Subject description for 2024/25
Labour Legislation
Subject description for 2024/25

Labour Legislation

The course covers rules that govern employment, and the relationship between employer and employee. Central topics are hiring, protection against discrimination, requirements for the working environment, the employer's right to control the workers, the employee's freedom of expression, termination of employment, downsizing, business transfer and collective labor law.
The course covers rules that govern employment, and the relationship between employer and employee. Central topics are hiring, protection against discrimination, requirements for the working environment, the employer's right to control the workers, the employee's freedom of expression, termination of employment, downsizing, business transfer and collective labor law.
Higher Education Entrance Qualification


After completing the course, students should have

  • knowledge of background, history and main considerations of employment law.
  • broad knowledge of the rules for employment (hiring, protection against discrimination, dismissal, downsizing, etc.), and the rules about working environment.
  • basic knowledge of the employer's right to control and the employee's freedom of expression, business transfer and collective labor law.


After completing the course, students should be able to

  • analyze and discuss issues regarding individual and collective labor law.
  • find and assess relevant legal material, and use this to shed light on practical cases.

General competence

After completing the course, students should be able to

  • identify and investigate labor law problems, reflect on them in the light of the rules' justification and methodological conditions, and present solutions in line with general norms for legal argumentation.
No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature. It is required that students possess their own laptop.
Compulsory course for the one year and bachelor programmes in Human Resource Management. Elective course for other students.
Lectures and seminar activites.
The study programme is evaluated annually as part of the university's quality assurance system.
School exam.
  • Pen, ruler, laptop, and up to 2 bilingual dictionaries
  • Norges Lover
  • Særtrykk av lover
  • Særtrykk av forskrifter
  • Hovedavtalen LO-NHO, med kommentarer
  • Lovutskrifter fra Lovdata