Emnebeskrivelse for 2019/20
Nordic and International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning
Emnebeskrivelse for 2019/20

Nordic and International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning


The course is designed for international and local teacher students, pre-school teacher students and students of related study programmes. For the students of Nord University the study is part of the concurrent and integrated teacher education programmes (7th term) and pre-school teacher education programme (5th term).

This is a course intended to develop knowledge about and understanding of Nordic and international perspectives on teaching and learning in nursery schools/kindergarten, primary and lower secondary education. It has a particular emphasis on the region's geographical position and natural surroundings in terms of wildlife, environmental issues, coastal tradition and indigenous culture and how these conditions influence aspects of childhood and education. The course offers an important contrastive dimension in terms of developing awareness of own culture and other cultures' perspectives and attitudes to childhood, teaching and learning.

Det er begrenset med plasser på kurset.

Halvparten av plassene er forbeholdt studenter ved Nord universitet, fra

  • Bachelor Barnehagelærerutdanning, som valgbart emne: fordypning. Adgangsregulering: 60 studiepoeng etter å ha fullført to år av studiet, og bestått praksisemner i 2. studieår.
  • Master Grunnlærerutdanning for 1-7.trinn eller 5-10.trinn, som valgbart skolerelevant emne, 5. semester.

Hvis antallet internasjonale søkere overstiger antall tilgjengelige plasser, vil søkerne bli rangert i henhold til følgende utvalgskriterier:

  1. studenter fra institusjoner som har en studentutvekslingsavtale med Nord universitet
  2. studenter i lærerutdanning og førskolelærerutdanning
  3. studenter som behersker norsk, svensk eller dansk, og som derfor er kvalifisert for et bredt utvalg av emner med norsk som undervisningsspråk, vil ikke bli prioritert
  4. gruppemangfold: geografisk spredning

Intermediate level in English.

Updated Certificate of Good Conduct / Criminal Records Certificate issued by local police authority.

Places on the course are limited. Half of the places are reserved for students of Nord University who are enrolled in the programmes Pre-School Teacher Education and Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education. For international teacher students, pre-school teacher students and students of related study programmes, priority is given to students from partner institutions. We give high priority to the diversity of the group, using geographical spread as selection criteria if the number of applicants exceeds the number of places available.

Areas of knowledge

The students will have:

  • knowledge about contrastive elements in attitudes to education, teaching and learning
  • knowledge about Norway and Scandinavia (geography, history, religion and society)
  • knowledge about different outdoor learning arenas
  • knowledge about cultural artefacts, folklore and traditions in a comparative and educational perspective
  • knowledge about the region's Sámi population today and in the past
  • knowledge about the region's wildlife and issues related to sustainability and the environment
  • knowledge about basic structures of the Norwegian language and some basic methodology of foreign language teaching


The student should be able to:

  • identify, compare and contrast attitudes to childhood, teaching and learning in own culture and other cultures
  • describe and explain the position of the Sámi population in Central Scandinavia
  • describe and explain issues related to sustainability
  • master some skills related to outdoor activities
  • organize outdoor related activities for pre-school children or pupils
  • plan, carry out and evaluate practice teaching in chosen subjects in accordance with practice supervisor
  • understand simple Norwegian texts and communicate orally in basic Norwegian

General competence

The students will:

  • acknowledge the importance of sustainable education
  • acknowledge the value of ethical and responsible attitudes towards nature
  • acknowledge the value of intercultural understanding
  • acknowledge the value of outdoor education
  • be able to reflect upon one's own culture and other cultures' perspectives on teaching and learning

No tuition fees.

Semester fee: All students studying at Nord University, except ERASMUS Plus students and exchange students from other partner institutions, must pay the semester fee.

Cost of course literature apply.

Placement abroad for Norwegian students: Travel expenses and living costs apply.

Obligatorisk teoriemne.

Teaching will be organized in different ways. These will include lectures, discussions, group work, student presentations in seminars and field excursions. The main idea is that the learning process will be based on student activity, using methods like "inquiry based learning" and "cooperative learning". The students will be strongly involved in the learning process and their knowledge and experience will be acknowledged and integrated in the study. Active participation and cooperation between students is essential for attaining the skills and competencies described in the learning outcomes.

The language of the course is English. The main channel of communication and contact between students and the academic staff is the current e-learning platform used at Nord University.

For the Norwegian students of 3BLU: Participation in ¿Barn i sorg og krise¿ (cf. study plan of Yrkesetisk dannelse, Professional Ethics Education)

Studieprogrammet evalueres årlig av studentene gjennom emneundersøkelser (midtveisevaluering og sluttevaluering). Evaluering inngår som en del av universitetets kvalitetssikringssystem.
10 dager praksis i barnehage/skole. Organiseres i en 4-ukers modul med praksis i utlandet for norske studenter, og praksis i lokale barnehager/skoler for utenlandske studenter.

Assessment tasks (AK)

1-2 written reports in accordance with the teachers ¿ approved/ not approved

Minimum 1 presentation in lecture, seminar or other planned learning activities:  approved/ not approved

Minimum 80 % attendance in lectures, seminars, excursions and other planned learning activities. Active participation and cooperation between students is essential for attaining the skills and competencies described in the learning outcomes. Approved/ not approved

Professional practice (PR)

Practice placement in school, kindergarten or other relevant institution ¿ passed/not passed


Compound assessment (SV):

Written school examination (SK), 4 Hours. Graded A-F.

Written assignment, teller 0/100 av karakteren.

Bilingual dictionary and/or English dictionary