Maria Nayr de Pinho Correia Ibrahim
Dr. Nayr Correia Ibrahim is Associate Professor of English Subject Pedagogy at Faculty of Arts, Culture adn Education. She has over 25 years of experience in English and bilingual education as teacher, teacher trainer, materials writer, manager and researcher. Originally from South Africa she has worked in Portugal, Cairo, Hong Kong and 20 years in Paris, where she headed the Young Learner and Bilingual Section at the British Council.
Dr. Ibrahim holds an MA in TEFL and a PhD in trilingualism, triliteracy and identity from the University of Reading. She has contributed articles and chapters on bi/multilingualism and identity to journals and publications, such as, Multilingual Matters, Encyclopaedia of Language and Education and Education Enquiry. She has also contributed to various projects on multilingualism in the EU: she was on a panel of experts reviewing the EU’s Key Competencies for Lifelong Learning (2018); she managed the British Council participation in the EUNIC Paris project Ateliers du Multilingualisme between 2016 and 2018, and contributed to the ECML project on Early Language Learning: Inspiring language learning in the early years between 2016 and 2018. Her publication, Teaching children how to learn, Delta Publishing, with Gail Ellis, won an award at the 2016 ESU English Language Awards in the category, Resources for Teachers.
- Nayr is a member of the Nord Research Group for Children's Literature in ELT.
Nayr's interests include early language learning, bi/multilingualism, multiple literacies, language and identity, children's literature, learning to learn and children's voices.
2017 PhD (Trilingual, Triliteracy, Identity), University of Reading
2007 MA (TEFL), University of Reading
1992 CELTA, IH Lisbon
1987 BA (Honours) French and Portuguese Language and Literature
At Nord University Dr. Ibrahim teaches on the 5-year Masters in Primary and Secondary Education at the 1-7 and 5-10 grades:
- ENG1003 - English 1A (Grades 1-7)
- ENG1004 - 1B (Grades 1-7)
- ENG2010 - English Language and global children’s and young adult literature for teachers (Grades 1-7)
- ENG1081 - Language, Text and Culture in the English-speaking World
- ENG5002 - Literacy, diversity and intercultural citizenship in the English language classroom (Grades 1-10)
- SP160L (KfK2) - English Subject Pedagogy
- SP161L (KfK2) - Teaching Literary Texts in the English Class
- VIT5001/5002 - Research Ethics
- PED1019 - Intercultural Learning with Picturebooks/ICEPro course (Hybrid course), ICEPELL
- ELLiL blended learning course - Reading for in-depth learning, Nord University and Bishop’s University
Dr. Ibrahim has also taught English to young learners aged 3-17 in EFL, ESL and bilingual programmes in Portugal, Paris, Hong Kong and Cairo at the British Council and other language schools. This has included, not only teaching but also course design and assessment procedures for the different age-groups. Some of these courses include teaching skills-based classes, using authentic children’s literature, preparing teenagers for Cambridge exams, developing literacy in bilingual programmes, using play-based approaches in pre-primary and teaching through literature.
Dr. Ibrahim has taught, set up and managed teacher education programmes, which included designing and implementing training modules for specific needs, such as, bilingual and CLIL education; liaising with the French Ministry of Education to coordinate training in ELT for French teachers in pre-school, primary and secondary levels. She was a regular contributor to the Primary Teacher Training Course, run by Gail Ellis and Carol Read at the British Council until 2014.
PhD: Second supervisor for David Valente’s PhD project: Picturebooks for in-depth intercultural citizenship within English subject pedagogy
- Supporting multilingual identities in the English classroom and its impact on preventing socioemotional difficulties of minority language pupils.
- “Languages is a huge part of me”: pupils’ subjective experiences of multilingualism in Norway
FoU supervision (Research and Development project):
- “Refugee Literature for Intercultural Learning”
- “Graphic novels as a classroom resource and motivational tool for 9th grade English students: a case study”
At the moment Nayr is exploring visual and creative methodologies in researching and teaching multilngualism with children and teachers, using objects/artefacts, language maps, language silhouettes and drawings. She is also working on intercultural, indigenous and decolonial perpsectives in children's literature.
Principal Investigator: Visual and aesthetic processes in exploring multilingualism through DLCs (Dominant Language Constellations): bridging teacher education and classroom practice. Seed Funds University Schools project, 2024-2025 (40 000 NOK)
Local coordinator: ICEPELL, Intercultural Citizenship Education in Primary English Language Learning, Erasmsus+ 2019-1-PT01-KA203-061353 (2019-2022) (300.667,00€)
Participant and co-researcher: ELLiL, English Language and Literature - In-depth Learning, NOTED 2019/10006, (2019-2024) (1 208 964 NOK)
Participant: CANOPY, Canada-Norway Pedagogy Partnership for Innovation and Inclusion in Education, 2020-2024.
Participant in the first strand on Educational Leadership 2020/2021.