Tove Synnøve Mentsen Ness
Fakultet for lærerutdanning og kunst- og kulturfag
Before I became the leader for Centre for Sámi and Indigenous studies i August 2023, I worked as an associate professor at the bachelor programme of nursing at the faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences for many years. I have a PhD in Nursing Science from Mid Sweden University, focusing on home healthcare services in Saepmie for the South Sámi population. I have also worked many years as a psychiatric nurse in Namsos municipality. In addition, I have education in leadership and human management, pedagogy, rehabilitation and guidance.
South Sámi areas. Healthcare services. Sámi and Indigenous population, experieces and expectations, Older South Sámi,
Sámi healthcare staff, wellbeing, lived experiece of colonisation.
Collaborative mixed methods autoethnography: Moving from unaware and unsure to centering justice in land acknowledgments in higher education spaces 2024, Journal of Mixed Methods Studies: CohenMiller, Anna; Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Martin, Rosemary Kate
"Sometimes I Get So Extremely Tired":Sámi Healthcare Staff Experiences of Cultural Load in Practice. 2024, Global Qualitative Nursing Research: Volum 11 s. 1-10 Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Mehus, Grete
Sámi Healthcare Staff Experiences of Encounters with Sámi Patients and Their Expectations for Non-Sámi Healthcare Staff 2024, Nursing Reports: Volum 14 s. 2719-2732 Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Mehus, Grete
Hopeful, but Worried for the Future: An Analysis of the Lived Consequences of Colonisation as Narrated by Older South Sámi in Norway 2024, Societies: Volum 14 Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Munkejord, Mai Camilla
Adapting to home care in Norway: A longitudinal case study of older Adults' experiences 2024, Journal of Aging Studies: Volum 68 Hellzén, Ove; Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Ingstad, Kari; Ludvigsen, Mette Spliid; Nissen, Ann Marie; Devik, Siri Andreassen
Kontinuitet i hjemmebaserte tjenester- idealer og realiteter Heltidskultur. Strategisk bemanningsplanlegging for fremtidens helse og omsorgstjeneste 2024, Gyldendal Akademisk: s. 174-190 Ingstad, Kari; Ludvigsen, Mette Spliid; Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Hellzén, Ove; Nissen, Ann Marie; Devik, Siri Andreassen
Older South Sami women and men's expectations regarding home healthcare in Sweden 2021, Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing: Volum 38 Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Söderberg, Siv; Hellzén, Ove
‘We are all interdependent’. A study of relationships between migrant live-in carers and employers in Taiwan 2021, Global Qualitative Nursing Research: Volum 8 Munkejord, Mai Camilla; Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Silan, Wasiq I-An Gao
“This Life is Normal for Me”: A Study of Everyday Life Experiences and Coping Strategies of Live-in Carers in Taiwan 2021, Journal of gerontological social work: Volum 64 s. 533-546 Munkejord, Mai Camilla; Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Gao, I-An Wasiq Silan
'The same care providers over time who make individual adjustments and have competence' Older South Sami People in Sweden's expectations of home nursing care 2019, Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences: Volum 34 s. 181-189 Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Söderberg, Siv; Hellzen, Ove
‘Contradictions in having care providers with a South Sami background who speak South Sami’: older South Sami People in Sweden's expectations of home nursing care 2019, Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences: Volum 34 s. 436-445 Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Söderberg, Siv; Hellzen, Ove; Hellzén, Ove
The experience of nurses providing home nursing care to oldest old persons living alone in rural areas - an interview study 2015, Open Journal of Nursing: Volum 5 s. 336-344 Ness, Tove Mentsen; Hellzèn, Per Ove; Enmarker, Ingela
"embracing the present and fearing the future,": The meaning of being an oldest old woman in a rural area 2014, International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being: Volum 9 Ness, Tove Mentsen; Hellzèn, Per Ove; Enmarker, Ingela
‘Struggling for independence’; the meanings of being an oldest old man in rural areas. Interpretation of oldest old men’s narrations 2014, International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being: Volum 9 Ness, Tove Mentsen; Hellzèn, Per Ove; Enmarker, Ingela
Experiences of being old and receiving home nursing care. Older South Sami narrations of their experiences - An interview study 2013, Open Journal of Nursing: Volum 3 s. 1-7 Ness, Tove Mentsen; Enmarker, Ingela; Hellzén, Ove; Hellzèn, Per Ove
How to discuss results in research? 2023, Myren, Gunn Eva Solum; Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Gladsø, Tine; Larsen, Caroline; Østby, May
Co-creating a research course for persons with intellectual disabilities in Norway an inclusive research project. This poster is part of «Research course for persons with intellectual disabilities” in Norway No. 1 2023, Østby, May; Bakken, Hege; Bjørkmo, Petter; Fløan, Lisa Malin Kleven; Fjermestad, Jeanette; Gladsø, Tine
Coming of Age in Indigenous Societies 2022, Power Point slynge med utdrag av fotovoice boken i anledning Februar 6.2022: Munkejord, Mai Camilla; Hætta, Susanne; Eira, June Brita; Giæver, Anne; Henriksen, Jan-Erik; Mehus, Grete
Opplevelser fra fysisk gjennomføring av forskerkurs for mennesker med utviklingshemming 2022, SOR rapport: s. 54-61 Myren, Gunn Eva Solum; Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Gladsø, Tine; Fløan, Lisa Malin Kleven
Coming of age in indigenous societies 2022, Munkejord, Mai Camilla; Henriksen, Jan-Erik; Eira, June Brita; Giæver, Anne; Mehus, Grete; Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen
We are interdependent - a short presentation of study of live-in carers and their relationships to employers in Taiwan 2021, Munkejord, Mai Camilla; Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Gao, I-An Wasiq Silan
A Study of Relationships between Migrant Live-in Carers and Employers in Taiwan 2021, Munkejord, Mai Camilla; Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Gao, I-An
Coming of age in indigenous societies 2021, Munkejord, Mai Camilla; Hætta, Susanne; Eira, June Brita; Giæver, Anne; Henriksen, Jan Erik; Mehus, Grete
Alt jeg ønsker er at de skal akseptere at jeg er same. En analyse av eldre sørsamer opplevelser av helsetjenester. 2021, Munkejord, Mai Camilla; Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen
Coming of age in indigenous societies - lansering av FOTOBOK og digital fotoutstilling - laget og presentert i samarbeid med Susanne Hætta 2021, Munkejord, Mai Camilla; Henriksen, Jan Erik; Eira, June Brita; Mehus, Grete; Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Silan, Wasiq
Forskerkurs for personer med utviklingshemming 2021, Myren, Gunn Eva Solum; Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Gladsø, Tine; Fløan, Lisa Malin Kleven
'We Are All Interdependent' A Study of Relationships between Migrant Live-in Carers and Employers in Taiwan 2021, Silan, Wasiq; Munkejord, Mai Camilla; Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen
Care in Indigenous Community in Taiwan- 'We Are All Interdependent' A Study of Relationships between Migrant Live-in Carers and Employers in Taiwan 2021, Silan, Wasiq; Munkejord, Mai Camilla; Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen
Presentasjon av foreløpige funn, Coming of age in indigenous communities 2021, Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen
Connecting to nature, reindeers and family: preliminary findings from a photovoice study on South Sami older people 2021, Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Munkejord, Mai Camilla
All I want is to be accepted. A presentation of preliminary findings of healthcare encounters from the perspective of older Sámi 2021, Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Munkejord, Mai Camilla
Ivaretakelse av brukermedvirkning for personer med utviklingshemming i et forskningsprosjekt 2018, Berg, Anita; Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen
Fall og pasientsikkerhet blant eldre i kommunene – En oppsummering av kunnskap 2017, Senter for omsorgsforskning: Olsen, Rose Mari; Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Devik, Siri Andreassen
Eldre sørsamers opplevelse av å være gammel 2011, Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag: Ness, Tove Mentsen; Hellzen, Ove