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Bachelor’s programme

Vocational Teacher Education


Learning outcomes


  • has knowledge of applicable legislation and steering documents relevant to professional and occupational practices
  • has a broad knowledge of vocational subjects, pedagogics and didactics, work methods/tools and processes relevant to professional and occupational practices, and can assess the need for HES measures
  • can see professional education and practice in a historical and cultural perspective
  • has knowledge of school mandates, educational values and the holistic educational program from lower secondary to final subject instruction or vocational training (grades 8-13)
  • has broad knowledge of youth culture and youth development and learning in different social and multicultural contexts
  • has knowledge of youth in difficult situations and of their rights from a national and international perspective
  • is familiar with national and international research and development work relevant to the teaching profession within the vocational pedagogical and occupational fields and can update their knowledge within a particular subject area in accordance to regulations from the framework for vocational teacher training grades 8-13


  • can apply their professional, pedagogical, didactic and technological knowledge
  • can plan, justify, implement, lead, assess and document relevant subject and vocational training adapted to student/apprentice needs
  • can identify and work systematically with basic skills including use of digital tools in vocational didactics
  • can assess and document student learning and development, give learning-focused feedback and contribute to student/apprentice reflection over their own learning
  • can keep up to date with relevant literature and critically asses sources and existing theories related to lower secondary and subject/vocational training (grades-8-13)
  • masters relevant work processes, tools, techniques and styles and can reflect on own occupational practice and make guided adjustments
  • can use and refer to relevant research to make justified decisions and implement systematic professional and pedagogical developmental work


  • has insight into relevant professional and ethical problems and can convey central subject material in writing, orally and through other forms of documentation
  • can motivate student/apprentice learning, vocational pride and professional identity through insight, commitment and teaching ability
  • can analyze own need for skill development and has a change and development competence to meet future school, work and community needs
  • can lay the groundwork for entrepreneurship, original thinking and innovation and for the involvement of local work, community and cultural enterprises
  • has insight into similarities and differences between the various occupations within their own program and can exchange viewpoints and experiences with peers thereby contributing to the development of good practice
  • can build good relations with students/apprentices and create a constructive and inclusive learning environment
  • can build good relations and cooperate with parents/guardians and other relevant partners
Costs for semester fees and course literature apply.