Gjeldende emnebeskrivelse (sist oppdatert 2024/25)
Avansert forskingsdesign og metode
Gjeldende emnebeskrivelse (sist oppdatert 2024/25)

Avansert forskingsdesign og metode

The purpose of this course is to develop the methodological skills that are required for writing a master's thesis. The course has a hands-on and applied approach to research design and methodology. Students learn to formulate research questions, make critical use of literature and theory, as well as how to collect and analyse data through qualitative and quantitative methods. The course will also teach the student how to critically examine the vital role of information and research in business decisions. Further, the course will enable you to understand the value of information and research, the processes involved, and techniques which can facilitate the collection, analysis and interpretation of relevant data and information.

Det er mulig å søke opptak til emnet som enkeltemne. Det tas forbehold om ledig kapasitet på emnet. Søkeren må oppfylle gjeldende opptakskrav for Master of Science in Business.

Mer informasjon om enkeltemneopptak og frister

After completing the course the students will be able to:

Knowledge - the student has

  • In-depth knowledge about the links among theoretical frameworks, research questions, and empirical findings
  • Extensive knowledge concerning the role of primary and secondary data, and the different types of qualitative and quantitative data collection methods
  • Advanced knowledge about the distinctions between exploratory, descriptive and causal research
  • In depth knowledge with regard to the role and significance of concepts of validity and reliability when analyzing and interpreting qualitative and quantitative data
  • The student has advanced knowledge of relevant scientific paradigms for business and management research.
  • The student has extensive knowledge of research ethics.

Skills - the student can

  • Define and develop appropriate research questions and formulate suitable hypotheses/propositions
  • Design research project and understand the varying value of different information sources
  • Perform and appropriately interpret correlation analyses, regression analyses and exploratory factor analyses
  • Plan and conduct reflexive interviewing
  • Appropriately describe, summarize and present research data
  • The student can construct his or her own research design or strategy in his or her projects, and to consider the appropriateness of and the implicit assumptions behind these designs and strategies with reference to relevant theories of science.

General competence - the student can

  • Communicate empirical results, both in writing and orally
  • Critically assess empirical research presented in academic journal articles
  • Participate in discussion and debates regarding empirical analyses and findings
  • The student can critically reflect on project-related choices of theories of science and methods in the field of business and management
Utover semesteravgift og pensumlitteratur forutsettes det at studenten disponerer en bærbar datamaskin.
Elective course
The learning activities consists of class sessions with active student participation, discussions of scientific essays, various relevant research designs and analysis of data. The course also include essay writing relevant for the Master dissertation.
Studieprogrammet evalueres årlig av studentene gjennom emneundersøkelser. Evalueringene inngår som en del av universitetets kvalitetssikringssystem.

Sammensatt vurdering, karakterregel Bokstavkarakterer

  • Arbeidskrav - refleksjonsnotat (godkjent/ikke godkjent)
  • Mappe - individuell, teller 60/100 av karakteren, bokstavkarakterer (A-F).
  • Oppgave - individuell, teller 40/100 av karakteren, bokstavkarakterer (A-F).

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