InnNord is a research project initiated by the High North Centre for Business and Governance at Nord University in Bodø Norway, seeking to answer the following question: How can we attract more people to Northern Norway?
The issue
Northern Norway is experiencing a difficult dilemma: at the same time as especially young people emigrate and move south, the economy in the region is growing. This creates challenges such as labour shortage and an ageing population, which again has a negative impact on sustainable development in the Arctic.
The importance
The Norwegian government has declared the High North as “the most important strategic area of Norway”, emphasizing the importance of education and research, resource management, business and transportation in the region. Also, the High North is rich in natural resources with a major potential for green energy production.
The solution?
The mission of the InnNord project is to develop knowledge about what attracts people to the north and what makes them stay, especially regarding the opportunities that exist for those under 40 years of age. How can we facilitate establishing a life in the north and encourage more people to want to study, work and settle in Northern Norway?
The goal of the projects is to develop knowledge to be used in policy making, spark debate, and provide insight to companies and industries in Northern Norway.
The program has three work packages:
- Local level: Local initiatives and government.
- National level: Governmental decisions and national policy.
- International level: Cooperation with other regions and benefit from experiences from other places with facing similar challenges.
Project team
- Director Frode Mellemvik, Project Director
- Researcher Elena Zhurova Sæther
- Director Erlend Bullvåg
- PhD Research Fellow Maja Wolland Blomberg
Project committee
- Arctic Mayors Forum: Patti Bruns, General Secretary,
- Business Index North: Andrey Mineev, Researcher, High North Center Nord University Business School
- Bodø Municipality: Karoline Nilssen, Project Leader Invest in Bodø
- Innovation Norway Nordland: Monica Ahyee, Leader
- Innovation Norway Nordland: Marius Fagerli, Innovation advisor
- Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions Nordland (LO Nordland): Stein Kristiansen, Project Leader Bolyst
- Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions Nordland (LO Nordland): Adrian Traasdahl, Youth Representative
- The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprises Nordland (NHO Nordland): tbc
- The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprises Nordland (NHO Nordland): Marthe Aas Hauge, Advisor
- Nord University, Section for research and development: Siri Beate Arntzen, Senior Advisor, Public Relations
- Nordkapp Municipality: Simon Pind Jessen, Leader, Section for Business and climate/environment
- Sparebank 1 Nord-Norge: Ingvild Brox Kielland, Project Leader Young Voices
- StudentINord: Marthe Aas Hauge, Advisor
- The Association of World Reindeer Herders: Anders Oskal, ICR Director
- The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS): Robert Isaksen, Leader Nordland
- Tromsø Municipality: Kristin Lindberg, Advisor for business development
August 2024
- "What can the Universities in Northern Norway do to increase their contribution to a more competitive region?" (N4 in our series "Attractive High North") – debate during Arendalsuka 2024.
- The High North Center is part of the "High North Partnership" (Nordområdepartnerskapet), initiated by the Norwegian National Assembly.
May/June 2024
- Presentation of InnNord during the plenum session "People of the North".
- Side-event: "How can we strengthen the workforce in Northern Norway?" (N3 in our series "Attractive High North").
February 2024
- Discussions about the population challenge during the youth panel at the Arctic Connections (SIOI) conference in Rome, Italy.
October 2023
- Presented the InnNord-project in Reykjavik, Iceland, during the Arctic Circle conference: "Arctic Norway as a place for investment, innovation, and good living".
August 2023
- "If the State cannot fix Northern Norway, we have to do it ourselves!" – debate during Arendaluka 2023 in cooperation with Nordområdepartnerskapet.
April 2023
- Side-event during High North Dialogue (N2 in our series "Attractive High North"): "How can we create more attractive job markets in the High North?". International panel with representatives from USA, Canada and Norway.
February 2023
- Side-event at Arctic Frontiers (N1 in our series "Attractive High North"): "How can we attract young people to the High North? - An international perspective". International panel with representatives from Sweden, Canada, Iceland, Finland and Norway (moderated by Maja).
- Participated in the Ny i Nordland project through Stimulab.
Where to find us
High North Center, Nord University Business SchoolNord universitet
Postboks 1490
8049 BodøContact person
Maja Wolland Blomberg
PhD Research Fellow