
Forskningsgruppen Bevegelsesvitenskap fokuserer sin forskning mot avgjørende variabler for prestasjonsutvikling og læring av ferdigheter basert på en multidisiplinær tilnærming i idrett og bevegelser generelt.

​​Forskningsgruppen er en del av faggruppe for kroppsøving, idrett og friluftsliv.

Forskningsgruppen Bevegelsesvitenskap har til hensikt å studere menneskelige bevegelser med en multidisiplinær tilnærming der bevegelse inngår som avhengig eller uavhengig variabel. Gruppen skal gi rom for både anvendt forskning og grunnforskning med teoretisk utspring i fysiologi, nevrofysiologi, motorisk kontroll og læring, og psykologi.

Målsetningen er å bygge kunnskap med praktisk relevans for praksisfeltene idrettsvitenskap, fysisk aktivitet og helse, fysioterapi, friluftsliv, og kroppsøving. Forskningen har høy relevans både teoretisk og praktisk for utdanningen som fagruppen tilbyr, og både bachelor- og masterstudenter får innsyn i og deltar aktivt i forskningsgruppens fokusområder og konkrete prosjekter.


  • Project leader: Tore Kristian Aune

    The project focus on generality and specificity of motor control and learning, transfer of skills, the overload principle and organismic constraints for performance development applied in sport and human movements in general.

  • Project leader: Terje Dalen

    The purpose of the project is to gain new insight in physical performance of soccer using investigation of training principles like specificity, transfer of training, individualization, and load adaptation. Elite sports is an important group to investigate because of the high level of performance, and the findings may be contextualized to other areas where training adaptations to higher level performance is the main objective.

  • Project leaders: Tore Kristian Aune and Terje Dalen

    The project focuses on relative age effects in selection i different sports, assessment in physical education and national tests of different academic skills.

  • Project leader: Truls. V. Roas

    The project focus on nonlinear pedagogy as a powerful paradigm for designing effective teaching, coaching and training programs in sport and physical education.

  • Project leader: Tore Kristian Aune

    The project focus on differences in motor control and learning with proximal versus distal effectors in upper extremities as a window into neurophysiological constraints for bilateral communication and bimanual coordination. The research is partly applied within the man-machine interface paradigm and control of different types of steering devices, bimanual interference and dual-tasks.

  • Project leader: Sigve Nyvik Aas

    The purpose of the project is to gain new insight in age-related impairments in muscle function, and to investigate adaptation to different exercise regimes in older adults.


  • 2021

    Pedersen, A.V., Aune, T.K., Dalen, T., Ingvaldsen, R.P. & Lorås, L. (2021). Variations in the Relative Age Effect with age and sex, and over time – elite-level data from international soccer world cups. Submitted, In review PlosOne.

    Aalberg, M., Roaas, T.V. Aune, M.A., Bjerke, Ø. & Aune, T.K. Towards a comprehensive understanding of skill and expertise development: A comparison between complex technical vs physical demanding sports. Submitted.

    Aune, T.K., Aune, M.A. & Roaas, T.V. (2021). Perspektiver på motorisk læring. I: Lyngstad og Skjesol (red.). Kroppsøving, læreren og eleven; Pedagogiske emner og forskningsinnsikter. Oslo, Fagbokforlaget.

    Dalen, T. & Aune, T.K. (2021). Relative alderseffekter i skole og idrett. I: Lyngstad og Skjesol (red.). Kroppsøving, læreren og eleven; Pedagogiske emner og forskningsinnsikter. Oslo, Fagbokforlaget.

    Larsen, S., Mozdoorzoy, T., Kristiansen, E., Nygaard Falch, H., Aune, T. K., & van den Tillaar, R. (2021). A Comparison of Motives by Gender and Age Categories for Training at Norwegian Fitness Centres. Sports, 9(8), 113.

    Roaas, T, Lorås, H., Aune, T.K., Flakken, B. & Dalen, T. (2021). Interacting constraints and relative age effect in elite cross-country skiers and freeskiers. Journal of Human Kinetics. Accepted.

    Aune, M. A., Lorås, H., Nynes, A., & Aune, T. K. (2021). Bilateral interference in motor performance in homologous versus non-homologous proximal and distal effectors. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 2810.

    Bjerke, Ø., Aune, T.K. & Lorås, H. (2021). Læring av svømming og livredning. I: Gjølme, E.G (red) Utendørs svømme- og opplæring. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget.

    Sørensen, Arne; Sørensen, Vidar; Dalen, Terje. A Novel Approach for Comparison of Reception Performance in a Technique Test and Small-Sided Games. Sports 2021 ;Volum 9.(5) Suppl. 66.

    Dalen, T., Roaas, T.V. & Aune, M.A. (2021). Prinsipper for utvikling av fysiske ferdigheter. I: Lyngstad og Skjesol (red.). Kroppsøving, læreren og eleven; Pedagogiske emner og forskningsinnsikter. Oslo, Fagbokforlaget.


    Aune, M. A., Lorås, H., Djuvsland, A., Ingvaldsen, R. P., & Aune, T. K. (2020). More pronounced bimanual interference in proximal compared to distal effectors of the upper extremities. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 2945.

    Dalen, T., Aune, T. K., Hjelde, G. H., Ettema, G., Sandbakk, Ø., & McGhie, D. (2020). Player load in male elite soccer: Comparisons of patterns between matches and positions. PloS ONE, 15(9), e0239162.

    Sørensen A & Lagestad P. Effect of small-sided games and handball-activities with a focus on high intensity running on improvement in sprinting and change of direction among 14-15 year- old, female handball players. Kinesiologia Slovenica.

    Van Den Tillaar, R., Roaas, T. V., & Oranchuk, D. (2020). Comparison of effects of training order of explosive strength and plyometrics training on different physical abilities in adolescent handball players. Biology of Sport, 37(3), 239.


    Sørensen, A., Aune, T.K., Rangul, V. & Dalen, T. (2019). The validity of functional threshold power and maximal oxygen uptake for cycling performance in moderately trained cyclists. Sports, 7 (10), 217.

    Sellereite, I., Haga, M., & Lorås, H. Fysisk aktivitet som verktøy i det helsefremmende arbeidet opp mot rus og psykisk helse. Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid, 16(01), 39-51.

    Dalen, T., Lorås, HW; Hjelde, GH, Kjøsnes, TN; Wisløff, U (2019). Accelerations – a new approach to quantify physical performance decline in male elite soccer? European Journal of Sport Science.

    Aslaksen, K., & Lorås, H. (2019). Matching Instruction with Modality-Specific Learning Style: Effects on Immediate Recall and Working Memory Performance. Education Sciences, 9(1), 32.

    Stranda, H., Haga, M., Sigmundsson, H., & Lorås, H. (2019). The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Speed and Accuracy Task Components in Motor Learning. Sports, 7(3), 54.

    Vestheim, O. P., Husby, M., Aune, T. K., Bjerkeset, O., & Dalen, T. (2019). A Population Study of Relative Age Effects on National Tests in Reading Literacy. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.

    Lorås, H., Aune, T. K., Ingvaldsen, R., & Pedersen, A. V. (2019). Interpersonal and intrapersonal entrainment of self-paced tapping rate. PloS one, 14(7), e0220505.

    Tillaar, R vd & Aune, T.K. (2019). Effect of instructions emphasizing velocity or accuracy given in a random or blocked order on performance and kinematics in dart throwing. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01359

    Dalen, T., & Lorås, H. (2019). Monitoring Training and Match Physical Load in Junior Soccer Players: Starters versus Substitutes. Sports, 7(3), 70.

    Dalen, T., Lorås, HW; Hjelde, GH, Kjøsnes, TN; Wisløff, U (2019). Accelerations – a new approach to quantify physical performance decline in male elite soccer?. European Journal of Sport Science.

    Dalen, T; Sandmæl, S; Stevens, TGA.; Hjelde, GH; Kjøsnes, TN; Wisløff, U (2019). Differences between acceleration and high intensity activities in small-sided games and peak periods of official matches in elite soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research


    Aune, Tore Kristian; Ingvaldsen, Rolf Petter; Vestheim, Ole Petter; Bjerkeset, Ottar; Dalen, Terje. Relative Age Effects and Gender Differences in the National Test of Numeracy: A Population Study of Norwegian Children. Frontiers in Psychology 2018;Volum 9.

    Dalen, Terje; Øverås, Ørjan; van den Tillaar, Roland; Welde, Boye; Heimburg, Erna Dianne von. Influence of different soccer-specific maximal actions on physiological, perceptual and accelerometer measurement loads. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine 2018;Volum 9. s. 107-114

    Lagestad, Pål Arild; Ingebrigt, Steen; Dalen, Terje. Inevitable Relative Age Effects in Different Stages of the Selection Process among Male and Female Youth Soccer Players. Sports 2018;Volum 6.(29)


    Aune, Tore K.; Pedersen, Arve V.; Ingvaldsen, Rolf P.; Dalen, Terje (2017). Relative age effect and gender differences in physical education attainment in Norwegian schoolchildren. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. Volum 61.(3) s. 369-375.

    Aune, T.K., Aune, M.A., Ingvaldsen, R.P. & Vereijken, B. (2017) Transfer of Motor Learning is more pronounced in Proximal compared to Distal Effectors in Upper Extremities. Frontiers in Psychology; Movement Science and Psychology. ", DOI:

    Bjerke, Ø., Pedersen, A. V., Aune, T. K., & Lorås, H. (2017). An Inverse Relative Age Effect in Male Alpine Skiers at the Absolute Top Level. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 1210

    Dalen, Terje; Ingvaldsen, Rolf P.; Roaas, Truls; Pedersen, Arve Vorland; Steen, Ingebrigt; Aune,Tore K (2017). The impact of physical growth and relative age effect on assessment in physical education. European Journal of Sport Science; 17(4) s. 482-487.