind
Újságíróképzés Norvégiában (Journalisters utdanning og yrkeserfaring) 1999, Magyar Felsõoktatás: s. 34-36 Høyer, Svennik; Ihlen, Øyvind