This is a list of projects of which employees at the High North Center for Business and Governance are or have been involved.
Ongoing projects
- ArcBlue
- ArcGov: China in the Arctic – External Influence on Regional Governance Mechanisms
- ARCSAR: Arctic and North Atlantic Security and Emergency Preparedness Network
- Arctic Geopolitics in a New Era
- AREA: Risk Awareness and Risk Evaluation in the Arctic
- ATOMEX: Collaboration Сomplexity in Nuclear Emergency Preparedness in the Maritime Arctic
- Business Index North - Arctic
- Business Index North og scenarier for Nord-Norge (BIN regional)
- EDUSMART: Education and Knowledge Development for Smart City Governance and Performance Management in the High North
- GEOSEAS: The Geopolitics and Geoeconomics of Maritime Spatial Disputes in the Arctic
- InnNord - How can we get more people to move to Northern Norway
- NoRuC: Global partnership program in International Governance and Business
- NUPSEE: Norwegian-Ukrainian Cooperation in Public Sector Economy Education: Accounting, Budgeting and Finance
- OceanGov: Challenges to Ocean Governance: Regional Disputes, Global Consequences?
- SVALFISH: The Blue Potential on Svalbard: A New Hub for Arctic Fisheries?
- YoungArctic: Young people in the Arctic - Perspectives on future opportunities
Finished projects
- AlaskaNor
- Arctic Bridge: Cooperation on PhD Education and Research Training in the Field of Management in Extractive Industries in the High North
- ARPOL: Arctic Politics and Business Realities
- BUDRUS: Local Government Budgeting Reforms in Russia: Implications and Tensions
- EduGov: Cooperation in Training of Young Researchers in the Field of Governance in the Public Sector
- Designing the MOOC “Introduction to Basics of Academic Writing”
- GlobalTradeRus: Global Trends in Russian Trade and Industry Policies: Implications for Norwegian –Russian Relations in the High North
- KODAK: Is this Russia's Kodak moment? Russian perspectives on the energy transition
- MAREC: Inter-organizational coordination of mass rescue operations in complex environments
- MARPART: Maritime Preparedness and International Partnership in the High North
- MARPART 2-MAN: Maritime Preparedness and International Partnership in the High North-Management
- Multi-contextual understanding of management control - Nordic - Russian Relations in the High Nort
- NORTHBIK: High North Business Knowledge
- NUPASS: Norway-Ukraine: Professional Adaptation. Integration into the State System
- NUPRE: Norwegian-Ukrainian Coperation in a field of Public Sector Accounting, budgeting and Finance Research Education
- OpLog: Operational Logistics Management and Vessel Technology Demands
- Retraining of Military Personnel (The Northern Fleet, Russia)
- RNSARBOOK: Nordic Handbook For Search and Rescrue in a Maritime Radiological/Nuclear Emergency
- SARINOR: Styrket beredskap i nordområdene
- SMARTNORTH: Sustainable Development and Management by Participatory Governance Practices in the High North
- SBR: Students Barents Rescue
- Sustainable Buildings for the High North