Klaus-Peter Eichler
Professor II
Fakultet for lærerutdanning og kunst- og kulturfag
Software-supported development of the ability to rotate mentally Proceedings of the thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13) 2023, European Society for Research in Mathematics Education: s. 2931-2938 Eichler, Klaus-Peter; Nussbaumer, Helena; Seibold, Moritz; Bimova, Daniela; Brehovsky, Jiri; Løken, Trygve Kvåle
The inextricable intertwining of communication and higher order mathematical thinking Proceedings of the thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13) 2023, European Society for Research in Mathematics Education: s. 2527-2534 Seibold, Moritz; Eichler, Klaus-Peter; Bimova, Daniela; Gleißberg, Sandra
Teachers’ perspectives on programming through emerging technologies in mathematics education Proceedings of the thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13) 2023, European Society for Research in Mathematics Education: s. 2712-2719 Løken, Trygve Kvåle; Mushtaq, Asif; Eichler, Klaus-Peter; Bimova, Daniela
Developing students' visuospatial abilities in geometry using various tangible and virtual 3D geometric models Proceedings of the thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13) 2023, European Society for Research in Mathematics Education: s. 705-712 Bimova, Daniela; Brehovsky, Jiri; Eichler, Klaus-Peter; Seibold, Moritz; Mushtaq, Asif
Developing visuospatial ability by creating the virtual models
of cubic solids for 3D printing Proceedings of the 13th ERME Topic Conference (ETC13) on Mathematics Education in Digital Age 3 (MEDA3), 7-9 September 2022 in Nitra, Slovakia 2022, European Society for Research in Mathematics Education: s. 64-71 Bimova, Daniela; Pirklova, Petra; Brehovsky, Jiri; Eichler, Klaus-Peter; Mushtaq, Asif
Was wäre Mathematik ohne Geometrie 2022, Mathematik differenziert: s. 6-9 Eichler, Klaus-Peter
Software zur Entwicklung räumlich-visueller Fähigkeiten 2022, Mathematik differenziert: s. 10-13 Eichler, Klaus-Peter; Bimova, Daniela; Brehovsky, Jiri; Madsen, Dag Oskar
Falten - Handwerk und mehr 2022, Mathematik differenziert: s. 22-28 Eichler, Klaus-Peter
Zur softwaregestützten Entwicklung räumlich-visueller Qualifikation Aktivitäten von Grundschulkindern an und mit räumlichen Objekten 2019, s. 29-46 Eichler, Klaus-Peter; Eichler, Doreen
The inextricable intertwining of communication and higher order mathematical thinking 2023, Seibold, Moritz; Eichler, Klaus-Peter; Bimova, Daniela; Gleißberg, Sandra
Why do we teach mathematics? - The funktion of mathematics education 2023, Eichler, Klaus-Peter
Software-supported development of visuospatial abilities 2022, Eichler, Klaus-Peter; Brehovsky, Jiri; Bimova, Daniela; Moritz, Seibold; Mushtaq, Asif
Educating pre-service teachers in programming for schools
Block-based programming initiative in the teacher education program 2022, Mushtaq, Asif; Eichler, Klaus-Peter; Bimova, Daniela; Pirklova, Petra; Brehovsky, Jiri
Gestern hab' ich's noch gewusst - Offensiv mit dem Vergessen von Grundaufgaben umgehen 2020, Grundschulunterricht Mathematik: Volum 67 s. 22-26 Gleißberg, Sandra; Eichler, Klaus-Peter
Den Sinn der Multiplikation verstehen 2020, Grundschulunterricht Mathematik: Volum 67 s. 4-9 Gleißberg, Sandra; Eichler, Klaus-Peter
The offer of tasks to work on multiplication in grades 2 and 3 2019, Eichler, Klaus-Peter; Gleißberg, Sandra