Internasjonal konferanse: Marine Protected Areas in Marine Spatial Planning

Internasjonal konferanse: Marine Protected Areas in Marine Spatial Planning
Forskningsprosjektet MPA Europe inviterer til internasjonal konferanse om marine verneområder.

Om konferansen

Explore the latest updates and scientific advances in marine biodiversity conservation at the MPA in MSP Conference. The conference will cover topics such as MPA planning, climate change effects on marine biodiversity, blue carbon science, and spatial planning benefits.

Enjoy a three-day event in Bodø with a full, engaging agenda that includes expert speakers, networking time, and field trips to Saltstraumen MPA and other spectacular sub-Arctic environments.

Mer informasjon og påmelding

The Northern Star Symposium 2024: Mending
6.8. mai 2024

The Northern Star Symposium 2024: Mending

Bodø, Norway
The Northern Star Symposium is a three-day academic gathering in Bodø. The goal of this symposium is to have a place to discuss topics and questions that are not among the mainstream of conferences and journals.
Midtveisseminar: James Badu
7. mai 2024

Midtveisseminar: James Badu

Nord universitet, A103
PhD-kandidat James Badu, ved Senter for beredskap og samvirke - NORDLAB, holder sitt midtveisseminar tirsdag 7. mai kl. 12.00 i rom A103 i Bodø.