Ansattbilde: Sam Steyaert

Sam Steyaert

Fakultet for biovitenskap og akvakultur
Steinkjer, Bygg B, 330
Demographic Parameters of Asian Black Bears in Central Japan 2023, Mammal Study: Volum 48 s. 231-244 Tochigi, Kahoko; Steyaert, Sam; Fukasawa, Keita; Kuroe, Misako; Anezaki, Tomoko; Naganuma, Tomoko
Gut microbiome biogeography in reindeer supersedes millennia of ecological and evolutionary separation 2023, FEMS Microbiology Ecology: Volum 99 Kamenova, Stefaniya; de Muinck, Eric; Veiberg, Vebjørn; Utsi, Tove Hilde Ågnes; Steyaert, Sam; Albon, Steve
Nutrient intake and its possible drivers in free-ranging European brown bears (Ursus arctos arctos) 2023, Ecology and Evolution: Volum 13 De Cuyper, Annelies; Strubbe, Diederik; Clauss, Marcus; Lens, Luc; Zedrosser, Andreas; Steyaert, Sam
Directed endozoochorous dispersal by scavengers facilitate sexual reproduction in otherwise clonal plants at cadaver sites 2022, Ecology and Evolution: Volum 12 Arnberg, Mie Prik; Frank, Shane; Blaalid, Rakel; Davey, Marie Louise; Eycott, Amy Elizabeth; Steyaert, Sam
Land cover type modulates the distribution of litter in a Nordic cultural landscape 2022, PLOS ONE: Volum 17 Eide, Sara Kristiane Kjærgård; Leh, Linn Nefertari; EInes, Katinka Svatun; Hovland, Ingunn; By, Marit; Ingvaldsen, Elise Wiseth
Hunting promotes sexual conflict in brown bears 2017, Journal of Animal Ecology: Volum 86 s. 35-42 Gosselin, Jacinthe; Leclerc, Martin; Zedrosser, Andreas; Steyaert, Sam M.J.G.; Swenson, Jon; Pelletier, Fanie
Indirect effects of bear hunting: a review from Scandinavia 2017, Ursus (International Association for Bear Research and Management): Volum 28 s. 150-164 Frank, Shane; Ordiz Fernandez, Andres Avelino; Gosselin, Jacinthe; Hertel, Anne Gabriela; Kindberg, Jonas; Leclerc, Martin
Temporal effects of hunting on foraging behavior of an apex predator: Do bears forego foraging when risk is high? 2016, Oecologia: Volum 182 s. 1019-1029 Hertel, Anne Gabriela; Zedrosser, Andreas; Mysterud, Atle; Støen, Ole-Gunnar; Steyaert, Sam; Swenson, Jon
Bears and berries: species-specific selective foraging on a patchily distributed food resource in a human-altered landscape 2016, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology: Volum 70 s. 831-842 Hertel, Anne Gabriela; Steyaert, Sam; Zedrosser, Andreas; Mysterud, Atle; Lodberg-Holm, Hanna Kavli; Gelink, Henriette Wathne
Ecological implications from spatial patterns in human-caused brown bear mortality 2016, Wildlife Biology: Volum 22 s. 144-152 Steyaert, Sam; Zedrosser, Andreas; Elfström, Marcus; Ordiz Fernandez, Andres Avelino; Leclerc, Martin; Frank, Shane
Reindeer habitat selection under the risk of brown bear predation during the calving season 2016, Ecosphere: Volum 7 Sivertsen, Therese Ramberg; Åhman, Birgitta; Steyaert, Sam M.J.G.; Rönnegård, Lars; Frank, Jens; Segerström, Peter
Human shields mediate sexual conflict in a top predator 2016, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences: Volum 283 Steyaert, Sam; Leclerc, Martin; Pelletier, Fanie; Kindberg, Jonas; Brunberg, Sven; Swenson, Jon
Infanticide as a male reproductive strategy has a nutritive risk effect in brown bears 2013, Biology Letters: Volum 9 Steyaert, Sam M.J.G; Reusch, C.; Brunberg, Sven; Swenson, Jon; Hackländer, K.; Zedrosser, Andreas
The mating system of the brown bear Ursus arctos | The mating system of the brown bear Ursus arctos | 2012, Mammal Review: Volum 42 s. 12-34 Steyaert, Sam M.J.G; Endrestøl, Anders; Hackländer, Klaus; Swenson, Jon; Zedrosser, Andreas
Faecal spectroscopy: a practical tool to assess diet quality in an opportunistic omnivore 2012, Wildlife Biology: Volum 18 s. 431-438 Steyaert, Sam M.J.G; Hütter, Franziska J.; Elfström, Marcus; Zedrosser, Andreas; Hackländer, Klaus; Le, Minh Hung
Free-ranging cattle and bears in Sweden: are they compatible? 2022, Carnivore damage prevention news: s. 11-19 Swenson, Jon; Steyaert, Sam M.J.G.; Johnsen, Christin Beate; Rosell, Frank Narve; Zedrosser, Andreas
Change in arthropod communities after a mass death of reindeer 2019, Birkemoe, Tone; Granum, Heidi Mørkhagen; Westermann, Lina; Aak, Anders; Frank, Shane; Steyaert, Sam
Change in arthropod communities following a mass death incident of reindeer at Hardangervidda 2019, Granum, Heidi Mørkhagen; Birkemoe, Tone; Aak, Anders; Steyaert, Sam
How do 3,300 brown bears cope with 9.4 million Swedes? 2012, Swenson, Jon; Ordiz, Andres; Martin, Jodie; Steyaert, Sam M.J.G; Sahlén, Veronica; Støen, Ole-Gunnar